June 14, 2021 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
Opening Ceremonies
Open Forum (Community Input)
Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
Public meeting for discussion and feedback on ESSER 3 funding.
1. Return to school plan 2. Use of funds |
Consent Agenda
Approve change to Policy CB(LOCAL) in regards to ESSER III funding requirements.
Approve minutes of previous meeting(s)
Approve payment of bills
Principals Report
1. Elementary 2. Secondary |
Superintendent's Report
Facility Update
Financial Report
Board Report
1. Lone Star 2. CAD 3. Bank Balances 4. Pledged Securities 5. TexPool |
New and Follow Up Questions
1. Discuss possible changes to DOI Plan 2. Discuss adding policy to pay retiring employees for unused state days 3. Discuss electronic billboard advertising in Lubbock and Brownfield 4. Discuss who is paying for the electricity line for the school sign at Meadow Coop Gin |
Discussion / Action Items
1. Discussion/Consideration to approve a 12-month probationary contract with Gina Slover for the position of Director of Student Services. 2. Discussion/Consideration of contract with Dr. Doug Karr for school finance services 3. Discussion/Consideration of changes to the extracurricular absence policy |