March 2, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes |
I. Public Comment
II. Administrative Reports
II.A. Superintendent's Announcements
Mr. Addley will provide district updates.
II.B. Student Representative Reports
Ms. Sara Miltenberger and Ms. Jennifer Lengvarsky will report on activities taking place at the high school.
II.C. Schools in the Spotlight
Sue Vacek, 8th Grade Science Teacher, as well as some middle school students and high school student mentors will present the Adventure Club. Both current club members and high school mentors will speak about the program.
II.D. Indoor Air Quality Report
Mr. Harry Traver, Business Manager, will present the annual indoor air quality report for the district.
III. Consent Agenda
III.A. Minutes
The Board will approve/amend the minutes of the February 16, 2011 Board of Education meeting.
IV. Old Business
IV.A. Second Reading of the following policies: Policy 2120 - Organization Chart; Policy 3511 - Compliance with 504 Regulations; Policy 4118.5/4218.5 - Acceptable Computer Network Use; and Policy 4118.51/4218.51 - Use of Social Media
The Curriculum/Policy/Technology/Communication Subcommittee recommends the above-mentioned policies to the Board for a second reading.
IV.B. Kelly Lane and Wells Road Building Projects
The Board will discuss approval of the completion of the Kelly Lane and Wells Road building projects.
V. New Business
V.A. FY12 Budget Presentation
Mr. Alan Addley will present the FY12 Administrative Budget to the Board.
VI. Miscellaneous
VI.A. Board Standing Committee Reports
VI.A.1. Curriculum/Policy/Technology/Communication
VI.A.2. Finance/Personnel/Facilities
VI.B. Other Board-Related Reports
VI.B.3. Granby Education Foundation
VI.B.4. District Efficiency Initiatives
VI.C. Calendar of Events
VI.D. Board Member Announcements
VII. Executive Session/Non-Meeting