August 22, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Regular Board | |
Attendance Taken on 8/22/2024 at 6:04 PM | |
Teresa Boston | Present |
Mr. Nick Davis | Absent |
Ms. Anita Hale | Present |
Mrs. Rebecca Hamby | Present |
Mr. Chris King | Present |
Ms. Sheri Nichols | Present |
Robert Safdie | Present |
Ms. Shannon Stout | Present |
Ms. Elizabeth Stull | Present |
Present: 8, Absent: 1 | |
Minutes | |||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order
Teresa Boston: It's 6:00. I'm going to go ahead and call this meeting to order. |
2. Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance
-Crab Orchard Elementary Reegan Eaton
(Moment of Silence) Teresa Boston: Thank you. William Stepp: OK. Tonight for the pledge, helping us from Crab Orchard. The Tennessee PE teacher of the year, Miss Cindy and also Reagan Eaton. So come on out. (Applause) William Stepp: OK. So Reagan Eaton, NASPIVO 3D elementary boys, National Champions Center shot, 4th place, World Qualifier and top ten World Championships. (Reagan leads all in Pledge) Teresa Boston: Thank you. Congratulations. Robert Safdie: Wonderful. (Audio) |
3. Welcome to Visitors
Teresa Boston: We'd like to welcome everyone. It looks like we have more than a full house. We have more warm bodies than we have chairs, and we apologize for that. |
4. Special Recognition
We Are One
William Stepp: So we have a lot of great things going on tonight. We'd like to start off with thinking we are one. The organization has done hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of goodwill towards the kids of our Cumberland County, so there's some. It's amazing group and a lot of amazing projects throughout the year. So we want to thank them for sure they won't be able to make it tonight, but a special thanks to them and also tonight. Miss, Dr. Farley, we have some amazing retirees here. I told them. If they ever get a chance to do the math and how many? Kiddos, they've touched in this world over their years, but as they call your name, if you'll come up and we'll get. A picture up here in front. Rebecca Farley: I'm not sure if he's still here, but Mr. Charlie Alva from CCHS. (Applause) Rebecca Farley: From Brown Elementary School with 27 years of service Miss Myra Dial. (Applause) Rebecca Farley: Retiring from central services Dr. Kina Inman with 30 years of service. (Applause) Rebecca Farley: From Crab Orchard Elementary School with 32 years of service Miss Cindy Miniard. (Applause) Rebecca Farley: From North Cumberland Elementary School with 26 years of service Miss Connie Morgan. (Applause) Rebecca Farley: From Stone Memorial High School with 35 years of service to the school system, Miss Peggy Potter. (Applause) Rebecca Farley: Also, Sunstone Memorial with 15 years of service, William Potter. (Applause) Rebecca Farley: From South Cumberland Elementary School with 16 years of service, Jenny Scarborough. (Applause) Rebecca Farley: From Crab Orchard Elementary School with 40 plus years of service Miss Joan Thompson. William Stepp: Congratulations everyone. Squeeze in tight we’ll get a picture here real quick. Thank you guys so much. (Applause) (The following takes place after 15.H.5. School Calendar of Events discussion) Teresa Boston: Miss Stull? Elizabeth Stull: We have our student board members. Teresa Boston: Yes, we do. (Laughter)(Audio) Teresa Boston: Let me just interrupt just a minute. These are our new student representatives. I don't have the names. But if you would just for the record and for the audience if you would state your name and what. School you represent. Marley Gargack: Hi, I'm Marleigh Gargac and I represent Cumberland County High School. Hayden Houston: I'm Hayden Houston and I represent Stone Memorial High School. Isaac Cross: I’m Isaac Cross and I represent Phoenix High School. (Applause)(Audio) Teresa Boston: Let me be the first to welcome you here. Marleigh Gargac: Thank you. Teresa Boston: And anytime, I'm comfortable, anytime you'd like to add something, you have input. We are very interested in the students input, views, and comments. So don't be afraid. Marleigh Gargac: Thank you. Teresa Boston: Thank you Miss Stull. |
5. Charitable Fund
