September 10, 2024 at 12:00 PM - Regular Meeting for the Board of Education
Minutes |
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call of members.
3. Introduction of guests.
4. Vote on the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 13, 2024.
5. Vote on the agenda as part of the minutes and any new business that could not reasonably be foreseen 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
6. Vote on warrants and encumbrances: 2024-25 General Fund Encumbrance No. 457 to 555; 70121 to 70198; Building Fund No.10 and 11; close out 2023-24 purchase orders No. 1 to 1204; and any change orders that apply to approved purchase orders.
7. Financial Reports
7.A. Activity Fund and Transfer Reports
7.B. Treasurer's Report on General and Building Funds and Investments
8. Vote on activity, treasurer, and investment reports.
9. Vote on temporary personnel contracts for 2024-25 as listed on agenda as Attachment "A".
10. Vote on the interview committee's recommendation to hire a Safety Instructor at the Weatherford Campus, effective September 9, 2024, contingent upon satisfactory National Criminal History Records Search.
11. Vote on updates to the WTC Financial Aid Policy and Procedure Manual and Consumer Information for FY24-25.
12. Vote on the Estimate of Needs (budget) for 2024-25 and financial statements for 2023-24 as prepared by Patten & Odom, Certified Public Accountants of Broken Arrow, OK, and WTC financial staff.
13. Discuss and vote on the following student fundraisers A-L to be used for expenses for student leadership activities, contest and meeting expenses, field trips, charitable donations, guest speaker expenses, student awards and specific purposes:
A. Sayre Health Careers - pick a date calendar for class funds and apparel B. Sayre Criminal Justice - gas card raffle for class funds C. Sayre Cosmetology - hoodie ads for class funds D. Burns Flat Auto Collision - auto detailing for class funds and apparel E. Burns Flat Engineering - 50/50 raffle for class funds and apparel F. Burns Flat Biomedical - OU tickets and Yeti cooler raffle for class funds and apparel, National Marrow Donor Program and local nursing homes G. Burns Flat Business/Multimedia - cups, T-shirts, ornaments, etc. w/design logos for class funds and Special Olympics H. Burns Flat Service Careers - produce/plant sale for class funds, supplies and equipment expenses I. Burns Flat Health Careers - candles for class funds, clinical supplies and apparel J. Burns Flat Culinary Arts - peppermint bark and trail mix for class funds and donations K. Burns Flat Networking/Security - 3D printing sales for class funds and student certification expenses L. Weatherford Dental Asst. - T-shirt ads and CE courses for class funds, community service project expenses, apparel, guest instructor fee, and student state licensure and CE expenses |
14. Superintendent's Report
14.A. Update on Burns Flat roof project.
14.B. Update on sale of used bus.
14.C. Update on market research plan for district programs.
15. New Business: in accordance with 25 O.S. §311(A)(9), this is limited to any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the time of posting this agenda.
16. Announcements.
17. Adjourn.