November 17, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Bedford County Board of Education
Minutes | ||
I.A. Call to Order
Chairman Michael Cook called the meeting to order.
Before the meeting began the board members held a private Executive Session with TNRMT attorney Carl Spining concerning Consent Agenda item C. The board meeting began soon after at approximately 6:20. |
I.B. Moment of Silence
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance - Led by Daisy Davidson and Dani Davidson who are students at Thomas Magnet School
I.D. Opening Remarks
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
II.A. Approval of Agenda
II.B. Minutes from October Monthly Meeting
II.C. Settlement - Carl Spining
II.D. Policies for Revision
II.D.1. 4.200 - Curriculum Development
II.D.2. 4.701 - Test Security
II.D.3. 4.300 - Extracurricular Activities
II.D.4. 4.802 - Student Equal Access (Limited Public Forum)
II.D.5. 4.407 - Websites
II.D.6. 4.602 - Class Ranking
II.E. Policies for Deletion
II.E.1. 1.704 - Charter Schools
II.E.2. 4.2021 - Class Size
II.F. Move to Administrative Procedures
II.F.1. 4.401 - Textbook Selection, Distribution and Care
II.F.2. 4.503 - Parent Organizations/Booster Clubs
II.F.3. 4.203 - Extended Programs
II.F.4. 4.8001 - Animals in School District Facilities for Educational Purposes
II.G. Policies for Review
II.G.1. 4.606 - Graduation Activities
II.G.2. 4.206 - Homebound Instruction
II.H. Policy to Reinstate
II.H.1. 5.115 - Assignment/Transfer
Ms. Garrette gave a brief report and reminded everyone the Good News Report is on the BCS website. |
III.A. Good News Report
IV.A. Tennessee State Senator Shane Reeves and State Representative Pat Marsh
A. Special Presentation B. Legislative Update
Tennessee State Senator Shane Reeves and State Representative Pat Marsh gave a special presentation to Rachel Porter, a Pre-K teacher at Learning Way Elementary. They read a proclamation that was given to her for becoming a finalist in the 2022-2023 Middle Tennessee Teacher of the Year Award.
Senator Reeves and Representative Marsh gave a legislative report on TISA, it takes the place of the BEP that has been in place for 30 years. The state is going to put in an extra $1 billion and Bedford County will get an extra $11 million. Shane Reeves said, "The third-grade retention law is a product of the Covid situation." Pat Marsh stated, "The third-grade retention will be fixed." Mr. Marsh said the state has put in $500 extra in TISA per each third-grade student. Each high school received one million dollars for career technical education. A half million dollars was given to all junior high schools. And $125 million was put in for teacher raises. Mr. Reeves said he was expecting big things the first of the year. |
IV.B. Level 5 Teachers Recognition - Mr. Tim Harwell
Tim Harwell and Dr. Tammy Garrett presented the Level 5 TVAAS teachers with a certificate for reaching the highest level of achievement for the 21-22 school year. Also, Cascade Middle School and Community Elementary School were both Level 5 schools for growth and were presented with certificates. Mr. Harwell announced that 41 out of the 43 Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers in Bedford County reached Level 5 on their portfolio submitted to the state. They will be personally recognized at the individual schools and presented a framed certificate and group pictures posted on the County website and the Facebook account. Mr. Cook congratulated the Level 5 teachers. Dr. Garrett added that it was an extremely hard year because of what happened with Covid. "So proud of the work that they do every day and glad to be their leader," stated Dr. Garrett.
V.A. 2022 LEA Compliance Report
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Certifying that we are in compliance with all state and federal laws.
V.B. Selection of Collaborative Conferencing Team
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Mr. Cook asked that the team be Andrea Anderson, Shanna Boyette, Courtney Bogle and himself. He also asked that Neil Watson, Chad Fletcher and Robert Daniel help with the financial aspect.
V.C. Sick Leave Bank Trustees
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Mr. Cook said he has 2 years left as trustee and would like to continue to do that and asked that Andrea Anderson be put in Diane Neeley’s spot.
V.D. FY 2023 - CTE Perkins Reserve - Rev 1 - Regional Career Pathways Application
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Dr. Garrett stated that with these funds we would like to purchase the Cosmetology equipment for Community High School and for SCHS aviation maintenance equipment.
