September 19, 2016 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum
2. Closed Session
2.A. 551.071 Private consultation with the Board's attorney
2.B. 551.072 Discussing or deliberating purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property
2.C. 551.073 Discussing or deliberating negotiated contract for prospective gift or donation to the school district
2.D. 551.074 Discussing or deliberating appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignments, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer
2.E. 551.076 Discussing or deliberating the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices; or a security audit
2.F. 551.082 Discussing or deliberating discipline of a public school child or employee complaint against another employee
2.G. 551.0821 Discussing or deliberating a public school child which reveals personally identifiable information
2.H. 551.084 Investigation; exclusion of witness from a hearing during examination of another witness
2.I. 551.086 Discussing economic development negotiations or offer of financial or other incentive to business prospects
3. Reconvene to Open Session and Pledges of Allegiance
3.A. Pledges of Allegiance - Lake Dallas High School students
4. Special Reports
4.A. Student Recognition - Lake Dallas High School
4.B. Campus Report - Lake Dallas High School
4.C. Report-I-35 Construction
5. Open Forum
6. Consent Agenda Items
6.A. Consideration/Approval of the Minutes of the August 29, 2016 Special Meeting
6.B. Consideration/Approval of Monthly Financial Statements
7. Action/Discussion Items
7.A. Consideration/Approval of the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Members for the 2016-2017
7.B. Consideration/Approval Resolution 2016-17-1 by the Board of Trustees of the Lake Dallas Independent School District calling for the redemption and defeasance of certain currently outstanding obligations of the District and resolving other matters in connection therewith
7.C. Consideration/Approval of Ordinances setting a tax rate for Maintenance and Operations and Debt Service for the 2016-2017 School Year
8. Report/Information/Review Items
8.A. Updated Enrollment Report
8.B. TWU Report
8.C. Sick Leave Pool Report
8.D. Lake Dallas ISD Events
9. Closed Session
9.A. 551.071 Private consultation with the Board's attorney
9.B. 551.072 Discussing or deliberating purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property
9.C. 551.073 Discussing or deliberating negotiated contract for prospective gift or donation to the school district
9.D. 551.074 Discussing or deliberating appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignments, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer
9.E. 551.076 Discussing or deliberating the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices; or a security audit
9.F. 551.0821 Discussing or deliberating a public school child which reveals personally identifiable information
9.G. 551.082 Discussing or deliberating discipline of a public school child or employee complaint against another employee
9.H. 551.084 Investigation; exclusion of witness from a hearing during examination of another witness
9.I. 551.086 Discussing economic development negotiations or offer of financial or other incentive to business prospects
10. Adjournment