Buck Wood: This is the 9th year we've done this. It has grown some every year. We have a problem, we just don't have enough money. We have given out over 66 checks this time. But we still had to turn down a lot of the requests. We need the community to get behind this. Just asking for $5 or $10 a month. I'd like to challenge the school board get behind this get your friends behind it. Through the ACH because, you know, we get 100% of that PayPal, we lose 25% charges. So it's a big difference. I would like to challenge these teachers too. (Audio) Buck Wood: It's a shame not to be able to meet all these requests. We started off at $5000 now about $18,000 twice a year, but we need to be quite a bit higher than that. So ya’ll think about it make a $5 or $10 a month donation, thank you. William Stepp: We have Flyers right out on the table, right outside the door on your way out grab one. (Charitable fund checks are handed out and a picture it taken of all the recipients) |
6. Roll Call
Elizabeth Stull: Here. Teresa Boston: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Here. Teresa Boston: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Here. Teresa Boston: Mr. Safdie? Robert Safdie: Here. Teresa Boston: Mr. Davis is absent. Mr. King? Chris King: Here. Teresa Boston: Miss Hamby? Rebecca Hamby: Here. Teresa Boston: Miss Stout? Shannon Stout: Here Teresa Boston: Miss Boston is here, thank you. |
7. Declaration of Conflict
Robert Safdie: Sure, declaration of conflict per TCA 492202. Board of Education. Does that sound like Earl? (Laughter) Robert Safdie: Thank you. Thank you, Members who have relatives per the statute. Relative means spouse, parent, parent in law, child son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece or any person who resides in the same household as you employed by the system or asked to raise your hand to identify yourself. Let the records show that Mrs. Boston and Mr. King. Have raised their hand. Do you certify that the votes that you make tonight will be in the best interest of the school system, regardless of the effort that you vote that your vote may have upon the employment of your relatives or relative? Teresa Boston: I do. Chris King: I do. Robert Safdie: Thank you. Let the record show. They're "I dos". |
8. *Approval of July 25, 2024 Minutes
(Exhibit #2) Teresa Boston: OK. Next on the agenda is approval of the July 25th minutes. Shannon Stout: Move to approve. Chris King: Madam chair, move to approve. Shannon Stout: Second. Teresa Boston: We have a 1st and 2nd. Any discussion? (Silence) Teresa Boston: If not all in favor? Board members in unison: Aye Teresa Boston: All opposed? (Silence) Teresa Boston: Minutes are approved.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve XX minutes.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9. *Approval of Agenda
(Exhibit #3) Teresa Boston: Next on the agenda is the approval of the agenda. Robert Safdie: So moved. Shannon Stout: 2nd. Teresa Boston: I'd like to make an amendment to that that we removed #14, which is the legal report. Since our attorney is not with us tonight. Robert Safdie: I accept that amendment. Unless you want me to? (Laughter) Teresa Boston: We've accepted the amendment. Any discussion? (Silence) Teresa Boston: If not all in favor? Board members in unison: Aye. Teresa Boston: Opposed? (Silence) Teresa Boston: Thank you.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the agenda.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10. Acknowledgement of Elected Officials
Teresa Boston: Do we have any? Miss Mull and Mr. Patterson. Thank you for being here. |
11. Community Comments
- Boston stated there are 3 community members that have signed up to speak before the board. Julia Timpson 6960 S York Hwy Clarkrange, TN 38553 CCEA Business
Kandi Newcome 300 Old Grassy Cove Rd Crossville, TN Homestead School Fence
Nancy Woodcock 33 Andrew Lane Crossville, TN 38571 Thank you to departing board members |
12. School Board Reports
Teresa Boston: Next on the agenda is our school board reports and the first is the TLN report. |
12.A. TLN Report
Teresa Boston: Thank you. |
13. Board Member(s) Report from Training(s)
(Silence) |
14. Legal Report
Removed due to absence of attorney. Teresa Boston: We removed #14. |
15. Director's Report
Teresa Boston: So we'll go straight to the directors report, Mr. Stepp? |
15.A. *Request to Apply for TNRMT Safety Grant
Rebecca Hamby: I make a motion we approve. Chris King: Second Teresa Boston: So we have a 1st and 2nd. Any discussion? (Silence) Teresa Boston: If not all in favor? Board members in unison: Aye Teresa Boston: All opposed? (Silence) Teresa Boston: Motion carried.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
15.B. *Request to Accept State SPED Preschool Grant
