Thursday, January 12, 2023 Executive Meeting - Alsea School Board Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Call to Order
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Action Item
Executive Session 6:30 PM Session begins 1831
To consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation likely to be filed. (ORS 192.660(2)(h) |
2. 6:30 PM Executive Session:
To consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed. (ORS 192.660(2)(h))
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3. 7:00PM Return to Open Session
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1859 return to Open Session
4. Flag Salute
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Action Item
5. Approval of the Agenda
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No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Approval of the Agenda - with the amendment of adding the executive session at the end of the open
Session in regard to current litigation likely to be filed. (ORS 192.660(2)(h). Move action item 15c of the Policy reading to the next meeting as a 3rd reading. The agenda was approved with amendments, Debra Lindberg approved. Ryan VanLeuven seconded. All in favor, yea. |
6. Discussion
a. Superintendent Search
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Action Item
Vince Adams joined us via the internet. Debra Lindberg has been speaking with him.
Confidentiality sheets need to be signed and returned to Jennifer Nelson prior to the next meeting.. The next meeting will be on January 17th to discuss the process. The screeners and the board will get their first glimpse of the applicants. Linda Montanez asked about attending virtually being a possibility. Debra Lindberg also said that they need to be sure to download the Revelus app prior to the meeting. This is the online program that holds all the documents of the applicants. Superintendent Gallagher asked if the existing superintendent is a part of the process. Mr. Adams said that they do not typically during the initial stages of the process. But they often do start taking part towards the end of the process. Mr Adams told the Board that by extending the application deadline allowed for more applicants to apply. Overall applicants for Superintendent positions are down.
7. District Recognition:
a. Brick and Mortar i..Employee ii. January is School Board Recognition Month
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Action Item
a. Brick and Mortar
i. Employee - Joe Martinez, is an Instructional Assistant but he has been much more than that. He coaches kids, teaches kids sign language, helps students in the classroom as well as talks to kids in the hallways. He exhibits extreme flexibility and ability to rock his job. ii. January is School Board Recognition Month Superintendent Gallagher recognized the hours they volunteer to serve as Board members. These are elected positions. The board members spend countless hours overseeing district happenings. Risteen Folett has served - 2 years Linda Montanez has served - 8 years Ryan VanLeuven has served - 9 months Debra Lindberg has served - 6 years Robert Webb - 8 prior, plus 9 months |
8. Superintendent Report:
Sean Gallagher a. District Priorities Update b. Bond GMP Update c. Seesaw
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
a. District Priorities Update
Superintendent Gallagher spent time over winter break to review the document adding additional information. Developed: Board policy revision, efficient and effective meetings, state conferences we had representation at the Bend but not able to make the Portland conference, guide and evaluate and supervise the Superintendent, created district school improvement plan with help from an ESD advisor, OSBA sponsored charter review, Increased communications to the Board, staff and community. With attendance to staff meetings, fireside chats, with adding a public information officer, addition of board books, restructuring of the hierarchy chart from the Superintendent's office only, HR reset project, job descriptions, contracts, leaves and accountability; we have had to completely reset Frontline, restore clear expectations for all HR related issues such as job descriptions, natural attrition with what might be deemed unnecessary staff, faculty handbook, teacher mentoring program, training for subs and Instructional Assistants, negotiations with certified union. In Progress: Budget, restoring checks and balances with purchasing process, restore a sustainable budget, programs in terms of refocus on division 22 standards, accreditation process for the high school, Oregon records management system implementation, conversion from SIS to Synergy, textbooks. 30% completed with ELA adoption, the math textbook adoption has been completed, state and federal reports trying to get those all back under the superintendent's office. 50% on making sure who is in charge of the reports, restoring order in checks and balances with communications with the community. Bond project, the seismic application; we have tried for two years for a TAP grant, it has been recommended that we start the process over, Superintendent Gallagher reached out to a company that he has completed seven seismic projects with. Shirley Koetz is starting work on the application for the TAP grant. Superintendent hiring process, b. Bond GMP Update; Currently being updated, Bond project update, board has been doing due diligence with this project. There has been a lot of catching up to do as well as a lot of technical. Since time has evolved, CB construction is updating the GMP contract. Bond oversight meeting happened yesterday. Superintendent Gallagher is recommending a meeting on January 26 to approve moving forward. c. Seesaw - Heather Shunk presented LaHO wants to move forward with breaking ties with Paradigm and switch to Seesaw as a platform. Seesaw is well known across the country, it brings a lot of pieces together and allows better collaboration with parents and teachers. The unique part of LaHO is we are already using a platform that is similar. Seesaw started out as a collaboration with teachers. In the last 5 years they have added a K-5 standards-based curriculum piece. A lot of teachers are already using some of this as a supplement for parents. It has an embedded assessment tool for teachers to use in real time. Equitable access, multiple languages that curriculum can be translated to. Supportive for Special Ed students as well. The cost to the district is about $58,000 per year as opposed to $600,000 for Paradigm. Superintendent requested a link that can be shared with the school board so they can have an opportunity to view the program.
