January 11, 2022 at 4:00 PM - SH 130 MMD Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Public communications and comments
2. Review and approve Minutes of November 29, 2021 Meeting
3. Update with regard to development related matters and approved development deals for the Texas Essential Housing Public Facility Corporation ("TEHPFC")
4. Consider and approve a Resolution approving the creation of the SH130 Innovation District PFC ("SH130 Innovation District PFC") and take any additional action with regard thereto
5. Discuss and approve a Certificate of Formation and related Bylaws for SH 130 Innovation District PFC, and any additional resolutions, consents or agreements, as maybe necessary, related to same, and approve execution and filing there of;
6. If timely, consider and approve SH 130 Innovation District PFC Plan of Finance and related Resolution to approve SH 130 Innovation District PFC Plan of Finance,and take any additional action with respect thereto
7. Consider and approve a Resolution approving the creation of the Emerald Island PFC ("EmeraldIslandPFC") and take any additional action with regard thereto
8. Discuss and approve a Certificate of Formation and related Bylaws for Emerald Island PFC and any additional resolutions, consents or agreements, as maybe necessary, related to same, and approve execution and filing thereof
9. If timely, consider and approve a Resolution approving the appointment of two board members to the TEHPFC and take any additional action with regard thereto
10. Discuss and approve a Resolution approving the hiring of SH 130 Municipal Management District No. 1 employees and lease or purchase of office space and take any additional action with regard thereto
11. Discuss upcoming directors' elections and, if timely, act upon supplemental agenda
12. Review and approve a Cash Activity Report and related payments, authorize the opening of any new accounts, as may be necessary, and take further action with regard to any additional reporting or budget related matter
13. Discuss and confirm any tentative or proposed next meeting dates
14. Adjournment.