May 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Bedford County Board of Education
Minutes | ||
The Bedford County Board of Education met in a regular monthly session on May 18, 2023 at 6:00 pm in the Board of Education Central Office located at 500 Madison St., Shelbyville, TN. Board members David Brown, Andrea Anderson, Michael Cook, Glenn Forsee, Barton Williams, Brian Crews, Shanna Boyette and Dan Reed were present.
I.A. Call to Order
Chairman Michael Cook called the meeting to order, followed by a moment of silence, and the Pledge of Allegiance lead by Dayvie Sakich and Briston Moore who are students at Cascade Middle School.
I.B. Moment of Silence
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance - Led by Dayvie Sakich and Briston Moore, students from Cascade Middle School
I.D. Opening Remarks
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The Consent Agenda was approved by acclamation upon the motion and seconded by Glenn Forsee and Barton Williams.
II.A. Approval of Agenda
II.B. Minutes from April Monthly Meeting
II.C. Minutes from the April Study Session
II.D. Minutes for May 11, 2023 Budget Study Session
II.E. Cascade HS Boys Basketball Trip Request
II.F. Cascade HS Football Trip Request
II.G. Cascade HS Girls Basketball Trip Request
II.H. Cascade HOSA Trip Request
II.I. Community HS Trip Request
II.J. Community HS FFA Trip Request
II.K. Community HS Girls Basketball Trip Request
II.L. SCHS Renaissance Trip Request
II.M. SCHS FFA Trip Request
II.N. SCHS Boys Basketball Trip Request
II.O. Policy for Deletion
II.O.1. 6.407 Student Social Services
II.P. Michael Griffith - Request for Impartial Hearing
Mr. Cook told everyone about the Good News Report being in their notebook and on the BCS website.
III.A. Good News Report May 2023
IV.A. Valedictorian and Salutatorian Awards
Mr. Tim Harwell presented the Valedictorians and Salutatorians from all 3 high schools their award from the Board. From Cascade High School, Michael Blake Olive (Salutatorian), not present but recognized Olivia Janine Gabhart (Valedictorian), Community High School, Jacey Allison Collier (Salutatorian), Addison Grace Brothers (Valedictorian), Shelbyville Central High School, Seth Adam Thompson (Salutatorian), Sarah Elizabeth Hallum (Valedictorian).
IV.A.1. Cascade High School
Valedictorian - Olivia Janine Gabhart Salutatorian - Michael Blake Olive Community High School Valedictorian - Addison Grace Brothers Salutatorian - Jacey Allison Collier Shelbyville Central High School Valedictorian - Sarah Elizabeth Hallum Salutatorian - Seth Adam Thompson |
IV.B. Community Addition Update - Jason Spence, Davis Stokes Architects
Jason Spence of Davis Stokes Architects gave an update on the addition to Community High School. The main power has been run and just needs to be connected to the main disconnect. They should finish installing the windows next week so we can turn on the air to run and get the humidity out of the building. Hopefully, next week, we will get the sprinklers connected and the water connections done. Everything is right on schedule. We should be ready to turn it over to maintenance by the first of July to get the floors down and then the teachers can move in and be ready for school to start.
V.A. 2023-2024 Budget
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Dr. Garrett thanked everyone involved that worked on the budget. The budget includes a 5% raise for all employees, a new administrator salary schedule, approximately 30 additional teachers. We earned additional money from the state, about $12 million under TISA and about $4.6 million for CTE. There will be new programs in CTE and several new teachers at the high school level. Motion to approve by Glenn Forsee and seconded by Brain Crews. A roll call vote was taken with each board member reading the disclosure statement* except for Barton Williams and Glenn Forsee. David Brown voted yes, Brian Crews voted yes, Dan Reed voted yes, Michael Cook voted yes, Andrea Anderson voted yes, Barton Williams voted yes, Shanna Boyette voted yes, Glenn Forsee voted yes. Motion passed with an 8-0 vote.
V.B. Liberty Expansion
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Dr. Garrett is seeking approval to send the letter to the Mayor and the county commission for funding of Liberty School addition. We have 20-year-old portables and need the addition or will have to buy new portables. Mr. Cook stated that this would go to the Finance Committee first and then upon their approval on to the commission. We have the estimate of $5.2 million for 10 classrooms and restrooms. Glenn Forsee asked about a timeline for the addition. Dr. Garrett replied we would like to get the plans drawn by July to avoid some of the new regulations. From the experience with the Community addition it would take about 12 months. Mr. Forsee asked about the total price and Dr. Garrett explained that we could do the cost of technology and furniture out of our budget or ESSER funding that will continue. We are seeking funding of just the construction cost. Motion to approve by Dan Reed and a second by Shanna Boyette. Motion passed with an 8-0 vote.
V.C. Bedford County Virtual School
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Dr. Garrett recommends closing the virtual school. It is not cost effective to sustain the program. The state has also required that you not have criteria on who can enroll. That makes it difficult to meet the accountability standards of the state and the federal government. Dan Reed stated that we are so much better prepared as a county school system to go virtual with the existing schools than we were in 2020. Shanna Boyette asked if families would be notified of the closing. Dr. Garrett said the families were told before open enrollment that it would be considered to close at this board meeting. Brian Crews asked if we could get a report back on how many of those students enroll back in to our school system. Motion made to approve the closing of the virtual school by Dan Reed and seconded by Shanna Boyette. Motion carried with an 8-0 vote.
