January 15, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Call Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call meeting to order:
1.A. Prayer
HH Garza
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
Dr. H.H. Garza
1.C. Public Comments
Registered Visitors
1.D. Board President's Comments, Training Opportunities, and Committee Dates
1.E. Superintendent's Report
1.E.i. Construction Update
1.E.ii. Upcoming Bond Payments
1.E.iii. Bond Restructure Update
1.E.iv. Cafeteria Grant Update
1.E.v. Discussion on 2023-2024 Financial Audit Report.
2. Consent Agenda:
2.A. Approval of Minutes for Regular Board Meeting on December 10, 2024, and Special Call Board meeting on December 16, 2024.
2.B. Approval of Accounts Payable/Bills.
2.C. Approval of Business Office Report, Investment Report, and Tax Report.
2.D. Approval of Directors Report: Athletics, Police Department, Transportation, and Technology Report.
2.E. Approval of Principals Reports: OES, BMS, BHS
3. Governance:
3.A. Discussion and possible action to approve the 2025-2026 District Improvement Plan.
3.B. Discussion and possible action to approve the BHS Campus Improvement Plan
3.C. Discussion and possible action to approve the BMS Campus Improvement Plan
3.D. Discussion and possible action to approve the OES Campus Improvement Plan
4. Personnel Matters:
4.A. Discussion and possible action to approve the updated substitute list for the 24-25 school year.
5. Finance:
5.A. Discussion and possible action to approve the updated approved local vendor list.
5.B. Discussion on bond contracted services.
5.C. Discussion on Bond Project Updates.
6. Construction:
6.A. Discussion and possible action to approve the application for payment for American Contracting and Roofing LLC of $8,000.00.
7. Executive Session:
7.A. Discussion and possible action to enter executive session.
7.B. Discussion and possible action to exit executive session.
8. Closing Business:
8.A. Adjourn.