June 12, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer, Welcome, and Recognition of Visitors
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Public Comments
4. Acceptance of Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes
5.A. Regular Board Meeting, May 8, 2017
5.B. Special Board Meeting June 6, 2017
6. Recognitions
6.A. Student of the Month - ECC - Elijah Gomez
6.B. Student of the Month - Elementary - Hailee Cordova
6.C. Student of the Month - Junior High - Persephone Walsh
6.D. Student of the Month - High School - Aaron Juarez
6.E. Teacher of the Month - ECC - Tanya Cumbra
6.F. Staff of the Month - Phil Riddles
7. Introductions
7.A. Junior High Counselor - Tiffanie Sagia
8. Presentations
8.A. Performance Services
9. Executive Session: The Board of Trustees will convene in closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 Pursuant to 551.074 of Texas Govt. Code, deliberations regarding:
9.A. Discuss and consider the Superintendent Evaluation Instrument in preparation for July evaluation.
9.B. Discuss and consider employee resignations
10. Action Items: The Board returns to open session.
10.A. Consider and take possible action regarding resignations
10.B. Consider and take possible action regarding Instructional Materials for Proclamation 2017.
10.C. Consider and take possible action regarding the TASB Board of Directors of Nomination
10.D. Consider and take possible action regarding Bank Depository
10.E. Consider and take possible action regarding DEC Local Policy
10.F. Consider and take possible action regarding DED Local Policy
10.G. Consider and take possible action regarding donations
10.H. Consider and take possible action regarding change in fiscal year start date
10.I. Consider and take possible action regarding signers on CD Accounts
11. Administrative Reports:
11.A. Business Manger Report
11.A.1. Tax Report
11.A.2. Financial Report
11.A.3. Staff Attendance
11.A.4. Monthly Budget Work Session Discussion
11.A.4.a. Update Revenue Projection
11.A.4.b. Campus/District Initiatives
11.A.4.c. Base Budget
11.B. Superintendent
11.B.1. TASB Update 108, affecting local policies EF, EFA,EFAA, EHDB, EIF, EL, and GKB. 1st Reading
11.B.2. Student Dress Code
11.C. Announcements
11.C.1. June 5 -15 & July 24 - 27 Lit Camp
11.C.2. June 5 - 22 Summer School
11.C.3. June 21 STAAR 5th Grade Math Retest
11.C.4. June 22 STAAR 5th Grade Reading Retest
11.C.5. June 29 - High School Summer Graduates - Time to be determined
11.C.6. July 10 - Regular Board Meeting
12. Adjournment