December 5, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Regular Board | |
Attendance Taken on 12/5/2024 at 6:00 PM | |
Mr. Travis Cole | Present |
Mr. Nick Davis | Present |
Ms. Anita Hale | Absent |
Mr. Chris King | Present |
Mr. Jon Matthews | Present |
Ms. Sheri Nichols | Present |
Ms. Shannon Stout | Present |
Ms. Elizabeth Stull | Present |
Mr. Scott VanWinkle | Present |
Present: 8, Absent: 1 | |
Minutes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order
Chris King: This meeting is called to order. |
2. Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance
Pierce Asberry-Martin Elementary Kate Ironside-Henline-Martin Elementary
(All stand and observe the moment of silence) William Stepp: Tonight we have with us, to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance, from Martin Elementary. We have Pierce Asberry and Kate Ironside-Henline. Come on up and join me. (Pierce and Kate lead the pledge) |
3. Welcome to Visitors/Acknowledgement of Elected Officials
Audience: We can't hear you. Chris King: It's on, I don't know what's going on. (Mr. King taps the mic) Chris King: Now can you hear me? Audience: Yes! Sheri Nichols: There we go. Audience: Thank you. Chris King: Thank you. Want to welcome everyone here tonight. Are there any elected officials with us tonight? Sheri Nichols: I don't see anybody. Chris King: I don’t see any. |
4. Special Recognition
Student Representatives -CCHS Marleigh Gargac -Phoenix Logan Weir -SMHS Hayden Houston
Sheri Nichols: Hi Marley. Chris King: From Phoenix Logan Weir. Sheri Nicohls: Hey Logan. Chris King: From Stone Memorial, Hayden Houston. (Applause) |
4.A. Kids First Award
-Judy Phillips
William Stepp: Ms. Martin? Kathleen Martin: Good evening everyone, my name is Kathleen Martin I'm the transportation supervisor and I'm about to lose one of my best employees, she's retiring. (Kathleen reads the Kids first nomination found as exhibit #1) Kathleen Martin: And Miss Judy. I just want you to know I love you. Very much. (Applause) William Stepp: OK, let me read this last slide since Ms. Judy is up here. The kids first award, awarded to Judy Phillips for exceptional, selfless service most. (Audio) William Stepp: To the kids at Cumberland County Schools. Thank you for your continued support and love for our kiddos. Thank you so much. Judy Phillips: Thank you. (Applause) |
5. Roll Call/Declaration of Conflict
Diane McCartney: Ms. Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Here. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Here. Diane McCartney: Ms. Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Here. Diane McCartney: Ms. Hale? (Silence) Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nick Davis: Here. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Here. Diane McCartney: Mr. Matthews? Jon Matthews: Here. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Here. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stout? Shannon Stout: Here. Diane McCartney: Ms. Hale is absent. William Stepp: OK, under Tennessee Law, school officials, such as Board of Education members are required to disclose personal interests, which may affect or would lead a reasonable person to infer that such an interest would affect the exercise of discretion of an official, including but not limited to, a board member having a close family member employed by the school system. I would now ask that each board member with such a personal interest raise their hands. (Travis Cole, Jon Matthews, Chris King and Scott VanWinkle all raise their hands.) OK let it be noted, Travis Cole, Jon Matthews, Chris King and Scott VanWinkle. By raising your hands, you are publicly disclosing your personal interest, while also confirming that you agree to always set aside such personal interest and favor what benefits our school system. As a whole. Thank you. Chris King: We’ve got to sign the roster. You pass that down and sign in. |
6. *Approval of 10-24-24 Minutes
(See Exhibit #2) Chris King: Need a motion for the approval of 10/24/24 minutes. Shannon Stout: Move to approve the October minutes. Travis Cole: I’ll Second. Chris King: Motion and a second. Scott VanWinkle: Mr. Chair? Chris King: Yes? Scott VanWinkle: There are. There's one correction on the minutes that I'd like. Chris King: OK, go ahead. Scott VanWinkle: It's on page 14, about the middle of the page, there was a discussion between myself and Mr. Stepp. My question and his answer are both combined. It just needs to be corrected. Chris King: Think we can get that? Jason McGhee: Yes. Chis King: Are there any others? (Silence) Chris King: No other corrections. Those in favor of approving the minutes say aye. All board members: Aye. Chris King: Those opposed say nay. The ayes have it, minutes are approved.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve XX minutes.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7. *Approval of Agenda
