April 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Monthly Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call Meeting To Order
2. Approve Agenda As Presented Or Amended
3. Hear From The Following:
A. Members of the Public B. Student Council C. PTO D. Site Councils E. Booster Club F. PHEA G. USD 113 Foundation H. Legislative Update |
5. Consent Agenda
6. USD 113 Needs Assessment for KESA & Bugeting
7. To discuss matters relating to actions adversely or favorably affecting a student(s) at _____ p.m. to return at ______ p.m.
8. Proposal for SMS, 6th grade parents, to choose the "Parental Request" option for student absences (Lifewise for the 2024-25 school year).
9. To enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters of non-elected personnel as allowed under KOMA at ______ p.m. and to return at ______ p.m.
10. Enter into executive session for consultation with an attorney which would be deemed privileged in the attorney client relationship at _______ p.m. until _______ p.m.
11. Adjourn