February 11, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | |
Opening Procedures
Pledge of Allegiance
Statement of Open Meetings Law
Roll Call
Comments from the Audience
No public comment given.
Playground proposal-Amy Macrander & Mae Clausen
Presentation given about updating Elementary playground areas.
Consent Agenda
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Discussion Items
Northland Securities-Jay Spearman
Explained the bond rating process to the Board.
Insurance Settlement
Nebraska Law requires the District to include a record of all settled claims as an agenda item for informational purposes and this is intended to satisfy that requirement. A former student and his parents filed a tort claim against the District relating to an alleged fall in the gym. Although the school disputes the claim, the District's insurance company agreed to settle all claims in exchange for a release of all liability. The settlement is not an admission of liability and the District disputes any liability. The insurance company paid the full amount of the settlement and no District funds were used to satisfy the settlement.
Admin Reports
Jr/Sr High Principal, Mr. Geise-thank you to Mrs. Kreifels and Mrs. Leffler for School Counselor's week and planning for 2025-2026 classes. Another thanks to our nurses and custodians, as illness hit both of our buildings. Very fortunate to have filled our Ag Teacher position, as there is a national shortage. Our 6th annual College career day is 2/26/25.
Director of Student Services, Mr. Krause-explained Indicator 13 and what was submitted to the state regarding transition planning for students with IEP's. Several out of district conferences attended and confident in what we are doing in school and as an administrative team. Stakeholder meeting allowed to visit/revisit buildings that can serve those with higher needs for those as young as Kindergarten through 21. At the end of the month, there is a legislative leadership conference opportunity in Lincoln. Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Mrs. Bergmeyer-planning for next year and anticipated change in the High School Science offering. Scholarship applications have been distributed to seniors. Grade-level teams along with Title and Special Education teachers met to discuss the progress of students (thanks to our substitutes for allowing this time and teachers for being flexible). Instructional coaches working to review determined priority standards and starting to have conversations with teachers to see where their incoming students should be. ELA department meets to discuss 7th-12th grade. The ELPA (English Language Proficiency) assessment is now open for our small group. Teachers to review assessment platforms to potentially replace/update our current practices. Assistant Jr/Sr High Principal/Activities Director, Mrs. Stieren-absent, report submitted. Elementary Principal, Mr. Dennis-absent, report submitted. |
Superintendent Report
Mr. Apple-HVAC has been fixed at the Jr/Sr High and the temporary units will stay for a couple of weeks in case there happens to be a problem. Attended the NASB legislative meeting where a number of bills were brought in and senators spoke. NRCSA legislative meeting on 2/20/25. Planning to share the presentation from DLR with the teachers and post it on the website to show our building plans. We are also planning a route and time to use the new drone awarded to us to show progress on construction and get the students involved.
Action Items
Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the calendar for the 2025-2026 school year.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the Negotiated Master Agreement for 2025-2026.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the contract for Emily G. Carpenter for 2025-2026 to teach Agricultural Education.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the renewal of our membership with the Nebraska Association of School Boards for 2025-2026.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve Administrator contracts for 2025-2026 with a total pay increase of 3.26 to be distributed as the Superintendent sees fit.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary to appoint a School Board Member to fill the current open seat through December 2028.
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Upcoming Meetings
3/11/25 BOE meeting |
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