October 9, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to order:
II. Declare a quorum:
III. Prayer:
IV. Pledge of Allegiance & Honor the Texas Flag:
V. Recognition of Guest(s):
VI. Public Comment:
VII. New Business:
VII.A. Consent Agenda:
Items listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item bill be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as an item on the Regular Agenda. |
VII.A.1. Minutes from prior meetings
VII.A.2. Deed requests
VII.A.3. Accept donation of $1000 from Canyon View Auto Body for SFHS girls basketball
VII.B. Regular Agenda
VII.B.1. Deliberation and possible action on Resolution with High Plains Shard Services Arrangement
VII.B.2. Deliberation and possible action on purchase of new school bus
VII.B.3. Deliberation and possible action on purchase of school bus software
VII.B.4. Deliberation and possible action on amendment to the 2019-20 budget.
VIII. Campus Reports:
VIII.A. Elementary Principal [Campus Information]
VIII.B. Junior High Principal [Campus Information]
VIII.C. High School Principal [Campus Information]
VIII.D. Athletic Director [Athletic Information]
IX. District Reports
IX.A. Business Manager [Finance Information]
IX.B. Assistant Superintendent [Accountability]
IX.C. Superintendent
IX.D. Board President
IX.D.1. Set date for next Regular Meeting, Called meeting or Board Training
X. Closed Session:
X.A. Tex. Gov't Code 551.076: Consider the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices
X.A.1. Review and select Guardian Program Threat Assessment Team
X.B. Tex. Gov't Code 551.072: Discuss purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property
X.B.1. SFISD properties; specifically CHAMPS
XI. Open Session:
XI.A. Deliberation and possible action on item(s) discussed in Closed Session
XII. Adjourn