March 18, 2013 at 5:00 PM - Work Session and Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Minutes |
I. Listening Session
II. Call To Order - Work Session
III. Board Work Session
III.A. North Park Elementary School Presentation
The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m. North Park Principal Bob Hausmann highlighted the things that make North Park unique. He said the staff can't forget about the culture of the building because this really improves the educational outcomes. Hausmann said there are 365 students in the building. He said everyone knows who we are and why we are here. Hausmann said trust is a big word, and it is not something you can gain by just going to training. He said the North Park staff members don't just teach the curriculum, but they go beyond, and this really shows in the test scores.
Presentations were then given by various grade-level teachers and specialists describing some of the things they do with students in the classroom and how they connect with parents.
III.B. Strategic Planning
Nothing was discussed. This discussion was moved to the Superintendents report.
III.C. Executive Session
The board concluded executive session at 6:30 p.m. with no action taken.
IV. Dinner at Administration Building - No business will be discussed.
V. Call to order - Board Meeting
VI. Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
VII. Open Meeting Notice of Posted Law
VII.A. President insures that all can hear the proceedings
VIII. Mission Statement
Theresa Seipel read the Mission Statement.
IX. Open Forum
Two community members addressed the Board. Mr. Bob Hackett, 419 4th St. Columbus, NE, spoke at the meeting. He said he attended the board meeting last month and didn’t appreciate all the negative comments. He has three children in CPS, and he has a high regard for the educators in the district. Mr. Ray Pilakowski also addressed the Board and thanked Alan Dostal for the letter addressing his concerns. He said despite what is said, he is still concerned about the CHS graduation rate.
X. Recognitions
XI. Consent Agenda
It was reported that the district has over 20 teaching positions available.
XI.A. Approval of Minutes for the meeting of February 18, 2013
XI.B. Certified Personnel Action
XI.C. Classified Personnel Action
XI.D. Professional Travel Report
XII. Financial Reports
Two items were removed from the financial report and voted on separately.
Motion by Candy Becher second Francis Kuehler to approve the bill to Seipel’s Repair. Motion carries with Theresa Seipel abstaining.
Motion by Francis Kuehler second by Theresa Seipel to approve reimbursement to Carol Dostal for books she purchased. Motion carries with Alan Dostal abstaining.
XIII. Special Administrative Functions
XIII.A. Amy Haynes, Columbus Middle School Principal
Mrs. Haynes has been in the district for 13 years serving as the Dean of Students for two years, Assistant Principal for one and a classroom teacher for 10. There were 40 candidates who applied, and three were interviewed.
XIII.B. Director of Maintenance and Grounds
Mike Grutsch will be replacing Tom Wunderlich who will retire in July. Grutsch worked at B-D Construction for many years and brings well-rounded knowledge to the position.
XIII.C. Cash Farm Lease Agreement
Executive Director of Business Operations Dave Melick said he did a study on land rental and suggested increasing the amount from $250 an acre to $315 an acre. He said there will be approximately 104 acres that will be farmed, but a study will be done to determine the exact number of acres. The rent will be due on Nov. 1.
XIII.D. Discoverer Addition - Sale of Land
The approximately 23.3 acres of land sits in the southwest corner of the Discoverer Addition. Dr. Loeffelholz said the exact number of acres won’t be determined until the platting is finished. He said the hospital plans to put the wellness and childcare facilities on part of the land and using the outer lots for expansion of their medical campus. Dostal said even with the sale of land, there is still room for CPS to put a facility.
XIII.E. Approval of Administrative Salaries and Benefits Package
The Board voted to approve a 3.38 percent increase in the administrative benefit package. Dr. Loeffelholz said the exact amounts will be determined after the evaluation of the administrator’s performance.
XIII.F. Superintendent Contract. Salary and Benefit Package
XIII.G. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
Dr. Loeffelholz said between all the groups $6,498.89 was given back to the district.
XIII.H. Revised Policy 402.07, Recognition For Service of Employees, and New Exhibit 402.07E1, Recognition For Service of Employees - Recognition Banquet
Dr. Loeffelholz said each year the administration recognizes the employees for years of service, and the new exhibit accurately reflects what each person receives. Honored employees receive a service pin and Columbus Bucks. He said the policy will not need to be changed, but if needed, the exhibit can be adjusted.
XIII.I. Approval of CHS Theatre Students to go to New York
Dr. Loeffelholz said the approval must be made a year in advance, so the group has time to fundraise. Once everything is finalized, the group will come back to the board with a list of students attending as well as sponsors. While in New York the students will see a Broadway show and tour the city as well as meet professional actors.
XIII.J. West Park Elementary School Roof Project
There were 10 bidders on projects, which is a high number. Kwapnioski said usually there are only four or five. Work will begin on May 20 and be finished August 1. Dostal said this is a good sign that there were 10 bids for the project. He said big competition doesn't just show up but is a result of economic conditions. Dostal said with the historic low interest rates, this is a good time to do building and other projects. Kwapnioski said the rock that will be removed from the roof will be used at the maintenance facility for additional parking.
XIII.K. MindMixer Agreement
Dr. Loeffelholz said MindMixer is a community engagement tool, which will help in reaching more of the community. He said as a school district, the administration has struggled to get parents in schools.
XIV. Superintendent's Report
XIV.A. Strategic Plan Committee Reports
Vision Statements - 1. Students will graduate with strong academic and life skills (i.e 21st century skills) in order to support college and career readiness. Seipel said the group held a meeting last week to pinpoint what is meant by 21st century skills. Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction Amy Romshek said the group is working under the umbrella of college and career readiness and that all students graduate with strong academic and life skills. She said the first step is looking at what college and career readiness means.
Students, parents, staff and community will be engaged in the students’ emotional social and academic development. Executive Director of Student Services Jason Harris said the group met two weeks ago. He said the intent is to involve more of the community such as members of the hospital, social workers, United Way representatives and define objectives and action steps to get to the objectives. Harris said there needs to be a district-wide response to behavior. He said eventually they would like to get more adult mentors matched with students to start building a relationship. The next meeting will be Thursday at 5:30 p.m.
Student enrollment, academic and career programs will drive district facility needs for the district. Programming decisions need to drive facility needs. Curry said there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle. He said the group needs to look at the needs of today and project out to the future. Melick said this group may not be as far along as other groups because the members need to wait to see what others do. He said some key points are the STEM Academy and preschool.
XV. Board Sharing
Mr. Goos complimented the staff and the new progressiveness of the District and indicated he'd have his own children attend no other district.
Mr. Curry addressed the positives he had observed at Centennial elementary and offered appreciation for the comments Bob Hackett shared earlier in the meeting.
Ms. Becher, Mrs. Seipel, and Mr. Kuehler also offered complimentary comments regarding CPS.
Alan Dostal read into the record a response to issues raised by Mr. Pilakowski.
XVI. Executive Session
XVII. Adjourn