9. Reports
a. Guidance Counselor Report b. Suicide Prevention Plan Draft
Hailey Rose
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
a. Guidance Counselor Report - Haley Rose, graduated from Toledo HS, OSU masters in school
counseling. Has worked for Toledo high school and now with Alsea SD. - What she has done so far, breaks up job 3 ways, social emotional, post high school, and academic planning. Implementation of Admentum to help students who have failed courses previously to gain credit recovery. Scheduling and forecasting, senior tracking and advising. Ms Rose is currently the Senior Advisor. Today, the Benton Community Foundation members came and talked to students about applying for scholarships. - Seniors enrolled - currently we have 20, 3 are foreign exchange students, 14 of the The remaining 17 are on track to graduate in June. Risteen Follett asked if parents have the ability to reach out to Ms Rose with questions about the college application process. Linda Montanez asked about the possibility of parents contacting her in the next few months regarding younger students about graduation and potential graduation goals. Alsea has adopted an online program called Overgrad to allow students to take surveys to see where they land in that personality assessment to see what their interests are. Linda Montanez mentioned that the board has been wanting to get back to having these conversations with students from middle school through senior in high school to find best matched colleges or best matched careers. Implementing graduation goals and requirements. Setting up a resume, job shadowing. 4 hours of community service. Ending in a mock interview. Learning real life skills. - College application week. Offers a time and a place for students to do that in the school during school hours. This was held the first week of November. 16 of 20 utilized. Music, vet science, chemistry, lineman careers, etc. - 3 component campaign, focus on applying for scholarships, FAFSA, paying for college. In May there will be a ‘decision day’ for students to make a declaration as to where they are going to go. - Also acting as an LBCC liaison for students who are attending college while still in HS - ASVAB, military entrance survey. All Juniors took that today, Jan 12th. - College visitation to University of Oregon - Social Emotional component, Haley Rose can provide a short term counselor when the Mental Health Liz Holden is not available. Level 1 support, getting into classrooms to provide mental health wellness to all students, Level 2 would be small group meetings (bigs and littles) having older students help younger students, Level 3 is putting out fires that needs immediate one on one attention. b. Suicide Prevention Plan Draft - Superintendent Gallagher requested that the board have an opportunity to read over the material and have Haley Rose return to the next school board meeting to discuss. This is also a Division 22 requirement.