(See Exhibit #3) Chis King: Next, we need to approve the agenda for tonight. Need a motion. Sheri Nichols: Move to approve. Shannon Stout: Second. Chris King: Motion and a second. Scott VanWinkle: Mr. Chairman, can I make a motion? A secondary motion on that? I'd like to move that we postpone agenda item 10.A. To the next board meeting. Chris King: OK, so the motion is to approve the agenda and the addition to that is to approve it minus item 10.A. the DOS contract is that correct? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Chris King: Are there any other changes or motions? Jon Matthews: Do you need a second on that? On his motion. Chris King: On his exception to the motion? Jon Matthews: Yeah. Elizabeth Stull: Second. Jon Matthews: I second. Chris King: We've got 2 seconds. That's good, any discussion on the exception? (Silence) Chris King: So on the motion, does your motion include that exception unaltered? Shannon Stout: Well, I guess, just before altering the motion then for discussion purposes. Scott, can you advise the reasoning for wanting to postpone? Scott VanWinkle: Yes I can, so I have five points on that subject. One of the points is timing. Right now we have a functioning contract in place that is valid through June 2025. This is an agreement that was made between Mr. Stepp and the Cumberland County Board of Education. A draft copy of this new contract was provided at the work session on Wednesday, 11/20 at approximately 7:00 PM. This was 2 1/2 hours into discussion on various other topics. The only other prior notice on this contract was on the agenda, but we didn't have a copy of the contract prior to that meeting. Discussion was limited because there were still items on the agenda. The board members weren't able to prepare for discussion. When there were questions about the contract, that didn't seem well received. So we moved on to other topics. There was further discussion prior to that. That this documentation would be provided later for supporting evidence. Some of that was provided at a later date by Ms. Stout. Those were from older survey evaluations. A previous contract was also provided by Ms. Stout, and that was the first time I had seen the previous contract. Mr. Stepp did not provide any information that night. In most professional settings when you go to your employer asking for a raise, you provide documentation supporting that request. I'm speaking from 30 years of experience dealing with performance management. This salary increase is not in the budget and would require a budget amendment for this year. This all seems very rushed to me. I know I'm new to the board so that's why it probably seems rushed. On the point of transparency. As publicly elected officials, what are the justifications to the community? There was no up-to-date supporting documentation provided to the community via this agenda, within the appropriate timeing. Inclusion, the current board and new board members have had no input on this contract. The document was formed by executive committee with no work session time provided for proper discussion. I feel that we should build this contract as a board. I'd like to see us work together to come up with a reasonable contract that works for the whole community. So the supporting information that I've received at this point, some of it late, the qualitative data that was provided is old. And it may not reflect the current system climate. And then it was not prepared for the discussion that we've had as a board. The quantitative data, was nonexistent until 2 days ago. I think, as a team or a group, we would not adopt textbooks without vetting textbooks first. And I feel like that's the situation that some of the board members have been put in. With this current proposed contract. Textbooks are a huge expense and so is this contract and we spend a lot of time vetting those textbooks before we spend that money. We should develop an incentive-based contract to create some accountability when it comes to improvement. That's all I have. Shannon Stout: All right. So just to summarize all of those points. More time to review the data that's been provided, an opportunity for the board to discuss that data before we meet again to vote. So, your proposal would be at the work session in January we’d be able to discuss any questions concerns and go over the data together and be prepared for a vote in January? Scott VanWinkle: Yeah, so that was my suggestion at the work session as well. Is this seems like something that would be. Good for the retreat. When we have time to discuss the data and make a sound decision. Shannon Stout: We've got two opportunities in January, our work session and then the retreat as well. If we need to spill over into that. Mr. Chair, I will amend my motion to postpone or table 10.A. Until the January work session and the January board meeting. Chris King: Sherri? Your second still good with that? Sherri Nichols: Yeah. Chris King: So the motion is to postpone discussion of 10.A., even though we discussed it quite a bit here, until a later date. It’s been motioned, seconded and discussed, is there anything else? Nick Davis: Would