Robert Safdie: So moved. Rebecca Hamby: Second. Teresa Boston: OK, so we have a 1st and 2nd on this SPED preschool branch. Any discussion? (Silence) Teresa Boston: If not all in favor? Board members in unison: Aye Teresa Boston: All opposed? (Silence) Teresa Boston: Motion carries.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
15.C. *Request to Accept Voluntary PreK Grant
Shannon Stout: Motion to approve. Chris King: Second. Teresa Boston: So we have a 1st and 2nd. Any discussion on the volunteer PRE-K grant? (Silence) Teresa Boston: If not all in favor? Board members in unison: Aye Teresa Boston: All opposed? (Silence) Teresa Boston: Motion carries.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
15.D. *Request to Approve Tn Together Survey
Teresa Boston: Hmm. Robert Safdie: Madam Chair, I'd like to make the Motion to approve. Chris King: Second. Teresa Boston: OK, we have a motion to approve. Shannon Stout: Second. Teresa Boston: We have a second any discussion? Anita Hale: Do we do with this information when it's collected? William Stepp: The Cumberland Prevention Coalition use it to report on the status of students in Cumberland County. Anita Hale: Thank you. Teresa Boston: Any further discussion? (Silence) Teresa Boston: If not all in favor? Board members in unison: Aye Teresa Boston: All opposed? (Silence) Teresa Boston: Motion carries.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
15.E. Update on BOE Attorney
Teresa Boston: Thank you. Robert Safdie: Thank you. William Stepp: Absolutely. Anita Hale: Thank you. Yeah. |
15.F. School Updates
15.G. Annual Planning Calendar
(Exhibit #8) William Stepp: And then we have the annual planning calendar. In this report. But we're still getting warm body counts at this time, meaning we're counting every student that's actually physically there, and that helps us adjust where teachers need to be and where we need to add a new teacher. And the law is very specific about which grades are allowed, which student, teacher ratio. So we have to adjust this first few weeks to make sure we got everything staffed correctly. |
15.H. FYI
Anita Hale: I have a question about the substitute list. Is this? This isn't the only Subs we have? William Stepp: No, these are new additional ones. Anita Hale: OK, so we have many more subs than this. William Stepp: Still a challenge to fill sub positions. Anita Hale: OK. William Stepp: These are new added to our. Our whole list of them, we got a few hundred. Anita Hale: And I have another question and sometimes whenever. We can't get a sub. How do we fill those positions that I mean if a teacher assistant has to? William Stepp: The principles are really good, utilizing their resources when they're in those situations, so it's a drag if you don't have a sub. Other people have to chip in to help. I know at the high school level teachers that had plan times during a certain period would spend partial time or their plan time in that classroom, and then we just rotate people. But ever since 2020, it's been very hard to. Anita Hale: Yes. William Stepp: To keep Subs. Anita Hale: Are they compensated for this double duty? William Stepp: No, it's usually a one off. And we do have some teachers teaching during their plan. Time at the high school level, they get paid for that. Anita Hale: OK. Thank you. William Stepp: Yes, ma'am. |
15.H.2. Personnel Report
(Exhibit #10) |
15.H.4. School News Articles
(Exhibit #12) |
15.H.5. School Calendar of Events
(Exhibit #13) |
16. School Board Committees
16.A. Policy Committee
16.A.1. *Approval of First and Second Reading of Policies
Rebecca Hamby: I'm going to defer this to Miss Stull because I was unable to be here and she knows what's going on and I don't. Elizabeth Stull: The policies that we have listed are for first and final reading policy 1.200 method of election of officers. We had discussed. Few of the changes. The ones that are in blue here to change the TLN representative to the Legislative Representative and then also. In the event there is a vacant chair and vice chair position in election year that the board may choose to elect a Pro Tem chair at the August board meeting to serve until the September board meeting. Robert Safdie: I would. I'd like to thank Shannon for that beautiful addition to that, Shannon, very well done. Shannon Stout: Thank you. Robert Safdie: You're welcome. Elizabeth Stull: The next policy was policy 6.300 code of conduct and discipline, and these were the TSBA changes. And then law enforcement officials are contacted is where we had added that into each of the procedures. The next policy is policy 6.4052 on the opioid antagonist and that was with the TSBA recommended changes on that as well. Shannon Stout: By law. Elizabeth Stull: By law, yes, not by choice. (Audio) Rebecca Hamby: And they and they come out of committee, so we don't. Need a second. (Audio) Teresa Boston: Discussion? (Silence) (Audio) Elizabeth Stull: Motion to approve. Teresa Boston: No further discussion, no questions. All in favor? All board member except Anita Hale: Aye. Teresa Boston: All opposed? Anita Hale: No. Teresa Boston: OK, motion carries. Approval of First and Second Reading of Policies