10. Financials
a. Monthly Accounts b. Budget Calendar c. Bond payment Schedule Estimates d. FTE Report
LaRae Sullivan
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
a. Monthly Accounts- LaRae Sullivan presented
Alsea Student Body accounts - there are a few accounts in the red that she will work with Superintendent Gallagher to discuss what needs to be done.. Risteen Follett wanted to know what the approval process is for spending out of the ASB accounts. LaRae Sullivan said it should be done the same as with the building purchasing process, a requisition should be entered with a PO approval. Debra Lindberg wants to know if any of these accounts are doing fundraising anymore? Ryan VanLeuven was under the impression that elementary field trips were supposed to be covered by the jog-a-thon money. Presented we are at an interest rate of 3.0%, contingency is $120,000, in February the board will receive a review on all expenditures to give a clearer view of the ending balance for this school year. State funding is projected at $10,300,000, this is after Ms Sullivan put in the October adjustments. There may be additional adjustments in May. We are currently also going to be receiving an additional based on our October numbers. Robert Webb asked what the actual amount is that the district overspending every month currently.Superintendent Gallagher let the board know that is part of the budget conversation for next year. The current year is budgeted at $1.8 million we have but this needs to be higher by the end of this school year. $1.4 million is in a non touchable account. Revenue vs expenditures: We are currently $82,000 to the plus, the-exciting news, year to date amounts things are starting to head towards the leveling off phase. This is due to cutting back on unnecessary expenditures. b. Budget Calendar - LaRae Sullivan will be offering training as to what goes into the budgeting process. c. Bond payment Schedule Estimates - increase every year, they include interest, the principal increases every year and the interest goes down. By the end of 24 years we are estimated to have a $4000 balance. |
11. Payment of Bills for December 2022
LaRae Sullivan
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Payment of Bills for December 2022
Recess called at 2107 Open Session resumed at 2113
12. Patron Comments:
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Action Item
13. Board Comments
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Board Comments:Debra Lindberg - understands the challenge of the situation. The board members do have information that has not been shared with the public. But for the best of the school it has to be done and her decisions are based on fact.
14. Approval of Minutes:
November 10, 2022 December 8, 2022
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
a. December 8, 2022, Regular Session
b. January 10, 2023 Work Session |
15. Discussion
a. Coop Softball/Baseball with Philomath b. First Reading of Policies : GAA - GDPA-AR c. Second Reading of Policies: DB -FL District Budget DB Budget Calendar DBC Budget Preparation DBE Budget Committee DBEA Budget Hearing DBG Budget Adoption Procedures DBH Budget Amendment Procedures DBI Budget Transfer Authority DBK Budget Transfer Authority DBK-AR(1) Budget Transfer Request DBK-AR(2) Funding Proposals and Applications DD Investment of Funds DFA Investment of Funds DFA-AR Admission Prices and Receipts DFE Admissions to District Events DFEA Income from Program – Related Sales and Services DFG Authorized Signatures DGA Loss Coverage Bonded Employees and Officers DH Fiscal Accounting and Reporting DI Financial Reports and Statements DIC Property Inventories DID Audits DIE District Purchasing DJ Expenditure of District Funds for Meals, Refreshments and Gifts DJ-AR Bidding Requirements DJC Special Procurements and Exemptions from Competitive Bidding DJC-AR Personal Services Contracts DJCA Personal Services Contracts DJCA-AR Credit Cards DJFA Authorization for Payroll Deduction DJFA-AR Payroll DL Salary Deductions. DLB Expense Reimbursements DLC Staff Expense Reimbursement DLC-AR Disposal of District Property DN The following symbols are used on some sample policies: * May be subject to collective bargaining. ** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000. [ ] Brackets occur in sample policies to indicate the need for districts to select or tailor information specific to their particular situations. Safety Program. EB Safety Committee .. EBAC Safety Committee EBAC-AR Integrated Pest Management . EBB First Aid** EBBA First Aid - Infection Control EBBA-AR Infection Control and Bloodborne Pathogens EBBAA Injury/Illness Reports EBBB Emergency Procedures and Disaster Plans EBC/EBCA Emergency Drills and Instruction. EBCB Emergency School Closures** EBCD Vandalism/Malicious Mischief ECAB Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) a.k.a. Drone. ECACB Authorized Use of District Equipment and Materials EDC/KGF Student Transportation Services. EEA School Bus Scheduling and Routing EEAB School Bus Scheduling and Routing EEAB-AR School Bus Safety Program EEAC Student Conduct on School Buses EEACC Discipline Procedures for District-Approved Student Transportation EEACC-AR Discipline Procedures for District-Approved Student Transportation EEACC-AR Use of District Activity Vehicles for Student Transportation EEACD Loading and Unloading EEACE Special Use of School Buses EEAD Student Transportation in Private Vehicle EEAE Proof of Vehicle Liability Insurance EEAE-AR Use of Private Vehicles for District Business