anybody like to speak to the timing? Or? Chris King: The motion? Nick Davis: Right. Anybody want to speak to that? I'm, I'm asking as well as anybody else want to speak to what? Chris King: That's what I asked. Is there anyone else? I think Mr. Cole does. Travis Cole: Just had a question if that's OK Mr. Chairman? Chris King: Yeah. Travis Cole: Would it be beneficial for us? For time efficiency to involve our Board Council in this negotiation? Chris King: I think so. Sheri Nichols: Most definitely. Chris King: Are there any other questions? (Silence) Chris King: Having none, then the vote will be to accept the agenda minus 10.A., which will be done at another time. Any questions about the motion? (Silence) Chris King: Madam Secretary, call the roll, please. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Nichols? Sheri Nichols: No. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nick Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Matthews? Jon Matthews: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Chris King: OK, so the motion passes to accept the agenda minus 10. A.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the agenda.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8. Community Comments
Mr. King stated there are two community members that have signed up to speak before the board. The first community member opted to delay his comments. As they were about the DOS contract and that vote was tabled until the next meeting. Name: Candace Gossett Address: 10961 Highway 68, Grandview, Tennessee 37337 Subject: SPED Para Pro Payscale |
9. Board Member(s) Report from Training(s)
Travis Cole: Mr. Chairman? Chris King: Yes Travis Cole: Mr. VanWinkle and myself attended the TSBA board member orientation in Nashville, on October 28th and 29th. And then I individually attended the new board member webinar also offered by TSBA on October 31st. In addition to our TSBA conference and preconference leadership session. Chris King: Did you learn anything? (Laughter) Travis Cole: Like drinking out of a firehose. Chris King: Quite a bit to cover there wasn't it? Travis Cole: Yeah. Chris King: Thank you, Mr. Cole. Anyone else? Shannon Stout: And we as an entire board attended. Sheri Nichols: Yes. Shannon Stout: The annual leadership and TSBA conference. Sheri Nichols: It was awesome. Shannon Stout: So there was a lot of information that we obtained there. That was a good. Sheri Nichols: Yes. Shannon: That was a good conference to go to. Boards from across the state go and good speakers, good information, legal information, legislative information. Sheri Nichols: Yep. Shannon Stout: It was great. Chris King: Very good session. Sheri Nichols: Yes. Chris King: Thank you. Anyone else? (Silence) |
10. Director's Report
Chris King: OK We will move to. The directors report, Mr. Stepp? |
10.A. *Joint Proposal of Board Chair and DOS Contract
(See Exhibit #4) 10.A. was tabled. See 7. Approval of Agenda for further information. |
10.B. *Central Office Building & Mold Phase 1
(See Exhibit #5) William Stepp: OK, first on the report is the central office building assessment in the phase one. Mr. Chamberlin has, is here, yep in the back. Please come on up, Mr. Chamberlin, help us understand the assessment in the phase one. Kim Chamberlin: Good evening everyone. Appreciate the opportunity to be here. The report was prepared by a company called Terracon (Audio) Kim Chamberlin: Specializes in these sorts of things looking at existing buildings and doing an analysis. What we had asked them to do specifically here, was to look at the bones of the building to find out the wood framing. Looking for mold in the crawl space in the attic. So kind of just a superfluous look at the building to get an idea. Of how the building can continue should continue to being used. I think you all have a copy of that report. Basically just to summarize. They found a few issues. Nothing that was out of the ordinary. The structure of the building is still in good shape. There's some framing pieces here and there that need some help in the building of this stage. That's not unusual. Little bit of mold in the crawl space areas, few down the basement areas where we've had some water infiltration over the years, but none of it was anything that led me to believe that there's any real significant issues to the building. Certainly there's some things that need to be done as we continue to move forward and maintain the building if you keep it in operation. I think, as I said at the work session, priority number one for me would be to encapsulate the crawl space area and get some dehumidification down in there. That's pretty typical of the plateau. Did it to my house recently. It's just something that's become more available and very much in need. So that would be what I would recommend as your first priority. Second, if to get back into the basement and continue to use it, I'd recommend a waterproofing project. To go down, we dig around the outside of the building, waterproof it appropriately, put in the