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the first reading of policies listed above.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
16.B. Arts, Athletics and Activities Committee
Teresa Boston: Next is our arts, athletics and activities. Mr. Davis is absent, but I don't think there was anything on the agenda. |
16.C. Budget Committee Meeting
Teresa Boston: Budget. There was nothing on the agenda. |
16.D. Building and Grounds & Safety Committee
Robert Safdie: Nothing on the agenda. Teresa Boston: Nothing on the agenda. Robert Safdie: Let me ask Mr. Stepp. Mr. Stepp is there anything that we need to know about the building and grounds and development besides the fence? William Stepp: What particular thing? Robert Safdie: Any new building projects that we? William Stepp: No, no, Sir, not right now. Robert Safdie: Thank you. |
17. *Chairman Pro-Tem
Rebecca Hamby: I make a motion that we elect one. (Audio) Rebecca Hamby: Yes. Sheri Nichols: Are we nominating people? Teresa Boston: Yes, take nominations. Sheri Nichols: I nominate Chris King, Mr. King. Shannon Stout: I will nominate as well, Mr. King. Teresa Boston: So is that a first and a second? Rebecca Hamby: I made a motion we didn't have a second yet before the (Audio) Sheri Nichols: I'll second it. Rebecca Hamby: OK, so we have a first and a second. Now we have a nomination for. Teresa Boston: And then we have a nomination. OK, any further nominees or discussions? (Silence) Teresa Boston: If not, I'll do a roll call Miss Stull. Elizabeth Stull: Yes. Teresa Boston: Miss Nichols? Sheri Nichols: Yes Teresa Boston: Miss Hale? Anita Hale: Yes. Teresa Boston: Mr. Safdie? Robert Safdie: Yes Teresa Boston: Mr. King? Chris King: Yes. Teresa Boston: Miss Hamby? Rebecca Hamby: Yes. Teresa Boston: And Miss Stout? Sharon Stout: Yes. Teresa Boston: And Miss Boston passes. So Chris will take over those duties. Chris King: Yes. Teresa Boston: I'm assuming? Chris King: Yes, ma'am. (Laughter) Teresa Boston: You can take over those duties. (Laughter) Shannon Stout: He voted yes for himself, so we're going to assume you can do that.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
18. Chief Financial Officer's Report
18.A. Monthly Financial Report
Kim Bray: Because it is the first month of the New year, don't freak out. You have had we have had revenue, but they're still working in the County Finance Office to close the year out. So they've not recognized a dollar revenue as far as our budget is concerned. But there is money in the bank. Don’t panic, but they're just not to that yet. Basically the same can be said about the expenses. About the only expenses you see on here. Are payroll expenses for salaries and benefits, they're paying the bills, but not everything has been reported appropriately like it normally will be. But they're getting very close to being finished. So hopefully we'll have a good report for you next month. Teresa Boston: Can I ask before we get to the resolutions, which are next. Where are we on the fencing? Do we have a bid? Kim Bray: It is in the county finance offices hand. I don't know where the I've not seen that she's put it in the paper, but she may have it. I'm not seeing it, but it's been in her hands now. For a month. Teresa Boston: What does that mean? Kim Bray: She's the one. She is the purchasing entity for the entire county. And so it's once we give her the specs, it's her responsibility to send it out, to publicize it. We collect those bids, she'll call and say we have so many bids, and then we'll all go and open the closed bids. Teresa Boston: You don't you don't know if it has been, even though now? Kim Bray: Yeah, I don't know that it has or has not, because once I give it to her, then she will notify me when she's ready for me to come over. Teresa Boston: OK. Kim Bray: And we'll have a bid opening. Teresa Boston: OK. |
18.B. Monthly Sales Tax Report
