September 6, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Alsea School Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Risteen Follett called the meeting to order at 7:00pm
2. Flag Salute
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
3. Approval of the Agenda
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
4. Review processes and procedures of public school building construction projects.
Sean Gallagher, David McKay, Jason Hay
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Consultants in Attendance: Jason Hayes - ESD Superintendent Frank Bricker - Vice Chair for ESD Dave McKay -HMK Chair Review Process and Procedures Going over any changes and specifications on the bond project. Make this as successful as possible. The consultants have a vested interest in making this project run smoothly. Frustrations and questions from Board Chair and Vice Chair: Report Monthly - HVAC/Cafeteria - Hearing movement on the VOC project, but not hearing much else The communication helps to show the successes and challenges that the school faces during the bond project. Makes it easier to make changes as they arise during the bond process. Deb Lindberg said the original plan was this large project, but is now a constant let down because of what has happened. It feels like the community is very let down. Something to consider: Sometimes it's good to name the frustration so people know that we (board) commiserate with them. Our (board) frustrations are their frustrations as well. Not a linear set of properties anymore. David McKay stated that this is the most difficult time of his career right now, unprecedented inflation. Everyone is feeling it right now. There are issues on every front with labor, supplies, goes on and on. Ryan Van Leuven. We need a time when we will see the budget for the project, Risteen stated we need to see a timeline as well. We don’t have any of these things. You need a project manager who is your sole person, your owners manager/just represents you.. One: you should have had all these things from the beginning. Daily/Weekly/Monthly meetings should be happening. You need to have someone who has the big picture in mind and keeps everyone on plan. That way you can find and fix the issues when you know your budget. GET A PROJECT MANAGER. There are costs associated with this, but it’s a must to get the best outcome. Project manager takes the beating for the school and makes sure that the architect stays on plan for what’s best for kids. Someone who is on your side. Budget documents with hard costs and soft costs are a must. You have to have these and will never see it from our accounting department. Need someone to translate the documents. Makes it easier to ask the tough questions for the board. Gives them the most up to date and accurate information. Deb Lindberg stated: Our bond is small, making it rough to fork out more money for a project manager. You need someone to get hard nosed or someone in place already to do that. Sean knows they cost money. However, they always save their salary plus more in his experience. Risteen Follett said she has had the question asked multiple times as to who our project manager is, Scott Marshal is our project manager. Ryan Van Leuven asked what we could do to get going in the right direction, since we started out going the wrong direction. Dave McKay said 6 weeks is the typical turn around time. Ryan Van Leuven asked what’s the market average? Dave Mckay said it’s agreed upon amount usually 2 - 3.25 percent for the entire bond. They develop a fee on how much is going into the project. Risteen Follett asked how much time it would take to restart these projects. Dave McKay said we need someone who will come in and take the hard knocks and work with everyone, someone who can hit the ground running to move forward. Humility is a big piece of someone who you need, someone who won't burn the bridges already established. All depends on the lead time right now and what the cost might entail. Dave McKay said create a GMP: drawings are 100% complete, all aspects are finished and complete, contractor takes that and breaks it down by trade bids, that is then put out for electronic bids, hard close dates and time, General contractor then goes through that and determines the best value for all the individual packages, makes sure there are no holes, then they come to the board and present a total bid for the project. To pause the project which has been done, and you state you would not move forward without the GMP. There is too much risk for all those involved. Sean please address the financing piece. LBLESD had to go out for a mortgage, 4-5 months, secured 7 million to secure the project. Justification was that it was work that had to be done, do it now/right and can spend less over time to make up the cost. It wasn’t hiccup free, but it got done the best that could be done. Challenges from a board perspective: most boards don’t deal in million dollar projects, it was something they had to wrap their brains around. They had to come back multiple times to make it fit into their budget. Inflation was rough, but had to just say tough and do it to get what was needed done. Part of the process is to talk through the spending process and know that you have to spend the money now to save money later. To do what’s right now instead of fixing the problems later for more money. Future proof things. Ryan Van Leuven stated we have till 2024 to get this done without losing funds. ESSER and OSCIM will be gone at the beginning of ‘24.A reasonable expectation as to spending the money (85% of the funds) you can put a rationale in the contract that explains why you couldn’t spend it. Risteen Follett stated that the board gets in loops where we can’t move forward with projects without the information that is requested. Jason Hay says communication is key, but you have to be transparent and communicate what you're doing at every turn. Ryan Van Leuven, if we hire a project manager now, should we be OK with our timeline? Dave McKay: You should be ok with all the plans that are ready to go now. Sean Gallagher said; they have been going out for bids for some time, but they haven’t seen them. They just need to be shared. Dave McKay said to be empowered to ask tough questions. There are no dumb questions. People need to get comfortable in asking and answering tough questions. Ask repeatedly and frequently until you get the answers. Risteen Follett stated we need to build relationships with local contractors
David McKay from HMK Construction and Jason Hay, Assistant Superintendent, LBLESD will review the processes and procedures of public school construction projects and will answer any questions you have concerning these processes.
5. Adjourn
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Adjourned 8:20pm
______________________________ ____________________________________ Risteen Follett Board Chair Date Sean Gallagher Superintendent Date |