appropriate footing drains, and get those out to where any moisture that's trying to get into that basement is directed away from it. Along with that, dehumidification in the basement as well, to get back into a usable condition. And then third, I think the other item is some infiltration we've had from some pests over the years the exterior of the building, gutters, downspouts, gables, soffits, those kind of just need a rework over just to be able to get everything and make sure you're closed up. So we can continue to keep things that don't need to be in the building, in the building. There is some exterior work on masonry that needs to be done at the back wing over on this side. Steps over there are deteriorating very badly. Those need to be replaced. I'd recommend probably doing some tough pointing around the masonry just to make sure it's in good shape and then re-caulking around all the windows to keep those sealed up. Think the report was well done. If, they were very professional at what they did and they gave the building a good once over. William Stepp: So I think from our work session we talked about starting out with phase one for that cost. So this would be a motion to begin the process on phase one, which would start out with bidding process first, correct? Kim Chamberlin: It is, that's a fairly easy bid process. There's companies that specialize in doing just that, encapsulation work. This doesn't require a general contractor to come in. The next phase, I think would be something you'd look at with one general contractor to get involved in that waterproofing, but there are multiple companies that are very good at what they do. We can help develop those bid specs for that, that's not a big issue to be done. I talked with one company. We're probably looking at the installation of probably 5 dehumidifiers in order just to cover all the space since we're broken up into the wings that are here and they're usually given to about 4000 square feet each. So those will need a little bit of electricity down to them. So we can get power to them and then, we make sure we get those drained out into the appropriate storm drains, but that would be what I would recommend first. But that's, like I said, that's a fairly easy process to put together. William Stepp: My recommendation, and we need a motion, is to begin with phase one. Which would start with the bidding and then it would come back to the board for us to approve which bid we accept, and then also approve the budget amendment to pay for that project. Kim Chamberlin: I'd estimate probably about 90 days to get that done. So we can get enough documentation done and then it's a 30 day bid process and we've had the bids after that. So probably 90 days. So probably something ready to look at the beginning of spring, end of winter. Chris King: We need a motion. Shannon Stout: Mr. Chair. I move to approve the bidding process for the first phase of work. Chris King: Is there a second? Travis Cole: I’ll second. Speaker: I'll second that. Chris King: Got a couple of seconds, that's good. Any discussion? Ms. Stout? Shannon Stout: Just a very thorough. Thank you for your presentation at the work session and tonight I think we've got it broken down into affordable chunks and we can get it into the rotation with the other buildings that we've gotten the engineering report on since this wasn't included originally in all of those reports. So I think it's great that we're getting this building involved. Jon Matthews: One question I have Mr. Chamberlin. With the waterproofing and encapsulation or any of these companies, do they do both? Is it something that we should bid together to help save money? Kim Chamberlin: They don't, the encapsulation people are strictly that. They're going to get into it, put down the vapor barrier over it, they can do the dehumidification. Once the next phase into that waterproofing, there are companies that specialize in that, but it involves somebody coming to do the excavation work. That's one part of that. Then the people that come in and do the waterproofing is another subcontractor that works that does that. And then the drain piping to get out, that's somebody else. So that's really where you'll get into a general contractor. Needing to be involved. In that. Jon Matthews: OK. Chris King: Other questions? Scott VanWinkle: I have one. So how long are those bids valid after we receive them? Kim Chamberlin: Usually, we hold them for 30 days, is normal. Something like this is not really volatile as far as the economy and pricing goes. We probably could ask for a 60-day hold on this and I wouldn’t expect that to have any impact on the number. Scott VanWinkle: I was just wondering how close that would be the next budget time. Kim Chamberlin: Again, if you know, if we need to delay it and you want to do it when budget comes up in June. That's not a problem. You're looking at a couple more months, but I wouldn't bid it until you know you're ready to move forward with it. Just asking them to hold it more