January 13, 2025 at 8:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to order and establish a quorum.
2. Flag salute and presentation of Frontier's December Students of the Month.
3. Administrative Reports:
4. Request to address the board: Mr. Bible
5. Consent Agenda
5.a. Amended contract for Department of Rehabilitation Services School Work Study
5.b. Minutes of December 9, 2024 regular meeting
5.c. Treasurer’s report
5.d. Approval of the monthly financial report of activity funds and transfer
5.e. General Fund FY25 PO # 490-526 and change orders
5.f. Building Fund FY25 PO # 61-66 and change orders
5.g. January payments as reviewed by the auditing committee
5.h. Sub list addition
6. Discussion and possible action to approve the auto-renewal contract for internet service with One Net for the 2025-2026 school year.
7. Discussion and possible action to hire Exterior Solutions Group to contract and repair all damages from Insurance Claim once we get final numbers.
8. Discussion and possible action to approve Indian Policies and Procedures.
9. Proposed executive session to discuss the employment and contract of Erron Kauk as Superintendent and hiring non-certified adjunct teacher for Otoe I and II. Title 25 OKLA. STAT. § 307(B) (1)
9.a. Vote to convene into executive session.
9.b. Acknowledge board's return to open session.
9.c. Executive session compliance announcement.
10. Discussion and possible action regarding the employment of Erron Kauk as Superintendent of Frontier Public Schools for the 2025-2026 school year, with the approval of the contract.
11. Motion and Possible action to hire Kelene Deer as an adjunct teacher for Otoe Language I and Otoe Language II.
12. New Business
13. Vote to adjourn.