June 28, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Special Called Meeting
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1. Call to Order
2. Policies
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Ms. Tears opened the meeting with a report from the Policy Committee meeting held earlier inthe evening. The committee reviewed and approved the following policies with changes: 3.500 Food Service Management, 5.115 Assignment/Transfer, 5.117 Procedure for Granting Tenure, 6.308 Bus Conduct, and 6.401 Student Health Services.
3. Resolution
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4. Line Item Transfers
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5. Discuss 2012-2013 Budget
Janet Wiles stated that in this first draft were increases: $170,000 in step raises, $380,000 for the 2-1/2% raise for certified employees, and $275,000 for the 9.2% increase in insurance. She mentioned that the four previously added assistant principal positions are included in the budget. Ms. Abernathy stated that, if possible, she would like to give non-certified employees a raise. Ms. Wiles asked the board for guidance on how much to budget for legal services. This year's actual was $99,000; Ms. Wiles budgeted $50,000 for the coming year. The board agreed to keep the amount at $50,000 with hopes there would be funds remaining. Suggestion was made to meet with the education committee of the commission, or a joint meeting with the education and budget committees, and present the enrollment numbers and needs of the system, as well as explain the cuts that have been made.
6. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m.