than 45-60 days. Sometimes they're hesitant to do that just cause they're based upon the market value of things. Chris King: If there no other questions, the motion is to approve phase one bidding project. Nick Davis: I have a question. Is, has there been an event? I know we had discussion on the building. But nothing up until recently have we, I guess identified potentially making a budget amendment to accommodate this in the 24 year versus the 25 year. So what was the what's the event that we're going to be able to remedy by adjusting the budget in 24 year as opposed to waiting 25? Sheri Nichols: Bugs. William Stepp: Well, we've had some events where bugs and stuff like that come in downstairs where it's not sealed in. So we've been taking care of that through extermination and all that. But that's a that's been a situation we've dealt with. Sheri Nichols: Band-Aid. Shannon Stout: Critters and the. Sheri Nichols: Yeah, just a Band-Aid. Shannon Stout: Continual cost of having to try to eliminate. Sheri Nichols: Yeah, exactly. Scott VanWinkle: So would this eliminate that? The need for the extermination? Kim Chamberlin: Moisture, bugs like moisture. I mean, that's just a natural, they look. So it will help. I still think the waterproofing that you're going to get into next will continue to add more benefit to the project, but the encapsulation. I think one of the things too with critters but also we're wanting to make sure any deteriorations occurring down there from moisture to the to the framing, we want to get that stopped. So to me that's really the priority. I think your exterminators. They're still going to be there, but this is going to help get that crawl space dry and but where it won't be inviting pests to come into the building. Sheri Nichols: Yep. Chris King: Have a motion and a second to approve phase one bidding process. Madam Secretary call the roll please. Diane McCartney: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nicholes: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: I'll vote last. Diane McCartney: Excuse me, sorry, Mr. Davis? Nick Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Matthews? Jon Matthews: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.C. *GEAR Up Grant Salaries
(See Exhibit #6) William Stepp: OK, next up is the gear up grant salaries. There's a part of the grant, there's a cap on $90,000 for the salary. So this is to supplement the salary cost, which includes not just salary but also all benefits and retirement we have here tonight. If anyone has any questions, Mr. Brown. Who is our contact for gear up grant and a great guy and he's got a lot of experience. So if you have any questions, does anybody have any questions for Mr. Brown before we? Go for a motion. If you do, he's here and he's happy to answer any questions you have. Scott VanWinkle: Mr. Chairman? I'd just like some information on what the overall program does for our students. Elvin Brown: May I approach? William Stepp: Yes, sir. Come on up to the podium sir. Elvin Brown: I actually put together a statement with the highlights of what the grants going to do and we made copies so each one of you can have one. My name is Elvin Brown, as Mr. Stepp just said. Thank you for the opportunity to be here. I represent the Tennessee Higher Education Commission and the regional director for all our grants in East Tennessee. And I was asked to be here in case you guys have questions. There's a lot of things that will come. We're putting together $1.75 million to come to the county to help administer a lot of these activities and services that, are, your students will be receiving. In my in my experience from before this is our 20th year of doing gear up grants and we've seen growth in every school that we've been in so far as much as 10% raise in college going rates and we've seen in some schools in almost as much as 20%. I think the investment is well worth it in this case. Every time we get into a situation where people ask me. "What's the main focus of this?" It's trying to help our students. A lot of people think sometimes this grant, what it does is it helps kids that are already dedicated to going to college. No, it doesn't, this grant is for the ones that are at risk, the ones that are not thinking about it and the grant also goes as far as maybe just helping students in any particular category they may want to go to. We give advisement for these kids to try to find a path and future outside of high school and the four year institutions, 2 years, TCATs, which is, you know. Our, excuse me, our, sort of, I'm trying to think of the word. (Laughter) Elvin Brown: But it's, you know, and we even go the military route and also on top of that we also have students when it comes to the workforce. So any direction that you think you may be trying to go, that's what the grant prepares students to do. And I always think about, and I know you guys are struggling with the cap that we put on it. The $90,000 cap and whether or not it's worth it to actually give the extra