EEBB Local Wellness Program EFA Local Wellness EFA Local Wellness Program EFA-AR District Nutrition and Food Services EFAA Reimbursable Meals and Milk Programs EFAA-AR Reproduction of All Copyrighted Materials EGAAA Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted Materials EGAAA-AR Cell Phones. EGACA Cell Phones. EGACA-AR Electronic Data Management EH Electronic Data Management EH-AR Records and Data Management EH-AR The following symbols are used on some sample policies: * May be subject to collective bargaining. ** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000. [ ] Brackets occur in sample policies to indicate the need for districts to select or tailor information specific to their particular situations. Facilities Planning FB Capital Construction Program FC Capital Improvement - Educational Program FEA Selection of Architect FEB Energy-Conserving Construction FECBA Construction Contracts - Bidding and Awards FEF/FEFB Naming New Facilities FF Memorials FFA Temporary District Facilities FJ Facilities Renovation FK Retirement of Facilities FL The following symbols are used on some sample policies: * May be subject to collective bargaining. ** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parents also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000. [ ] Brackets occur in sample policies to indicate the need for districts to select or tailor information specific to their particular situations. FIRST READING of GAA -GDPA-AR Personnel: Definitions.................................................................. GAA Job Descriptions........................................................................... GAB General Personnel Policies......................... ................................... GB Equal Employment Opportunity.................................................. GBA Veterans’ Preference..................................... ............. ..... GBA-AR Staff Ethics... .............................................................................. GBC Staff Ethics................................................................. GBC-AR Alcohol/Controlled Substance Use......................................... GBCBA Board-Staff Communications....................................................... GBD Expression of Milk [or Breast-feeding] in the Workplace *...... GBDA Staff Health and Safety................................................................. GBE Workplace Harassment *........................................................... GBEA Workplace Harassment Reporting and Procedure... GBEA-AR Communicable Diseases – Staff................................................. GBEB Communicable Diseases – Staff.............................. GBEB-AR Communicable Diseases............................... GBEB/JHCC-AR Staff - HIV, AIDS and HBV..................................................... GBEBA HBV/Bloodborne Pathogens................. GBEBAA/JHCCBA /EBBAB Drug-Free Workplace................................................................. GBEC Medical Examinations/Drug Testing........... .............................. GBED Drug and Alcohol Testing - Transportation Personnel............ GBEDA Drug and Alcohol Testing - Transportation Personnel. GBEDA-AR Staff Participation in Political Activities......................... ........ GBG Staff/Student/Parent Relations**............ ......... ......... GBH/JECAC Parental/Family Relationship**....................................... ....... GBHA Gifts and Solicitations....................................................... ......... GBI Internet-Based, Crowd Funding Solicitation....... .... ..... GBI-AR Prohibited Use, Possession, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems......................................... ... GBK/JFCG/KGC Prohibited Use, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems................................................ GBK/KGC Personnel Records..... ........................................................... GBL Staff Complaints..................................................................... GBM Staff Complaints Procedure....................................... GBM-AR Whistleblower.......... .................................................... GBMA Sexual Harassment................................................................ GBN/JBA Sexual Harassment................................................................ GBN/JBA Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure.......... GBN/JBA-AR(1) Federal Law (Title IX) Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure ............ ...... GBN/JBA-AR(2) Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure.... .... GBN/JBA-AR Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Cyberbullying/Menacing – Staff.... ..... GBNA Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing/ Cyberbullying Reporting Procedures – Staff.... GBNA-AR Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students and Reporting Requirements *. GBNAA/JHFF Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures and Forms* GBNAA/JHFF-AR Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements**.. .GBNAB/JHFE Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child... GBNAB/JHFE-AR(1) Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on District Premises.. GBNAB/JHFE-AR(2) Licensed Staff Positions...................................................................... GC Personal Electronic Devices and Social Media - Staff**.............. GCAB Associated Payroll Costs................................................... GCBC/GDBC Family Medical Leave................................................. GCBDA/GDBDA Oregon Family Medical Leave (OFLA. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(1) Sample Letter to Employee - OFLA Leave..GCBDA/GDBDA- AR(3) OFLA Eligibility Notice to Employee... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(4) OFLA Medical Certification.................. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(5) Oregon Military Family Leave.............. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(6) Designation Notice – OFLA............ ..... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(7) Fitness-for-Duty Certification................ GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(8) Family Leave *.... ........ GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(1) Employee Request for Family and Medical Leave.. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(2) Certification of Health Care Provider. GCBDA/GDBDA- AR(3)(A) Certification of Health Care Provider... ... GCBDA/GDBDA- AR(3)(B) Military Family Leave..................... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(3)(C) Military Family Leave..................... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(3)(D) FMLA/OFLA Eligibility Notice to Employee............................ GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(4) Sample Designation Letter to Employee - FMLA/OFLA Leave... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(5) Designation Notice –...................... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(6) Fitness-for-Duty Certification........ GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(7) Early Return to Work............................. .... GCBDB/GDBDB Early Return to Work Procedures... GCBDB/GDBDB-AR Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, or Stalking Leave...... GCBDC/GDBDC Request for Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault or Stalking Leave GCBDC/GDBDC-AR Sick Time.. ................ .. GCBDD/GDBDD Vacations and Holidays.. .. GCBE/GDBE Recruitment of Licensed Staff *.. GCC GCDA/GDDA Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting *... GCDA/GDDA Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting. GCDA/GDDA-AR Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting. GCDA/GDDA-AR Job Sharing... ........ ........... GCEC Job Sharing Agreement.... . GCEC-AR Overtime ........ ............ . GCKA/GDKA Compensatory Time....... GCKA/GDKA-AR Staff Development.... ............................ ... ... . GCL/GDL Evaluation of Staff..... ....................... .. .. GCN/GDN Layoff - Licensed Staff.......... ................ .. .. GCPA Layoff/Recall - Licensed Staff........... .... . GCPA-AR Reduction or Recall of Licensed Staff.. .. .. GCPA-AR Resignation of Staff....... .................................. .. . GCPB/GDPB Retirement of Staff...................... .................... .... GCPC/GDPC Discipline and Dismissal of Licensed Staff.... ..... GCPD Discipline and Dismissal of Licensed Staff. . GCPD-AR Private Tutoring for Pay. GCQAB Copyrights and Patents...... .................................. .... GCQBA Classified Staff/Classified Staff Positions............ ..... GD Posting of Vacancies - Classified........................... ... GDCA Substitute Classified Employees............................ .. GDEA Classified Staff Assignments and Transfers............ ..... GDI Notice of Employment........................ ....................... GDIA Discipline, Demoting or Dismissal of Nonrepresented St........ GDP Layoff - Classified Staff..... ................................................. GDPA Layoff - Classified Staff.... ................................. GDPA-AR The following symbols are used on some sample policies: * May be subject to collective bargaining. ** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000. [ ] Brackets occur in sample policies to indicate the need for districts to select or tailor information specific to their particular situations.
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
a. Coop Softball/Baseball with Philomath
Superintendent Gallagher read a memo from Bart Rothberger looking into coop with Philomath SD, there will be no extra cost to Alsea school in terms of bussing students to Philomath as we currently have a bus going there. Parents would however, have to pick their students up after practice. Philomath has a Junior Varsity program for participation as well. b. First Reading of Policies: GAA - GDPA-AR - DL, DBI and DJD1 c. Second Reading of Policies: DB - FL District Budget DB Budget Calendar DBC Budget Preparation DBE Budget Committee DBEA Budget Hearing DBG Budget Adoption Procedures DBH Budget Amendment Procedures DBI Budget Transfer Authority DBK Budget Transfer Authority DBK-AR(1) Budget Transfer Request DBK-AR(2) Funding Proposals and Applications DD Investment of Funds DFA Investment of Funds DFA-AR Admission Prices and Receipts DFE Admissions to District Events DFEA Income from Program - Related Sales and Services DFG Authorized Signatures DGA Loss Coverage Bonded Employees and Officers DH Fiscal Accounting and Reporting DI Financial Reports and Statements DIC Property Inventories DID Audits DIE District Purchasing DJ Expenditure of District Funds for Meals, Refreshments and Gifts DJ-AR Bidding Requirements DJC Special Procurements and Exemptions from Competitive Bidding DJC-AR Personal Services Contracts DJCA Personal Services Contracts DJCA-AR Credit Cards DJFA Authorization for Payroll Deduction DJFA-AR