January 12, 2023 at 6:30 PM - GCSSD Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
Mr. Charles Scott led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Tom Lannom, Board Chairman, called the meeting to order.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.A. ALC Report
4.B. Bullying/Harassment Report
4.C. Finance Reports
4.D. Juvenile Court Referrals
4.E. Maintenance/Technology Reports
4.F. Minutes Approval
4.G. Overnight Field Trips
4.H. Policy Revisions - Second Readings
No public comment
7.A. Advisory Referendum Update
Mr. Eddie Pruett presented several options for the north-end school consolidation feasibility study.
7.B. CSH Update
Mrs. Amy Richardson, Coordinator School Health Director, presented the CSH update on the current programs for the 2022-2023 school year. Mrs. Richardson stated that Coordinated School Health encourages healthy lifestyles; provides needed support to at-risk students; helps identify health-related problems that impair academic success and works with community partners to find solutions. Research is clear ... healthy students are better learners, better learners are more likely to graduate, and graduates are more likely to become productive citizens. The Coordinated School Health model provides an evidence-based framework to address the needs of the whole child.
Highlights of the GCSSD Coordinated School Health program can be found each month in the newsletter at https://www.gcssd.org/o/gcssd/browse/144956. Updates can also be found on social media sites, including Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gcssdcsh/Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichardsonGCSSD. Immunizations have been provided for students and adults through our partnership with West Tennessee Health Care. So far this year, a total of 281 consents were received with a total of 305 immunizations given to adults and children. More will be given in the spring clinic as well. Health Screenings were given to students in Preschool, Kindergarten, Second, Fourth, Sixth, Eighth, and Special Education Students. These screenings included height/weight=BMI, hearing, vision, blood pressure, and Sixth Grade Scoliosis. Coordinated School Health partners with the Nursing Education program at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology to facilitate this. There were approximately 1625 Student Health Screenings completed this year. The School Health Services Student Update for the school year of 2021-2022 indicated that the enrollment of 3919 students in Pre-K through 12th grade made a total of 22,922 visits to the school nurse. The nurse-to-student ratio in 2021-20222 was one nurse to 391 students. This is an improvement from the 2003 statics when there was one nurse per 1390 students. This improvement is due to GCSSD employing 10 school nurses as well as a lead nurse to oversee the program. It is very important to keep our students healthy and in school to receive a solid education and our school nurses are invaluable in this goal. CSH partners with LeBonheur to provide healthcare services to students who have not had physical or medical treatment in the last year. Students can also be referred for acute or chronic physical or mental health problems. Students with parental permission and completed paperwork are seen in the Mobile Health Unit while at school, regardless of their ability to pay for services. Last year there were 45 EPSDT screenings for students in our district. As a result of this program, there were 26 referrals made to outside resources last year. Their Health Educator saw 9 students within GCSSD last year for lessons on nutrition and physical activity. Also, four students were seen for behavioral health services last year. Their first visit to GCSSD this year was on 11/9/22 and since then they have been to Dyer twice and SGC Elementary once. They are scheduled to visit Rutherford on 1/12/23, Spring Hill on 1/19/23, and Kenton on 2/1/23. So far this year, there have been 33 EPSDT screenings and the health educator has seen 4 students with 4 more referrals. We are also continuing our partnership with LeBonheur to provide Behavioral Health services within our schools and they have provided services for 9 students. The School Backpack Program was initiated by funds from CSH for students with low food sources to have a pack of food discretely placed in their backpacks on Fridays with enough food for that student through the weekend or over long breaks. Once the community saw the need, it became involved in the programs in the local schools, as businesses, churches, and individuals worked together to ensure this program’s success. Currently, a total of 149 students are being served. Dyer School serves 58 students, Kenton School serves 15 students, Rutherford School serves 21 students, South Gibson County Elementary serves 26 students, South Gibson County Middle serves 4 students, Spring Hill School serves 15 students, and Yorkville School serves 10 students. GCHS also has a food pantry where students can obtain food as needed and is currently serving approximately 10 students. For the past several years, the Trenton Foundation, which is a chapter of the West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation, has made an annual donation to help support this program. We also received a grant from Second Harvest to support this program at Dyer, Kenton, Rutherford, South Gibson County Elementary School, South Gibson County Middle School, Spring Hill, and Yorkville Schools. This program supplies the needed food for the eligible children at these schools. This grant is worth $19,529. This fall five GC SHAC students volunteered to collect food for the backpack program as part of our annual "Pack the