January 23, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Opening of Meeting
1.1. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
_______ Orlando López, Board President _______ Dr. Ariel Cruz, Board Vice-President _______ Rudy Corona, Board Secretary _______ Frutoso M. Gomez, Jr., Board Trustee _______ Crystal Hernandez, Board Trustee _______ Alex Reyna, Board Trustee _______ Israel Villarreal, III, Board Trustee _______ Alfredo Perez, Acting Superintendent of Schools _______ Tony Torres, Board Attorney |
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and the Texas Flags
1.3. Invocation
2. Special Recognition
2.1. San Benito High School - Gold Standard of Service Employee
2.2. Angela G Leal Elementary - CBS 4 News Golden Apple Teacher of the Month
2.3. Dr. C.M. Cash Elementary, Dr. Garza, Jr. STEAM Academy, and La Encantada Elementary - Named Best Elementary Schools
2.4. San Benito CISD Board of Trustees - School Board Recognition Month
3. Break for Reception
3.1. Board Reception
4. Public Comment
5. Board Report
6. Superintendent's Report
7. Reports
7.1. Communities In School (CIS) Quarterly Report by Eva Perez, Executive Director
7.2. Presentation on the Targeted Improvement Plan (TIP) for La Paloma, GO Academy, and Miller Jordan Middle School and Local Improvement Plan (LIP) for Fred Booth Elementary and Riverside Middle School
8. Consent Agenda: Academics Services
In order to promote efficient meetings, the Board may act upon more than one item by a single vote through the use of consent agenda. Consent items placed on the agenda shall be marked with an asterisk (*). Consent items are items for which no Board discussion is anticipated and for which the Superintendent recommends approval. Prior to the time which approval of consent agenda is had, at the request of any member of the Board of Trustees, any item on the consent agenda shall be removed and given individual consideration.
8.1. *Request for Approval of the San Benito CISD Middle School and High School Course Catalogs for the 2025-2026 School Year
8.2. *Request for Approval of the Targeted Improvement Plan (TIP) for La Paloma Elementary, GO Academy, and Miller Jordan Middle School and Local Improvement Plan (LIP) for Fred Booth Elementary and Riverside Middle School
9. Consent Agenda: Business and Finance
9.1. *Request for Approval of Cash Account for December 2024
9.2. *Request for Approval of Comparison of Revenue and Expenditures to Budget for December 2024
9.3. *Request for Approval of Tax Collection Report for December 2024
9.4. *Request for Approval of Check Disbursements Report for December 2024
9.5. *Request for Approval of Quarterly Federal Funds Comparison Report
9.6. *Request for Approval of Quarterly Investment Report
9.7. *Request for Approval to Award Bid Proposals on RFP-1224-GMS, General Merchandise and Services Districtwide
9.8. *Request for Approval to Award Bid Proposals on RFP-1224-MSCD, Meals and Catering Services Districtwide
9.9. *Request for Approval to Award Bid Proposal on RFP-1224-PCS, Professional Consultant Services
9.10. *Request for Approval to Award Bid Proposal on RFP-0125-WHHI, Property and Contents Coverage Windstorm/Hurricane/Hail Insurance
9.11. *Request for Approval to Award Bid Proposal on RFP-0125-PCWIC, Property/Casualty/Windstorm Insurance Coverage
9.12. *Request for Approval to Extend the Contract for E-Rate 2.0 Funding Year 2025 with SmartCom for Internet Access and Broadband Circuits
9.13. *Request for Approval of Gifts/Bequests for the 2024-2025 School Year
9.14. *Request for Approval of Budget Amendments
9.15. *Request for Approval of Purchases over $50,000
10. Consent Agenda: Administration
10.1. *Request for Approval of Revisions to the 2024-2025 Compensation Plan
10.2. *Request for Approval of Revisions to the San Benito CISD Organizational Chart
10.3. *Request for Approval of Board Minutes
11. Action Agenda
11.1. Discussion and Possible Approval of Change Order request from A1 Facility Services for San Benito Veterans Memorial Academy Canopy Project
12. Closed Meeting
In accordance with Texas Government Code (Open Meetings Act) the Board may move into closed session for the following reasons:
Section 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board’s attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law. Section 551.074 - For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee. |
12.1. Employment, Resignation(s), Retirement(s), and Termination(s)
12.2. Legal Update on Performing Arts Center and Natatorium
13. Reconvene into Open Session
Reconvene Into Open Session, and Possible Action on Matters Considered in Closed Session, if necessary
13.1. Employment, Resignation(s), Retirement(s), and Termination(s)
14. Closing of Meeting
14.1. Adjournment