January 13, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes | ||
I. Meeting Called To Order
I.A. Oath of Office
The Mr. Spencer administered the School Board Oath of Office to Mr. Brian Armstrong and Mr. Matt Adams.
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Vice President Stanley made note of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act poster that is on display in the meeting room. Mrs. Stanley turned the meeting over to Mr. Spencer for the election of the President.
II. Open Meetings Act
III. Election of Officers
III.A. President
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Mr. Spencer entertained nominations for president.
III.B. Vice President
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III.C. Secretary
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III.C.i. Assistant Secretary, Lisa Wilson
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A discussion was held about recognizing Lisa Wilson as the assistant secretary.
III.D. Treasurer
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IV. Committee Assignments
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Committee Assignments BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Amy Stanley, Duane Duncan and Matt Adams; TRANSPORTATION: Duane Duncan, Adam Hayward, Tim Van Zee; NEGOTIATIONS: Adam Hayward, Tim Van Zee, Brian Armstrong; AMERICANISM: All Board Members.
IV.A. Buildings and Grounds
IV.B. Transportation
IV.C. Negotiations
IV.D. Americanism
V. Designate Official Counsel, Banks, Newspaper of Record, Adopt Policy
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VI. Consent Agenda
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VI.A. Confirmation of the last regular meeting minutes
VI.B. Financial Reports
VI.C. Treasurer's Report
VI.D. Claims: General Fund
CLAIMS: Amazon Capital Services, Inc. 1,708.37; Anderson, Joshua 449.88; Apple Computer, Inc. 1,699.00; Arensdorf, Michael 1,267.91; Armstrong, Brian 681.69; Big Springs Truck and Travel 388.08; Black Hills Energy 4,188.39; Brethauer, Jack 534.66; Brueggeman, Patrick 285.28; Card Service Center 731.03; Carlson, Troy 1,409.28; Cash-Wa Dist. 310.30; Century Link 684.46; Chappell Super Foods 8.76; Christensen, Cameron 2,126.99; Cornhusker Marriott Hotel 338.00; Correll Refrigeration Inc. 463.75; Courtyard By Marriott 257.60; Deuel Co. Treasurer 156.16; Doncheske, Tasha 204.00; Duncan, Duane 1,298.46; Eakes, Inc. 1,566.47; Ecolab 207.40; Engineered Controls, Inc. 4,999.80; ESU 16 16,435.39; Fox, Casey 1,096.05; Frerichs, Lisa 166.88; Gallentine, LJ 454.46; Garden County Clerk 100.00; Hill, Tim 871.69; Hometown Leasing 2,746.57; Hot Lunch Account 547.50; Hot Lunch 892.49; Howell, Raymond and Carrie 320.80; Ideal Linen Supply 568.66; Jacobs, B 35.25; Johnson, Dylan 779.08; Johnson, Sarah 160.40; Johnson, Theresa 2,085.17; JWPepper 240.03; Keith Co. News 88.54; Keith County Clerk 100.00; Koenen, Julie 129.75; Mathis, Amanda 892.50; McClung, Mark 577.43; Mercurious Ergon Inc 82.40; Mid-American Research 764.21; Missouri Employers Mutual 3,997.00; Nebraska Safety and Fire Equipment 410.00; NPPD (Nebraska Public Power District) 3,068.68; NPPD MLBRY Acct 68.92; NPPD Plum 2 Acct 94.74; Office Service, Inc. 146.98; Ornelas, Jovita 1,299.22; Perkins County Treasurer 100.00; Ray's Cement Works 650.00; Rural AmeriTowne 210.00; S & W Auto Supply 670.82; Scherbarth, S 69.99; Sidney Heavy Truck & Auto, LLC 2,185.81; Snell Services, Inc. 1,333.90; Spady, C 550.00; Sparqdata 4,000.00; Speihs, Toby 1,785.38; Unum - Colonial Life Insurance Company 1,569.90; Verizon Wireless 227.12; Village Of Big Springs 1,100.85; Wage Works, Inc. 146.00; Walmart Business 500.08; WEX Bank 1,244.09; Wiest Hardware 301.21; Grand Total: 81,831.66; Payroll Total: 321,806.36.