Payroll DL Salary Deductions. DLB Expense Reimbursements DLC Staff Expense Reimbursement DLC-AR Disposal of District Property DN The following symbols are used on some sample policies: * May be subject to collective bargaining. ** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000. [ ] Brackets occur in sample policies to indicate the need for districts to select or tailor information specific to their particular situations. Safety Program. EB Safety Committee .. EBAC Safety Committee EBAC-AR Integrated Pest Management . EBB First Aid** EBBA First Aid - Infection Control EBBA-AR Infection Control and Bloodborne Pathogens EBBAA Injury/Illness Reports EBBB Emergency Procedures and Disaster Plans EBC/EBCA Emergency Drills and Instruction. EBCB Emergency School Closures** EBCD Vandalism/Malicious Mischief ECAB Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) a.k.a. Drone. ECACB Authorized Use of District Equipment and Materials EDC/KGF Student Transportation Services. EEA School Bus Scheduling and Routing EEAB School Bus Scheduling and Routing EEAB-AR School Bus Safety Program EEAC Student Conduct on School Buses EEACC Discipline Procedures for District-Approved Student Transportation EEACC-AR Discipline Procedures for District-Approved Student Transportation EEACC-AR Use of District Activity Vehicles for Student Transportation EEACD Loading and Unloading EEACE Special Use of School Buses EEAD Student Transportation in Private Vehicle EEAE Proof of Vehicle Liability Insurance EEAE-AR Use of Private Vehicles for District Business EEBB Local Wellness Program EFA Local Wellness EFA Local Wellness Program EFA-AR District Nutrition and Food Services EFAA Reimbursable Meals and Milk Programs EFAA-AR Reproduction of All Copyrighted Materials EGAAA Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted Materials EGAAA-AR Cell Phones. EGACA Cell Phones. EGACA-AR Electronic Data Management EH Electronic Data Management EH-AR Records and Data Management EH-AR The following symbols are used on some sample policies: * May be subject to collective bargaining. ** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000. [ ] Brackets occur in sample policies to indicate the need for districts to select or tailor information specific to their particular situations. Facilities Planning FB Capital Construction Program FC Capital Improvement - Educational Program FEA Selection of Architect FEB Energy-Conserving Construction FECBA Construction Contracts - Bidding and Awards FEF/FEFB Naming New Facilities FF Memorials FFA Temporary District Facilities FJ Facilities Renovation FK Retirement of Facilities FL The following symbols are used on some sample policies: * May be subject to collective bargaining. ** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parents also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000. [ ] Brackets occur in sample policies to indicate the need for districts to select or tailor information specific to their particular situations. FIRST READING of GAA -GDPA-AR Personnel: Definitions.................................................................. GAA Job Descriptions........................................................................... GAB General Personnel Policies......................... ................................... GB Equal Employment Opportunity.................................................. GBA Veterans’ Preference..................................... ............. ..... GBA-AR Staff Ethics... .............................................................................. GBC Staff Ethics................................................................. GBC-AR Alcohol/Controlled Substance Use......................................... GBCBA Board-Staff Communications....................................................... GBD Expression of Milk [or Breast-feeding] in the Workplace *...... GBDA Staff Health and Safety................................................................. GBE Workplace Harassment *........................................................... GBEA Workplace Harassment Reporting and Procedure... GBEA-AR Communicable Diseases - Staff................................................. GBEB Communicable Diseases - Staff.............................. GBEB-AR Communicable Diseases............................... GBEB/JHCC-AR Staff - HIV, AIDS and HBV..................................................... GBEBA HBV/Bloodborne Pathogens................. GBEBAA/JHCCBA /EBBAB Drug-Free Workplace................................................................. GBEC Medical Examinations/Drug Testing........... .............................. GBED Drug and Alcohol Testing - Transportation Personnel............ GBEDA Drug and Alcohol Testing - Transportation Personnel. GBEDA-AR Staff Participation in Political Activities......................... ........ GBG Staff/Student/Parent Relations**............ ......... ......... GBH/JECAC Parental/Family Relationship**....................................... ....... GBHA Gifts and Solicitations....................................................... ......... GBI Internet-Based, Crowd Funding Solicitation....... .... ..... GBI-AR Prohibited Use, Possession, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems......................................... ... GBK/JFCG/KGC Prohibited Use, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems................................................ GBK/KGC Personnel Records..... ........................................................... GBL Staff Complaints..................................................................... GBM Staff Complaints Procedure....................................... GBM-AR Whistleblower.......... .................................................... GBMA Sexual Harassment................................................................ GBN/JBA Sexual Harassment................................................................ GBN/JBA Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure.......... GBN/JBA-AR(1) Federal Law (Title IX) Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure ............ ...... GBN/JBA-AR(2) Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure.... .... GBN/JBA-AR Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Cyberbullying/Menacing - Staff.... ..... GBNA Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing/ Cyberbullying Reporting Procedures - Staff.... GBNA-AR Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students and Reporting Requirements *. GBNAA/JHFF Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures and Forms* GBNAA/JHFF-AR Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements**.. .GBNAB/JHFE Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child... GBNAB/JHFE-AR(1) Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on District Premises.. GBNAB/JHFE-AR(2) Licensed Staff Positions...................................................................... GC Personal Electronic Devices and Social Media - Staff**.............. GCAB Associated Payroll Costs................................................... GCBC/GDBC Family Medical Leave................................................. GCBDA/GDBDA Oregon Family Medical Leave (OFLA. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(1) Sample Letter to Employee - OFLA Leave..GCBDA/GDBDA- AR(3) OFLA Eligibility Notice to Employee... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(4) OFLA Medical Certification.................. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(5) Oregon Military Family Leave.............. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(6) Designation Notice - OFLA............ ..... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(7) Fitness-for-Duty Certification................ GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(8) Family Leave *.... ........ GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(1) Employee Request for Family and Medical Leave.. GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(2) Certification of Health Care Provider. GCBDA/GDBDA- AR(3)(A) Certification of Health Care Provider... ... GCBDA/GDBDA- AR(3)(B) Military Family Leave..................... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(3)(C) Military Family Leave..................... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(3)(D) FMLA/OFLA Eligibility Notice to Employee............................ GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(4) Sample Designation Letter to Employee - FMLA/OFLA Leave... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(5) Designation Notice -...................... GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(6) Fitness-for-Duty Certification........ GCBDA/GDBDA-AR(7) Early Return to Work............................. .... GCBDB/GDBDB Early Return to Work Procedures... GCBDB/GDBDB-AR Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, or Stalking Leave...... GCBDC/GDBDC Request for Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault or Stalking Leave GCBDC/GDBDC-AR Sick Time.. ................ .. GCBDD/GDBDD Vacations and Holidays.. .. GCBE/GDBE Recruitment of Licensed Staff *.. GCC GCDA/GDDA Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting *... GCDA/GDDA Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting. GCDA/GDDA-AR Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting. GCDA/GDDA-AR Job Sharing... ........ ........... GCEC Job Sharing Agreement.... . GCEC-AR Overtime ........ ............ . GCKA/GDKA Compensatory Time....... GCKA/GDKA-AR Staff Development.... ............................ ... ... . GCL/GDL Evaluation of Staff..... ....................... .. .. GCN/GDN Layoff - Licensed Staff.......... ................ .. .. GCPA Layoff/Recall - Licensed Staff........... .... . GCPA-AR Reduction or Recall of Licensed Staff.. .. .. GCPA-AR Resignation of Staff....... .................................. .. . GCPB/GDPB Retirement of Staff...................... .................... .... GCPC/GDPC Discipline and Dismissal of Licensed Staff.... ..... GCPD Discipline and Dismissal of Licensed Staff. . GCPD-AR Private Tutoring for Pay. GCQAB Copyrights and Patents...... .................................. .... GCQBA Classified Staff/Classified Staff Positions............ ..... GD Posting of Vacancies - Classified........................... ... GDCA Substitute Classified Employees............................ .. GDEA Classified Staff Assignments and Transfers............ ..... GDI Notice of Employment........................ ....................... GDIA Discipline, Demoting or Dismissal of Nonrepresented St........ GDP Layoff - Classified Staff..... ................................................. GDPA Layoff - Classified Staff.... ................................. GDPA-AR The following symbols are used on some sample policies: * May be subject to collective bargaining. ** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000. [ ] Brackets occur in sample policies to indicate the need for districts to select or tailor information specific to their particular situations.