V.D. MOU between BCEA and Bedford County Board of Education
Andrea Anderson thanked every member on the collaborative team. The biggest changes in the MOU was the 5% increase in salary and the life insurance change from $10,000 to $20,000. The next 3-year period is from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026. Motion made to approve by Glenn Forsee and seconded by Shanna Boyette. Motion passed with an 8-0 vote.
V.E. Bid No. 23-30 Special Needs School Bus
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The bus will be paid out of Special Education funding. Only one bid from Mid-South Bus Center for $137,731. Shanna Boyette asked what the wait time is on a new bus. Kenny Parker said usually one year to receive a bus once it is ordered. This is a Thomas bus. Motion made to approve by David Brown and seconded by Glenn Forsee. Motion passed with an 8-0 vote.
V.F. Summer Learning Camps Budget
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$950,000 coming from the state. Additional money coming out of ESSER and TN ALL Corps. Summer Learning Camp will be at all of our schools this summer. Motion made to approve by Shanna Boyette and a second by Brian Crews. Motion passed with an 8-0 vote.
V.G. FY 2023 - CTE Perkins Basic - Rev 2
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These are year-end clean ups. Motion made to group items G through L by Dan Reed and a second by Shanna Boyette. Motion carried with an 8-0 vote.
Motion made to approve the grouped items and any necessary changes the state asks by Shanna Boyette and seconded by Barton Williams.
V.H. FY 2023 - Consolidated - Rev 7 - Consolidated Admin Pool
V.I. FY 2023 - Consolidated - Rev 7 - Title I, Part A
V.J. FY 2023 - Consolidated - Rev 7 - Title II-A
V.K. FY 2023 - TN ALL Corps - Rev 1
V.L. FY 2023 - Consolidated - Rev 7 - IDEA, Part B
V.M. Budget Amendments No. 3
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Dr. Garrett asks to include in the motion to amend for the local portion to purchase TCAT, the portion grants are not picking up. Motion made to approve and amend to purchase the TCAT building by Glenn Forsee and a second by David Brown. Motion carried with an 8-0 vote.
V.N. Resolution with TOSHA - renewal
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This is done every 3 to 5 years. Motion made to approve by Andrea Anderson and seconded by Dan Reed. Motion passed with an 8-0 vote.
V.O. Community Use of School Facilities Fee Schedule
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Motion made to group items O and P by Glenn Forsee and seconded by Brian Crews. Motion passed with an 8-0 vote.
Motion made to defer grouped items for further study by Glenn Forsee and seconded by Brian Crews. Motion passed with an 8-0 vote.
V.P. Borrowed or Rented Equipment and Supplies Fee Schedule
V.Q. Policy 6.3071 Drug and Alcohol Education Testing
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Dr. Garrett asked the board to delete the policy. If necessary the board can bring it back. Motion to delete made by Dan Reed and seconded by David Brown. Motion carried with an 8-0 vote.
V.R. Policy 6.310 Student Dress Code
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This policy makes the alternative school dress code more restrictive. Motion made by David Brown and a second by Barton Williams. Motion passed by an 8-0 vote.
V.S. Policy 6.400 Student Guidance Program
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This policy is a re-write to match model policy. Motion to approve made by David Brown and seconded by Shanna Boyette. Motion carried with an 8-0 vote.
V.T. Policy 2.601 Fundraising Activities
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Added Fundraising for Non-Educational Purposes. Motion to approve by David Brown and a second by Andrea Anderson. Motion passed by an 8-0 vote.
V.U. April Monthly Financial Report
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Robert Daniel explained the financial report. Mr. Cook asked about Purchase Orders. Mr. Daniel stated that there are POs still open for other things such as repair work for maintenance. Motion to approve made by Dan Reed and seconded by David Brown. Motion passed with an 8-0 vote.
VI.A. Monthly Tax Analysis
Mr. Daniel said this is a comparison between last year and this year.
VI.B. Attendance Report
Terise Rhodes reported that we are up 189 students over this time last year. That’s 2.2% growth and that is where the growth money comes from.
VI.C. Executive Committee Report
Mr. Cook declared the surplus. He announced the next board meeting on June 15th at Community High School. Unfortunate news, we lost 3 employees last month, Andrew Widick, Lori Peels and Shirley Adcock. He also told the graduation dates: Community High School is May 19th at 7pm, Cascade High School May 20th at 10am and Shelbyville Central High School at 7pm. The last day of school is May 24th and Summer Learning Camp begins June 5th.
VI.C.1. Surplus - Cascade HS
VI.C.2. Surplus - SCHS
VI.D. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Garrett announced about the Samaritan’s Feet will be at Southside Elementary School on Friday, May 19th. TN. Department of Education social media has our very own Julie Haynes as South-Central Supervisor of the Year and Layne Talbott as South-Central Principal of the Year.
VII.A. Additional Acknowledgements
Dan Reed talked about Community Softball Team going to sub-state. Mr. Cook spoke about other teams in our schools and said the athletics are bright in Bedford County.
*Disclosure Statement: "Because I am related to an employee of Bedford County Schools, I have a conflict of interest in the proposal about to be voted upon. However, I declare that my argument and my vote answer only to my conscience and to my obligation to my constituents and the citizens this body represents." |
VII.B. FYI - Expenditures
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