February 27, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
By Board Chair Sara Nagel
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
IV. Consider Additions/Deletions/Acceptance of the Agenda. Added item under Other: Update on the Funstop program with Pillager Family Center.
V. Visitor Comments
VI. Consider Consent Agenda
VI.A. Consider the minutes of the January 23rd reorganizational and regular school board meeting
VI.B. Monthly cash flow including investments
VI.C. Monthly bills paid
VI.D. Monthly bills paid -Activity accounts
VI.E. Donations
VI.F. Personnel summary sheet
VII. MSHSL ExCEL and Triple "A" Award Recipient Recognition.
Matt Moen recognized Joshua Freelove and Gwendlynne Brown. Both were nominated for the Excel award sponsored by the Minnesota State High School League. He also recognized the Pillager Triple A award recipients Grace Grimsley and Jakeb Hooge. Grace Grimsley, Jakeb Hooge, Joshua Freelove, and Gwendlynne Brown were all recognized by Superintendent Malmberg and the School Board for their accomplishments.
VIII. Conservation Crew Presentation: Beth Streit and the Conservation Crew presented a Pollinator Garden they would like to implement over by the Greenhouse.
Beth Streit
IX. Special Board Reports with Possible Action
IX.A. Personnel
IX.A.1. Committee Report - Tuesday, February 7th, 2023
IX.A.1.a. Penmac Contract
IX.A.1.b. XTONA (CTC IT) Contract
IX.B. Curriculum
IX.B.1. Committee Report - Wednesday February 22nd, 2023.
Becky Bennett and Sara Nagel
IX.B.1.a. Approve the 2023-2024 District Calendar.
IX.B.1.b. Approve 2024-2025 District Calendar.
IX.B.2. Director of Teaching and Learning Report
IX.B.2.a. STEPS Program
Ryan Krominga played a video on how the STEPS program is working.
IX.C. Policy
IX.C.1. Policy 534: School Meals Policy
Third and Final Reading
IX.D. Activities
Meeting scheduled in March.
IX.D.1. Committee Report
IX.E. Facilities
Meeting scheduled in March
IX.E.1. Committee Report
IX.F. Budget - Tuesday, February 21st, 2023.
The Budget Committee met on February 21st, 2023. They discussed District contract negotiations, preliminary staffing for FY 24, the 2nd budget revision and School Readiness fees for FY 24.
IX.F.1. Committee Report
IX.F.1.a. Consider the 2022-2023 2nd Budget Revision.
IX.F.1.b. Consider the 2023-2024 School Readiness Fees.
IX.F.2. Business Manager Report
X. Other
X.A. Update on the Funstop program with Pillager Family Center
The Pillager Family Center has been in discussion in regard to discontinuing the FunStop program after July 1 and allowing the program to go back to the school district.
XI. Superintendent's Report
Art show happening, Shaun Johnson and the Big Band concert, Father/Daughter dance a success, Night on Broadway, kudos to the Pillager Speech team, February is I love to read month, Kindergarten roundup on March 7th, high school job fair on March 29th, and congratulations to Lillian March on her All State Choir Performance.
XII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.