16. Action Items:
a. Coop Softball/Baseball with Philomath Approve Policies DB-FL b .Approve Policies DB-FL c. HR Reset Version Four for Approval d. Gallagher Memo Superintendent Search e. Approval Special Bond Meeting f. Seesaw Approval Process g. Submission of AED Grant h. Hire Long Term Sub for 3rd Grade
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
a. Coop Softball/Baseball with Philomath
b. First Reading of Policies: GAA - GDPA-AR - DL, DBI and DJD1, no action required. c. Approve Policies DB-FL, moved to the next school board meeting, no action required. d. HR Reset - version 4, Debra Lindberg made a motion to approve, Linda Montanez seconds, Risteen Follett shared: she talked with Vince Adams, the process to work through this the board can make amendments in the future. Open to discussion - Debra Lindberg wants to make sure that when HR reset rolls out that not any one person can not afford to live. She agrees that there needs to be a baseline to work from. If the payscale is going to decrease significantly, we cap that amount. Amend that there will be no more than a 6% decrease in pay for any employee. Superintendent Gallagher cautioned the board that this can still create an imbalance in current salary pay. Linda Montanez wants to ensure that when an employee is decreased by 6% that their cost of living is frozen until the salary schedule is readjusted. Ryan VanLeuven suggested approving the salary schedule and getting all employees placed correctly. But, put a freeze on the step increase for the 2023-24 year. If this amendment is put into place Risteen Follett would like to suggest that a ‘due’ date be given to the board to re-evaluate the pay increase percentage. This can be revisited once the certified bargaining is completed as well as the budget is ready for the 2023-24 school year. LaRae Sullivan commented that the budget proposal is due mid April, this will reflect future enrollment projection more accurately.Risteen Follett would like to request that if an open position can not be filled internally that the board be consulted before the job is posted externally. Robert Webb requests that any hiring of a position whether it is a move from internally or externally it be brought before the board prior to filling or posting. Debra Lindberg requests that decreases and increases in pay all happen in February and no employee gets retroactivity back to July. Debra Lindberg withdraws the amendment that caps losses at 6%. Debra Lindberg recommends adopting the salary schedule of the increase of 2% step scale. Debra Lindberg approves with amendments of step freezes being implemented until 2024, an amendment of step increase be placed at a 2% increase for all positions, Linda Montanez seconds. All in favor, yea. e. Superintendent hiring memo - amendment to the original calendar that Debra Lindberg was given permission to keep the application window open longer than the original date. The calendar would be amended to have the Superintendent application window closing on January 16th. The screening committee would then begin the confidential training on the 17th. They will debrief and select the candidates to interview. Interviews will take place February 7th - 11th with finalist forums being February 20th-21st. Ryan VanLueven motioned to approve with amendments, Debra Lindberg seconds. All in favor, yea. f. Special board meeting on January 25th at 7:00 PM after the bond meeting at 6:00 PM. Deb Lindberg motioned to approve, Robert Webb seconds, all in favor, yea. g. Seesaw Approval Process - nothing to approve Heather Shunk needs to present it for parent approval h. Submission of AED Grant, Linda Montanez approves the booster club applying for a grant from the OSU folk club to purchase two AEDs for the school, Robert Webb seconds, all in favor, yea. i. Hiring a long term sub for 3rd grade. Robert Webb approves, Debra Lindberg seconds, Linda Montanez stepped back as there is a conflict of interest. All in favor, yea. A brief break is called at 2300 before moving back into Executive Session Added a second Executive Session per change in agenda at the beginning of the meeting. Executive Session resumes at 2306 To consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation likely to be filed. (ORS 192.660(2)(h) Executive Session is adjourned at 2326 |
17. Adjourn
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Adjourn the School Boarding meeting 2329
18. Key Dates and Calendar Updates
January 13, 2023 In Service/Grading Day January 16, 2023 Martin Luther King Day January 17, 2023 Fireside Chat January 17, 2023 Special Board Meeting January 17 – 27, 2023 J Term January 20, 2023 School in Session January 27, 2023 School in Session
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
January 13, 2023, In Service / Grading Day
January 16, 2023, Martin Luthar King Day January 17, 2023, Fireside Chat January 17, 2023, Special Board Meeting January 17-27, 2023, J Term January 20, 2023, School in Session January 27, 2023, School in Session |