money to try it. I can say this to you, you will get what you pay for. And I truly believe that when it comes to commerce and consumers, whatever the product is. Whatever you pay for is what you'll get. I was lucky enough to be a part of the interview process. There were eight candidates were really wonderful. And I think any of those eight people would do a very good job in this field. But I think we need to make sure that we get the right people in because these are the two most important positions when it comes to this grant. William Stepp: And how many counties were awarded this grant in Tennessee? Elvin Brown: 6. There are only 6 counties you guys were chosen as one of the six that we did previously in the past we usually had about, anywhere from 10 to 12 counties, but we decided that this grant we wanted to serve more students. So what we've done is we've enacted a hybrid model, which means that we will start with the 7th graders in January. And we will follow them all away until this school year is over, with then next year we will actually pick up the 8th graders, which was the 7th grader, which will now the 8th graders will go back and get the 7th graders and we'll pick up the seniors, which is our priority group every year moving forward for the next 6 1/2 years. So overall we will be serving more students in less counties. William Stepp: So what this grant does is helps us have more college and career ready students and ready graduate students. Which is great for the students and for you guys. I know budget is a big deal, so this will also increase our TISA allocation. We'll get credit for what this grant is working on with the students. So it's a great opportunity. (Audio) Nick Davis: One more question sir? Can you help us understand if there's any specific criteria that was, made us stand out? Meaning reasons for being selected as one of the six? Elvin Brown: Yes. Well, the criteria basically for the grant by the federal government regulation is, it goes out to anyone who is, you have at least 50% of your student population on free and reduced lunch. And then the other criteria is anyone who has a college going rate that's below the state average, which you guys qualify in that case. And there were several counties in that area, but we just felt. We did interviews in probably about 14 different counties and we came here and interviewed your staff and we felt like the potential here was greater than some of the other places we visited, and we felt the need to just be here because we seen something and the enthusiasm and the commitment that we got from the staff. And the people here that we thought that this would be a good place for us in the next 6 1/2 years. And we wrote you into the grant. So at this point, you're in the grant. For us to actually undo this. We would have to actually contact the federal government and it would be a hot mess. (Laughter) William Stepp: And I would like to credit Dr. Eldridge for all of her hard work, and Dr. Maddox. They did a great job on getting us on that radar with Mr. Brown. So thank you. (Applause) Chris King: Any other questions for Mr. Brown? Scott VanWinkle: Just thank you for coming tonight. (Board members thank Mr. Brown, overlapping audio) Chris King: Thank you very much. William Stepp: Thank you, Mr. Brown. Chris King: We need a motion to approve TNC the gear up grant salaries. The 1.75 million grant. Shannon Stout: Mr. Chair, I move to approve the gear up grant salaries for the two positions. Travis Cole: I'll second that. Chris King: Motion and second. Ms. Stout? Shannon Stout: We approve the acceptance of the grant and the positions at the October meeting unanimously, so the board’s obviously behind this and excited to see what happens with. Sheri Nichols: Me too. Shannon Stout: The project, yeah. And again, thank you to everybody who is involved in applying for the grant. Chris King: Very good. Mr. Cole. Travis Cole: Like this is a great opportunity for our students. That’s what I’m here for. Chris King: Anyone else? (Silence) Chris King: The motion to approve. Madam secretary, call the roll please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nick Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Matthews? Jon Matthews: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.D. *Science Textbook Adoption Committee