(Audio) Robert Safdie: So that was what? $440,000 shortfall? Kim Bray: Of the budget. Robert Safdie: Of the budget. Kim Bray: Of the budget, now we'll still be ahead of where we were last year, but we will fall short in the budget. But the county has to give us our maintenance of effort, regardless whether they get it from property taxes or sales taxes. So it doesn't adversely affect us, except we don't get extra money. Robert Safdie: Thank you. |
18.C. *141 Budget Amendments
(Audio) Kim Bray: OK. The first one is just to correct where I neglected to record in the budget. Someone's longevity pay. So we need to make a correction there. The next one is recording the ISM funds that we have remaining for this coming fiscal year. As we all know, this is sort of difficult to do in the beginning. So there may be some adjustments, but this is what's remaining of our initial $6 million. The next one is reporting the state School improvement grant. This is the support grant from Phoenix. This just squares everything with E plan. The next one is the money for the Special Education Preschool grant. This is our new allocation and the rollover from last year. And then the final one, I believe in 141 is a grant that Homestead Elementary applied for and received that is reporting that revenue so that they can spend their money. Chris King: Chair? Teresa Boston: Yes? Chris King: Move to approve 18.C 141 budget amendments. Robert Safdie: Second. Teresa Boston: So we have a first and a second to approve the budget amendments for the 141 any discussion? (Silence) Teresa Boston: None. All in favor? All board members: Aye. Teresa Boston: All opposed? (Silence) Teresa Boston: Your 141 resolutions are approved. Kim Bray: Thank you.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
18.D. *142 Budget Amendments
Chris King: Madam Chair, move to approve 142 items. Robert Safdie: Second Teresa Boston: So we have a 1st and 2nd to approve 142 resolutions. Any discussion? (Silence) Teresa Boston: All in favor? All board members: Aye. Teresa Boston: All opposed? (Silence)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
18.E. *143 Budget Amendments
Chris King: Madam Chair, move to approve 18.E 143 budget amendment. Robert Safdie: Second that. Teresa Boston: Any discussion? Rebecca Hamby: I would like to say yay on the summer food program and how many meals that was. That was amazing. (Audio) Shannon Stout: Over 300,000 lunches. (Audio) William Stepp: 302,000 meals delivered. (Applause) (Audio) Shannon Stout: Appreciate all the work that went into that. Teresa Boston: OK. All in favor? All board members: Aye Teresa Boston: All opposed? (Silence) Teresa Boston: Motion carries, 143 resolutions are approved. Thank you, Miss Bray.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
19. *Consent Agenda
Chris King: Madam Chair, yes. Sir, move to approve the consent agenda. Robert Safdie: I'll second that. Teresa Boston: There, is there any discussion? (Silence) Teresa Boston: If not all in favor? All board members: Aye. Teresa Boston: All opposed. (Silence) Teresa Boston: Your consent agenda is approved.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
19.A. *Approval of Overnight and Out of State Field Trips
(Exhibit #20) |
19.B. *Approval of Agreements/MOU
(Exhibit #21) |
19.C. *Approval of Grants
19.D. *School Wide Fundraisers
(Exhibit #22) |
19.E. *Approval of Disposal of Surplus Property
(Exhibit #23) |
19.F. *Executive Approval
20. Old Business
Robert Safdie: Thank you, Madam Chairman. Thank you, board. As I retire from my 16 years on the Board of Education and turned the job to a younger generation. I would like to reflect on what I've learned and what the board has been committed to. First and foremost, our mission is to provide a safe, caring and educationally sound learning experience for all of our children. Second to that. Tennessee State law authorizes the board to hire a director of schools to carry out its mission. This position is one of the most influential positions in our Community and the process of hiring a director is taken with great care. If during the interview process we discover that the applicant has a history of sexual misconduct, we would not consider him or her for that position. If we hear that the candidate belittles women or has a history of belittling employees. We would not consider him or her for the position. If we find the applicant has a criminal record of any type, felony or other. We would not consider him or her for that position. If we find the candidate has lied on his or her resume or lies during the interview, we would not consider him or her for the position. If we hear the applicant say that he or she can fire any employee for any reason, we wouldn't, Consider that