November 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the School Board
Minutes | |
I. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance
II. Mission Statement
III. Roll Call
MEMBERS PRESENT: Lindsay Clauson, David Hokanson, Heather Holst, Ashley McFarland, Matthew Munger, Tim Peterson, Wayne Whitwam, Superintendent, Lance Takkunen, Director of Business Services
VISITORS: Sarah Turcotte, Jason Wilcox, Bill Wietman, Alex Olsen, Nikki Zwak, Gretchen Appelwick, Kristal Berg, Dana Carlson, Katie Borndal, Eric Griffith, Jodi McShane, Connie Adamac |
IV. Approve Agenda
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V. Approve Consent Agenda
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V.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: October 28, 2024
V.B. Approval and authorization of audited vouchers for payment #115228-115309 charged to the following funds and the Bank and Electronic Transfers:
V.C. Approval of Personnel Items
VI. Resolution to Accept Donations
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VII. Comments and Congratulations
VII.A. Elementary, Middle, High School, and Community Education Reports
Berg. Early Childhood Family Education Quarter 1 classes concluded on October 31 with 44 families participating, and only 1 class canceled due to low enrollment. Quarter 2 classes start today, and we are expecting similar numbers. Roxy Olsen Hurst and I attended the National Association of Education for Young Children, NAEYC, Conference last week in Anaheim. It’s Minnesota Community Education Day on Nov 14. Be sure to thank a Community Education professional.
Whitwam. Recognized Veterans Day on Nov. 11 and School Psychology Week. Peterson. Congratulated members of the Hermantown volleyball, football, cross country and girls swimming and diving teams for making it to the State Tournament in their respective sports. |
VII.B. Elk's Senior Students of the Month - Carolina Manion & Jack Collins
VIII. Recognition of Visitor Business
No Visitor Business.
IX. Administrative Report
IX.A. Lance Takkunen - Budget Update
Director of Business Services Lance Takkunen presented an update on the outlook for the 2025-2026 budget.
X. Correspondence
No Correspondence.
XI. Resolution Canvassing Returns of Votes
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XI.A. Abstract and Return of Votes Cast
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XI.B. Certificates of Election
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XII. Superintendent's Discussion Items
XII.A. Enrollment Update
Enrollment is steady.
XII.B. K-12 Special Education Program Review
Recommendations and assignments have been added to a Google doc for ongoing updates and progress.
XII.C. Hermantown Recreation Initiative
With the anticipated grade of the new parking lot in front of the arena, out garages nearest to the arena will most likely flood in the spring. Whitwam has a request in with the City of Hermantown for use of the blue garage located at the YMCA for storage if flooding does take place.
Starting Thursday, semis will be hauling in walls, which will temporarily interrupt traffic on West Arrowhead Rd. |
XII.D. 2025 MSBA Leadership Conference - Jan. 16-17
Whitwam asked Board members who would like to attend the MSBA Leadership Conference. Need to know by the end of November for room reservation purposes.
XII.E. Other
XIII. Committee Reports
XIV. Old Business
XIV.A. Parking Lot Rules and Enforcement
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XIV.B. Approval of 2023-2024 World's Best Workforce (WBWF) Annual Summary Report
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XV. New Business
XV.A. Approval of High School Counseling Secretary Job Description
XV.B. Approval of 2025-2026 School Calendar
XV.C. School Board Committee and Outside Assignments Review - Additions/Deletions
XV.D. Resolution Directing the Administration to Make Recommendations for Reductions in Programs and Positions and Reasons Therefor
XVI. Adjournment
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