(See Exhibit #7) William Stepp: OK next on the agenda is our science textbook adoption committee. This is the very beginning of adopting a new textbook. It's the very first step and then we have a long haul of committee meetings and reviewing textbooks that were required to have the school board approval. Dr. Maddox and Ms. Hobby went through collected. Or put together, a committee, varies from different schools, different grades to fit the grade bands. Because there's 3 different grade bands on this or 4 for science textbook, but you have to, by law, approve this list of committee members for the Science textbook committee. Chris King: Is there a motion? Travis Cole: I'll move to approve. Chris King: Motion. Is there a second? Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Motion and a second, Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: You have these folks have been selected by their supervisors and other experts. They know who they picked and what the job is. Chris King: Mr VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: I agree with Mr. Cole. Chris King: Anyone else? (Silence) Chris King: The motion is to approve the science textbook adoption committee as listed. Madam secretary? Diane McCartney: Mr. Matthews? Jon Matthews: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nick Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stout? Shannon Stout: Yes Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.E. Middle Schools
Shannon Stout: Do we have an idea regarding completion, t-date for the task force that we can look forward to? William Stepp: I'd like to try to get the task force and the surveys out and back to us and tabulate it by the end of the first quarter of 2025. I think that will give the community plenty of time, you know, 3 months or so to respond to the surveys. Those will go out not only to community but to the parents, to the teachers, to our principals, who are experts running the buildings. I rely on their expertise a lot. So it'll go out to all community stakeholders for the schools. Shannon Stout: And do you see the committee being put in place prior to that being finished? So the committee is ready to start upon completion of the task force? William Stepp: I think that would be one of our discussions at the work session or the retreat. So if board members you feel start seeing who in your district you think would might be a great person to be on that committee. Of course all board members are welcome be on that committee. We won't exclude anybody. But if you have 1 or 2 names, I'd say 2 would be great, and then we'll go with teachers from each school. Principals that want to participate. We should have a good cross section of the community as we did for strategic plan and all the other stuff we're trying to be great community partners also. Any other questions or comments? You OK to go on? Chris King: Go ahead. |
10.E.1. Task Force
(See section 10.E. discussion) |
10.E.2. CCS Community Stakeholders Committee
(See section 10.E. discussion) |
10.F. Annual Planning Calendar
(See Exhibit #8) William Stepp: Next is the annual planning calendar. We look at that every month. Green is a go now, so we did fix that. Help everybody out with that. Any questions on that currently? (Silence) |
10.G. FYI
(Silence) |
10.G.1. Attendance Report
(See Exhibit #9) (See 10.G. discussion) |
10.G.2. School Nutrition Annual Report
(See Exhibit #10) (See 10.G. discussion) |
10.G.3. Personnel Report
(See Exhibit #11) (See 10.G. discussion) |
10.G.4. Substitute List
(See Exhibit #12) (See 10.G. discussion) |
10.G.5. School News Articles
(See Exhibit #13) (See 10.G. discussion) |
10.G.6. School Calendar of Events
(See Exhibit #14) (See 10.G. discussion) |
11. *Genesis Road Property
Travis Cole: Mr. Chairman, Cumberland County Board of Education received a 2 acre track via deed recorded on June 17th, 1933 in book 21 page 262. This property came to be known as the genesis school property, as I do not believe the board has any current or long term use for that property, I would move that we instruct the Board Council to work with the county. To order a full title, review a survey and an appraisal before coming back to the board during an upcoming meeting to present options for selling the property at fair market value. Chris King: Is there a second? Shannon Stout: Second. Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Mr. Cole, anything else? Travis Cole: No sir. Chris King: Whoever the second was? Scott VanWinkle: Mr Chairman? Chris King: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: We'll make sure that fair market value will cover any expenses that the board incurs. Chris King: OK. Scott VanWinkle: Should we amend the motion to say that or? Chris King: We could, I don't know if that's what the recommendation was. But you could also include a clause in there that said, including all fees and expenses. Travis Cole: Yeah, I’ll modify my motion to include that, include all fees and expenses with sale of the property. Chris King: Good. It's a long motion. Shannon Stout: It's a long motion. (Laughter) (Audio) Sheri Nichols: It's a good one. (Audio) Shannon Stout: It's an explanation of the motion. Sheri Nichols: All in one. Chris King: Any other questions or comments? (Silence) Chris King: Madam Secretary, would you call the roll please. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Vanwinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nick Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Matthews? Jon Matthews: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stout? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12. Chief Financial Officer's Report
