November 3, 2021 at 11:00 AM - Texas Workforce Housing Foundation
Minutes |
1. Call to order and determine if a quorum is present
2. Public comments: this time is provided for the public to address the Board on issues and concerns. No action can or will be taken on issues raised under this portion of the meeting. Please state your name for the record and limit your remarks to a period not to exceed three minutes.
3. Approve minutes from prior board meeting
4. Discussion and possible action regarding award of services contract for financial advisor to the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation.
5. Status update on approved transactions.
6. Consideration and possible approval of memorandum of understanding for previously approved transactions.
7. Consideration and approval of a plan of finance to issue tax-exempt bonds, notes, or loans for the acquisition of land and construction, equipping, and ownership of permanent improvements to provide for essential housing; authorizing execution of all documentation and agreements necessary to carry out the transaction and other matters in connection therewith.
8. Consideration and possible approval of and allowance for (1) the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation to enter into an agreement with Vaquero Ventures, LLC or its affiliates to effectuate the acquisition, development, and/or rehabilitation of essential housing in the State of Texas and to serve as the general contractor on such; (2) the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation to serve as the sole member of the general partner or special limited partner for to-be-formed partnerships between the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation, Vaquero Ventures, LLC or its affiliates, and potential limited partner investors that shall acquire, develop, own, and operate essential housing developments; and (3) authorizing execution of all documentation and agreements, including interlocal agreements, necessary to carry out the transactions and other matters in connection therewith.
9. Confirm next meeting date; discuss future agenda items
10. Adjournment