V.E. ESSER Funds
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Dr. Garrett asked the board to approve this amendment as it will include a bonus for employees. A $1000 bonus for fulltime employees and $500 bonus for part-time employees. Anyone working with BCS by September 1, 2022. Dr. Garrett said, "I think this will help our staff and their families. Inflation is high. I think it would help with staff morale and will show our employees how much we appreciate the work that they do every day to get our kids caught back up after Covid and that are continuing to work through lots of illness and things that we are dealing with." Motion was made to approve by David Brown and a second by Dan Reed. Barton Williams asked "How soon will we be able to get this for them?" Mr. Cook answered, "There are a couple of hoops we have to jump through. One is that we have got to approve this tonight...Two we have got to get it approved by the state and three we’ve got to work with our Finance department. There are a lot of things that go into this as far as creating the payroll and going through 1600 employees." Dr. Garrett said it does not cover the hourly tutors and hourly SACP folks. Dan Reed asked "This is taxed just like regular payroll? Mr. Cook stated, "This is a bonus so it will be taxed as a bonus." Robert Daniel said, "Under the IRS guidelines it is taxed as a bonus." Dr. Garrett said it will be bring home about $650 for the $1000 and $320 for the $500 after taxes. Shanna Boyette said she recommends that it be a separate payroll because of taxes. A roll call vote was taken. Each board member that has a relative employed in the school system read the disclosure statement* before giving their vote. Shanna Boyette voted yes, David Brown voted yes, Andrea Anderson voted yes, Courtney Bogle voted yes, Barton Williams voted yes, Dan Reed voted yes, Glenn Forsee voted yes, and Michael Cook voted yes.
V.F. Bids for Maintenance Department
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V.F.1. Bid No. 23-19 Propane
Low Bid is Henley Propane
V.F.2. Bid No. 23-20 Light Bulbs
Low Bid is City Electric Supply
V.F.3. Bid No. 23-21 HVAC Filters
Low Bid is Blade Electric
V.G. Bid No. 23-23 School Psychologist
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Julie Haynes explained the recommendation is for the best bid which is from Therapy Travelers. The school psychologist from Therapy Travelers is already working in the school system and she is familiar with our schools and already has a caseload. This would allow us to reach out to another school psychologist. As a result of Covid we are having more students to test. The money would not come out of general purpose funds but would come from ARP IDEA which needs to be used by the end of this school year. There was discussion on the amount the companies charge for their services. Shanna Boyette asked, "Do you know where we fall in that range?" Ms. Haynes responded, "Yes, we are currently paying $80 an hour. That’s the going rate." Mr. Cook said, "The reason we are going with this bid is because these folks have been in our schools. They are working with our kids currently. It’s a good fit. They’re doing a good job, and that’s the reason we want to go with this bid. It’s the best bid."
V.H. Policies for Review
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Mr. Cook asked to group policies 1.900 through 1.906.
V.H.1. 4.608 - Transcript Alterations
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Dr. Garrett explained we are missing this policy. It requires that any change in a transcript needs to have documentation attached to it.
V.H.2. 1.900 - Charter School Authorizing Principles
V.H.3. 1.901 - Charter School Applications
V.H.4. 1.902 - Charter School Agreements
V.H.5. 1.903 - Charter School Oversight
V.H.6. 1.904 - Charter School Intervention
V.H.7. 1.905 - Charter School Renewal
V.H.8. 1.906 - Charter School Revocation
V.H.9. 4.201 - Basic Curriculum Program
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Dr. Garrett stated changing this policy to follow the model policy.
V.H.10. 4.204 - Summer Instructional Programs
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Dr. Garrett is recommending changing line 16 from April to May to give more time to for programming. Adding attendance requirements for summer school for third grade to reflect state law.
V.H.11. 4.604 - Accelerated and Advanced Credit
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Updating policy.
V.H.12. 4.301 - Interscholastic Athletics
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Dr. Garrett said needed to strengthen line 6 through 11. She added "a student must play the sport in which the assigned gender that they were at birth. The cost is on the parent to get the original birth certificate." Recommends adding the Severe Weather section.
V.H.13. 4.209 - Alternative Credit Options
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Updating to match model policy.
V.I. October Monthly Financial Report
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
VI.A. Monthly Tax Analysis
Robert Daniel explained the Tax Analysis report. Mr. Daniel said the audit has not been received yet but they do have the draft.
VI.B. Attendance Report
Terise Rhodes reports that the enrollment numbers are 148 higher than this time last year. We had 982 kids who had perfect attendance for the first quarter. Will be doing something each quarter for perfect attendance. Dan Reed asked about percentage this week absent for sickness. Terise explained we were at 14% to 15% and we usually look at 20% absent before closing a school.
VI.C. Executive Committee Report
Mr. Cook states, "I will bring Dr. Garrett’s contract to you guy’s next month to look at an extension. She has done a fantastic job. We appreciate everything she has done. A well done job." Need all board members to sign the Code of Ethics. Will have a study session on December 1st at 6:00 with Bell Construction and Kline-Swinney to talk about the new school. December 17th is the next board meeting at the Central Office. January 5th will have a planning meeting for future planning and vision. March 24th and 25th are possible dates for the board retreat and Sewanee Inn.
VI.D. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Garrett said thanks to Thomas School for hosting the board meeting. Thanks to the board for supporting our faculty and staff and for showing them that you appreciate the work they do every day. Dr. Garrett said, "It feels good to have a board that is pulling together for our staff and students." She wishes everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving break.
VII.A. Additional Acknowledgements
VII.B. FYI - Expenditures
VII.C. FYI - Personnel
Glenn Forsee moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 7:19 pm.