Chris King: Go ahead. William Stepp: OK. Next on the agenda is the chief Financial Officers report. This is the financial report that we went through extensively at the work session. So does anyone have any questions on the financial report or would you like her to repeat that report? Sheri Nichols: Please, no. William Stepp: No questions? |
12.A. Monthly Financial Report
(See Exhibit #15) (See 12. discussion) |
12.B. Monthly Sales Tax Report
(See Exhibit #16) William Stepp: OK. Sales tax is next on the list. Any questions about the sales tax? (Silence) |
12.C. *141 Budget Amendments
Chris King: Need a motion to approve those. If we want to bundle them, you can. Shannon Stout: Motion to approve all 141 budget amendments. Chris King: Is there a second? Scott VanWinkle: Second. Chris King: Mr. VanWinkle second it. Over to discussion, Ms. Stout? Shannon Stout: Ms. Bray went over all of these in our work session. It's pretty clear what needs to be done with the budget, so really no questions or issues on that. Chris King: Mr. VanWinkle Scott VanWinkle: Same, I agree. Chris King: Anyone else? (Silence) Diane McCartney: Ms. Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nick Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Matthews? Jon Matthews: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stout? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12.D. *142 Budget Amendments
(See Exhibit #18) William Stepp: OK. The next item is the 142 budget amendments. Shannon Stout: I'll move to approve both the 142 budget amendments. Travis Cole: I'll second. Chris King: Motion and second. Ms. Stout? Shannon Stout: Again, good explanation in the work session, so I think everybody's clear on it. Chris King: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Same. Chris King: Anyone else? (Silence) Chris King: Madam secretary, will you call the roll. Diane McCartney: Mr. VanWinkle? Scott VanWinkle: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Davis? Nick Davis: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Matthews? Jon Matthews: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Yes. Diane McCartney: Ms. Stout? Sheri Nichols: Yes. Diane McCartney: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Diane McCartney: Yeses have it. Elizabeth Stull: You forgot me. (Audio) Diane McCartney: I’m sorry, Ms. Stull? Elizabeth Stull: Yes. (Laughter) Diane McCartney: The yeses have it.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12.E. Fund Balance
(See Exhibit #19) William Stepp: And next is our monthly report of where the fund balance is. The running fund balance. No motion needed there, but are there any questions? Sheri Nichols: Nope. Chris King: No questions? Shannon Stout: Thank you for putting that together for us. Kim Bray: No problem. Elizabeth Stull: Thank you. Kim Bray: As always if you have any questions just give me a call. Chris King: Thank you. Sheri Nichols: Thank you. I like your sweater. (Laughter) |
13. *Consent Agenda
Travis Cole: I move to approve the consent agenda in its entirety it was gone over in the work session. Sheri Nichols: Yeah. Chris King: Second? Shannon Stout: Is that a second Sheri? Sheri Nichols: Oh sorry, second. Chris King: Ms. Nichols seconded. So Mr. Cole? Travis Cole: Nothing to add it was gone over in the in the work session. Chris King: There's no discussion on the consent agenda anyway, thank you though. (Laughter) Chris King: My fault. OK, all those in favor of approving the consent agenda say aye. All board members: Aye. Chris King: Those opposed say nay. (Silence)
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
13.A. School Board Reports
(See 13. discussion) |
13.A.1. TLN Report
(See 13. discussion) |
13.B. *TDOE School Climate Survey/MOU
(See Exhibit #20) (See 13. discussion) |
13.C. *Healthy Students Questionnaire
(See Exhibit #21) (See 13. discussion) |
13.D. Stellar Therapy Addendum
(See Exhibit #22) (See 13. discussion) |
13.E. *First and Second Reading of Policies
(See Exhibit #23) (See 13. discussion) |
13.F. *Approval of Overnight and Out of State Field Trips
(See Exhibit #24) (See 13. discussion) |
13.G. *Approval to Apply/Accept Grants
(See Exhibit #25) (See 13. discussion) |
13.H. *School Wide Fundraisers
(See Exhibit #26) (See 13. discussion) |
13.I. *Approval of Contracts/Agreements
(See Exhibit #27) (See 13. discussion) |
13.J. *Approval of Disposal of Surplus Property
(See Exhibit #28) (See 13. discussion) |
13.K. *Executive Approval
(See Exhibit #29) (See 13. discussion) |
14. Questions from Media
(Silence) Chris King: No questions? If there are no questions. |
15. Adjournment
Chris King: Anybody else have anything? If not, this meeting is adjourned. (Meeting adjourned approximately 6:51 pm) William Stepp Director of Schools Chris King Chairperson of the Board Comment I, Jason McGhee hereby certify that I reported the foregoing minutes and that I delivered said minutes to the office of the Director of Schools on December 9th, 2024. Jason McGhee Board of Education Recorder
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to adjourn at X p.m.