person for the job. If, the applicant indicates he or she supports undermining public education by channeling available monies into private schools. We probably would not consider hiring him, and none of this applies to our director incidentally. (Laughter) Shannon Stout: Thank you for clarifying that, yes. (Laughter) Robert Safdie: If the candidate indicates that the best solution to end zoning problems is to build a wall around a particular school to prevent students from attending out of zone. Even if space is available. Despite state laws prohibiting such action, we would not consider him or her for that position. As a board interviewing candidates for the most important position in the county, we would never hire anyone with a criminal record. Or who showed evidence of lying or performed actions to undermine education in Cumberland County, even if promises were made to do, a great job. To do so would lay the groundwork for future boards to accept criminal or unethical behavior as a standard for the position of directors of schools. But here's the catch. What is little also applies to what is big. I have been asked what will I do now that I'm retired from an elected position. I can now speak freely, although you doubt whether that was ever an inhibition for me. I'm going to take a few days off. And encourage residents in District 2 on Tuesday, November 5th, to lay party politics aside, do what's right and put a and don't put a convicted criminal and morally corrupt person with the highest elected office in the United States of America. I want to thank my family for their support in enduring my opinions. I would like to also, thank the new board members that are coming in for your courage and running for the Board of Education. I want to thank my children, who have always had faith in me, and one of them, Ariel, is here tonight to see this last night of my position on the board of education. And I want to thank board members all of you for showing me respect. And giving me your respect, even though we have differed in many, many opinions sometimes. Finally, on this last day, I want to send a message of love to all our school children, the staff and teachers in our school system. You are great and you will do great things and you are only limited by your imaginations. Together we make a community. Thank you, community. Thank you all for being here. (Applause) Teresa Boston: Go enjoy a couple days. William Stepp: I got something to present you three. Can we do it now? Teresa Boston: Sure. William Stepp: OK. Can Miss Hamby, Mr. Safdie and Miss Boston, come down here. In the front please. Shannon Stout: Front and center. William Stepp: We'll start with Mr. Safdie, District 2, years of service, chairman of the board 2000, 2008, Vice Chairman, PLN Representative, 2016 to 2024. Thank you. For many years of service to the students and employees of coming County School. Robert Safdie: Thank you. (Applause) William Stepp: Miss Hamby, District 7, years of service 2018 to 2024, Vice Chairman 2022 and 2023, Parliamentarian 2018 to 2022 and 2023 to 2024. Thank you for your many years of service to students and employees. At Cumberland County Schools. (Applause) William Stepp: Miss Boston, District 8, years of service 2016 to 2024, Chairman of the board 2018 to 2020 and 2022 to 2024. Thank you for many years of service to the students and employees at Cumberland County School. (Applause) (Laughter)(Audio) William Stepp: Thank you guys again. (Applause) Teresa Boston: Well thank you. William Stepp: While also have cards before you leave. (Audio) |
21. Questions from Media
(Laughter) Teresa Boston: One last parting question, I don’t care what you ask. (Applause)(Audio) Media: Mr. Step, did you send out the letters for the board of, the board attorney? William Stepp: We developed the RFQ's, but we're going to send it through TSBA and locally. (Applause)(Audio) Teresa Boston: Hey, now that you've broken in. It's not as hard as you thought, right? (Laughter)(Audio) Teresa Boston: Good question, thank you. |
22. Adjournment
Teresa Boston: I'll entertain a motion to adjourn. Robert Safdie: So moved. Rebecca Hamby: Second. Shannon Stout: Second. Teresa Boston: This meeting is adjourned.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
William Stepp
Director of Schools
Teresa Boston
Chairperson of the Board
Comment I, Jason McGhee hereby certify that I reported the foregoing minutes and that I delivered said minutes to the office of the Director of Schools on August 26, 2024.
Jason McGhee
Board of Education Recorder