January 25, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Bedford County Board of Education
Minutes | |
I.A. Call to Order
Vice - Chairman Brian Crews called the meeting to order, followed by a moment of silence, and the Pledge of Allegiance lead by Lily Smith and Andrew Kyle who are students at Cascade Middle School.
I.B. Moment of Silence
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance - Led by Lily Smith and Andrew Kyle, students at Cascade Middle School
I.D. Opening Remarks
Before the pledge Mr. Crews asked for prayers for Mr. Cook and his dad. After the pledge Mr. Crews thanked everyone for having patience during the snow event and having to change the board meeting from January 18th to the 25th.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
II.A. Approval of Agenda
II.B. Minutes from December Monthly Meeting
II.C. FY 2024 - Consolidated - Rev 3 - Title I, Part D LEA
II.D. FY 2024 - HQIM Literacy Implementation Networks - Rev1 - Participant Literacy Network
II.E. FY 2024 - ARP Homeless 2.0 - Rev 1
II.F. FY 2024 - ESSER 3.0 - Rev 4
II.G. FY 2024 - Public School Security Grant - Rev 3
II.H. FY 2024 - Public School Security Grant - Rev 4
II.I. Community Middle School Band Trip Request
II.J. Cascade HS HOSA Trip Request
II.K. Cascade HS FFA Trip Request
II.L. Cascade HS FFA Trip Request (2)
II.M. Cascade HS Interact Club Trip Request
II.N. Community HS HOSA Trip Request
IV.A. Good News Report
Ms. Garrette gave a quick summary of the highlights on the Good News Report and she also announced the Inaugural Spelling Bee for our district.
V.A. School Board Appreciation
Dr. Garrett thanked the board for all their work and effort in accomplishing their goals. She announced that the Cascade High School band will perform for them at the next board meeting and also the Culinary Arts class will have something special for them. Mr. Crews thanked all the schools for the nice gifts for them. Shanna Boyette also thanked the schools and reiterated what Mr. Crews said. Glenn Forsee said it is very humbling to realize that we are a part of something so magnanimous.
V.B. SRO's Teaching L.E.A.D.
Sgt. Tracey Harvey spoke on the SRO’s teaching L.E.A.D. (Law Enforcement Against Drugs and Violence) in our schools. Officers Cam Ferrell, Tyler Salyers and Chase Bledsoe were in attendance. These three officers volunteered to start the program in our schools beginning with the 5th grade. Not only does it deal with drugs and violence but it also teaches about conflict resolution among other things. The details and scheduling will be worked out with the school principals.
V.C. Facilities Presentation - Tim Harwell, Daniel Kleindienst and Jeff Sweeney
Tim Harwell and Daniel Kleindienst gave a presentation on the facilities of our schools which is a requirement of board policy. They spoke on the projects that have been completed, or are in the process of, by our maintenance department. There were pictures of some of the projects and a handout of costs of those projects.
VI.A. Convert Staff Development Day to Regular School Day
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Dr. Garrett explained that we only have 2 days left of our inclement weather days. Converting February 2nd to a regular school day would give us one more day since we are still in the winter season. Motion to amend the calendar and approve made by Dan Reed and a second was by Shanna Boyette. Motion passed with an 8-0 vote.
VI.B. SCOPE Representatives
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Volunteers for the SCOPE conference held at Belmont University on March 5th are Andrea Anderson, Shanna Boyette, Glenn Forsee and the alternate is Lana Craig. Motion to accept made by Barton Williams and a second was by Glenn Forsee. Motion passed with an 8-0 vote.
VI.C. Zoning for Cartwright Elementary School
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This is a proposal for the zoning for Cartwright Elementary School. Dr. Garrett expressed there was a good turn out at the town halls that were held. The town halls were taped and are on the BCS website. The plan is to have around 550 students when the school opens and that will allow for growth. She also wants to get out good messaging on the open enrollment. Maps will be out in Eastside, Eakin and at the Central Office. Motion to approve made by Glenn Forsee and seconded by Andrea Anderson. Motion passed by an 8-0 vote.