VI.E. Claims: Building/Bond/Depreciation Fund (If Any)
VII. Patrons
Denise Moorhead addressed the board.
VIII. Board Members (Committee Reports)
COMMITTEE REPORTS: EDUCATION: NASB Conference delegate, finance, spending and breakout session updates from Mrs. Stanley. TRANSPORTATION: The district is looking to install a camera with audio on the Ogallala Route Bus.
IX. Correspondence
The Hippodrome sent a “Thank You” note to the school for allowing the students to visit during December.
X. Principals Report
Mr. Brost
Mr. Nick Brost gave the principal's report. Congratulations to Students of the Month: Lyndsay Meininger, Laila Marshall, Briahnna Einspahr, Ella Stanley, Aden Marquez, Nathan Jacobs; Adams Bank and Trust Student of the 2nd Quarter: Isabelle Reichman; Fall activity NCPA Academic All State Recipients: Cross Country: Nathan Jacobs & Madisen Adams, Football:Cordell Frereichs & Quinten Koenen; Play Production: Luca Duncan & Quinten, Unified Bowling: Joshua Estrada & Isabelle, Volleyball: Zaerihya Doncheske & Johanna Frereichs. Thank you to Mrs. Jacobs and our music students for the wonderful Christmas programs. GBB record is 8-4. BBB record is 6-5. MAC tournament is next week. Perkins County Holiday Tournament: girls were champions; boys were 3rd. teams have competed at Gordon, Sutherland and Garden County. Drake Arensdorf placed 2nd at Gordon-Rushville, 1st at Sutherland, 3rd at Garden County. Brayden Kendall placed 7th at Gordon-Rushville, 2nd at Sutherland, Annlyn Wilson placed 3rd at Gordon-Rushville, 4th at Garden County, Drake was the NEwrestle Freshman of the week after the Sutherland meet. South Platte hosted a JV Boys Basketball Tournament. South Platte placed 2nd. Sixteen students are taking college courses this semester (10 seniors, 4 juniors, 2 sophomores). Nine of the seniors are taking 2 or more college courses. Congratulations to our 1st Semester Honor Roll Students. Mr. Miller gave the board an FFA update which included preparations for upcoming district and state competitions.
X.A. School Resource Officer Report
X.B. FFA Update/Report
XI. Superintendents Report
Mr. Spencer
Mr. David Spencer's Superintendent's Report: SRO update for the board includes an officer presence in the building. He gave the board an update on the plumbing and insurance. The K-6 students have started Dibels testing. CIP, ESU #16, SpeD Strategies and other staff development meetings are planned. Mr. Spencer wanted to give a "Thank You" to the Marquardt Foundation for helping to sponsor the end-of-year movie for elementary school at the Hippodrome Theatre. South Platte will host JREC basketball on January 18th. Planning for the 4th and 5th grade field trip to the Omaha zoo is under way. The Penny Carnival is scheduled for March 21. This year there is a Disney Theme for the Penny Carnival.
XII. Discussion, Consideration or Action Items
XII.A. 2026-2027 ESU 16 Contract Items
The board tabled the 2026-2027 ESU 16 and McConnell Psychological Contracts until receipt of the contracts.
XII.B. 2026-2027 McConnell Psychological Contracts
XII.C. Summer Projects
Mr. Spencer presented spring and summer projects including resurfacing of the track, dishwasher replacement and a dual stage replacement air compressor. The board encouraged Mr. Spencer to pursue bids and to consider selling surplus items for the district.
XII.D. 2025-2026 Certified Negotiated Agreement
The 2025-2026 Certified Negotiated Agreement was moved to executive session-personnel.
XII.E. Review of Policy 2012~Code of Ethics
The Board reviewed the policy # 2012 Code of Ethics.
XIII. Review the Minutes
Review the minutes.
XIV. Executive Session: Personnel
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XV. The next Regular Meeting will be February 10, 2025, at 7:00 PM.
The next Regular Meeting will be February 10, 2025, at 7:00 PM.
XVI. Adjournment
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