Bus" food drive. Students and the community were able to donate food to assist with this need. CSH and Lifetime Wellness class teachers at both high schools have partnered again this year to provide health-related education to students. Topics such as Suicide Prevention, Nutrition, and Drowsy Driving Prevention have been covered by community partners including LeBonheur, TN Suicide Prevention Network (TSPN), and the Kyle Kiihnl Memorial Foundation. CSH has also ensured that Hands-Only CPR is taught in wellness classes at both high schools. Vaping Prevention Education has also been taught by CSH in 3 classes at GCHS. Two SHAC students taught Vaping Prevention Education to 7th and 8th-grade students at Rutherford School. This semester other middle school and high school students will receive information on the topic of the dangers of vaping as SHAC will be making posters and flyers. Other in-class events are currently being planned as well. Water Bottles for Staff - Coordinated School Health purchased water bottles for all staff in the district and encouraged increased water consumption with a daily log. Coordinated School Health was able to purchase pedometers for both high schools to be used in Wellness Classes to increase physical activity. Handle with Care The program is very simple: law enforcement officers at the scene of a crime, violence, and/or abuse identify children at the scene who have been exposed to trauma. The child’s name, age, and school are sent by Law Enforcement in a confidential notice to the child’s school before the child starts school the next day. There is no information being given except for the child’s name and the three words "handle with care". Schools are learning how to be trauma-sensitive and identifying interventions that will mitigate the negative effects of trauma on children. So, if the child acts out, the teacher has a heads up and might send the child to the counselor instead of the principal, give the child extra time to do a project, or postpone a test. GCSSD is currently in the planning stage of this program so that our students who are potentially exposed to traumatic events can receive care if needed at school. Local law enforcement will contact school designee(s) if they encounter a student during a call so that school staff will know to handle the student with care. No specific information will be shared by the police with the school. SRO Tosh and I are working together to ensure the police are ready. Walk to School Day was held at Spring Hill to encourage family engagement, physical activity, and nutrition. GCSSD CSH provided bananas, water, and CSH health information. We hope to make this an annual event. CSH partners with individuals and groups from the community to secure Grants and In-Kind funding to assist schools within the district meet the needs of students and families. As a result, barriers to learning are removed, leading to improved academic learning. In the 2021-2022 school year, CSH was awarded $21,548.00 in grants and $94,776.00 for In-Kind funding for a total of $116,324.00. The grants included Backpack program supplies and funding and TN Teen Institute participant fees. In-kind includes services, material, equipment, or labor committed or received at a conservative value that fits within one of the eight components of Coordinated School Health. This included LeBonheur, immunization clinics, health education videos, and supplies from Team Mica and Kyle Kiihnl Foundation for prevention of Drowsy Driving, Mock Crash community partners, and volunteers that assist with the backpack program. So far this school year, we have been awarded $23,109.99 for the Resilient School Communities Grant, which will fund school counselors receiving training to become Certified Trauma and Resilience Specialists. This grant will also fund our partnership with Carey Counseling Telehealth Therapy Services for our students with the greatest need to receive counseling during the school day, hopefully resulting in lowered absences and inappropriate behavior, as well as an increase in the ability to learn. We have also written grants for additional water bottle filling stations for GCHS and SGCHS. The winners for this will be announced in February. I recently had a GC parent compliment one that we already have and stated she uses this when she is at school. We have also received In-Kind services valued at $12,554 from the TN Department of Health West Region and provided dental screenings, sealants, Silver Diamine Fluoride applications, and fluoride treatments to Rutherford School students. GCSSD has a total of 22 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) located throughout the school district with at least 1 in each school. There are teams in each school who are trained in CPR and using the AED. These teams go through drills to identify strengths and weaknesses so that if a real situation were to arise, they would be prepared. Other school staff is trained either in person or by utilizing the Five Points section of My Benefits Channel to watch a training system developed by GCSSD Lead Nurse Tammie Floersh. We also have the following emergency medication available at schools:
7.C. School Board Appreciation Week
Mr. Eddie Pruett announced School Board Appreciation Week is January 22-28, 2023. On behalf of the school board, a $100.00 donation was given to Gibson County Imagination Library.
8.A. Surplus
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Eddie Pruett presented a list of surplus items from SGCES and SGCMS.
8.B. TSBA Legislative and Legal Institute
Mr. Eddie Pruett informed the board of the TSBA Legislative and Legal Institute on February 16-17, 2023.
Mr. Charles Scott made the motion to adjourn.