VI.D. Tenure Teacher Recommendations 2023-2024
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The teachers were brought in for the board to see. After the vote to approve each teacher got a letter of tenure. Motion to approve by Barton Williams and seconded by Shanna Boyette. Motion carried with an 8-0 vote.
VI.E. Wrestling Coach Supplement Request
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This is a supplement to be paid for the head wrestling coach at Cascade Middle. Motion was made to approve by David Brown and seconded by Andrea Anderson. Motion carried with an 8-0 vote.
VI.F. MOU - Healing Trust Grant
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This is a $10,000 grant from the Health Council to be used by the school nurses for emergency type things such as clothes, underwear, socks, etc. There were no matching funds. Motion to approve by Glenn Forsee and seconded by Shanna Boyette. Motion passed by an 8-0 vote.
VI.G. Bid 24-33 Career Labs and CTE Curriculum for Middle Schools
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Lori Sexton explained this is for hands on labs and collaborative learning. It lets middle school students be exposed to job experiences that they would not normally have. Paxton Patterson was the only bid received. There is a note from Paxton Patterson that they will honor the buy bid. Motion to approve by Glenn Forsee and seconded by Lana Craig. Motion passed by an 8-0 vote.
VI.H. Class Action Lawsuit - Social Media Companies
Dr. Garrett explained that this is to join the class action lawsuit against social media companies. The basis is that they have intentionally targeted students. Situations happen on social media after school hours and then carries over to school. The Bedford County Sheriff’s Department has expressed that they would like to have a detective that the only job is to investigate social media involved situations. This shows an extensive drain on local resources as it pertains to social media incidences. The school systems that join the lawsuit will get a part of the settlement. The lawsuit could take years but need to join as soon as possible before the closing date. Motion to approve by Shanna Boyette and seconded by Barton Williams. Motion passed by an 8-0 vote.
VI.I. Internal School Funds Audit and Letters
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Board was presented the letters and audit findings from Matlock Clements. Motion to acknowledge receipt by Andrea Anderson and seconded by Lana Craig. Motion passed by an 8-0 vote.
VI.J. November Monthly Financial Report
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Motion to approve by David Brown and seconded by Dan Reed. Motion passed by an 8-0 vote.
VI.K. December Monthly Financial Report
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Robert Daniel stated everything is on track. Motion to approve by David Brown and seconded by Barton Williams. Motion passed by an 8-0 vote.
VI.L. Quarterly Financial Report
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This is the report that will go to the County Commission. Motion to approve by Lana Craig and seconded by Dan Reed. Motion passed by an 8-0 vote.
VII.A. November Tax Analysis
Mr. Daniel asked to address the December tax report.
VII.B. December Tax Analysis
Mr. Daniel explained the numbers and that it all depends on when taxes are paid.
VII.C. Attendance Report
Terise Rhodes gave a short report on enrollment.
VII.D. Executive Committee Report
Mr. Crews announced the next board meeting will be February 15th and Cascade High School at 6pm. All members need to file the Statement of Disclosure by January 31st. The Legislative and Legal Institute will be February 12th and 13th in Franklin. SCOPE is March 5th at Belmont. The board retreat is scheduled for March 15th and 16th at Embassy Suites at Cool Springs. February 5th through 9th is School Counselor Week, February 7th is School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day and February 15th is School Resource Officer Appreciation Day.
VII.E. Superintendent's Report
The ribbon cutting will be held before the July board meeting at Cartwright Elementary School. We are getting $600,000 outcome money from TCAP last year. The report is broken down by school. She also stated that Community and Central were working on quotes to spend their $150,000 on the athletic facilities.
Glenn Forsee asked about the basketball games that were snowed out and how they will be made up. Those games are scheduled. |
VII.E.1. Budget Development Calendar
VIII.A. Additional Acknowledgements
VIII.B. FYI - Expenditures
VIII.C. FYI - Personnel
Glenn Forsee made the motion to adjourn at 6:55