May 27, 2008 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags
5. Recognition of School Officials and Visitors Present
6. Audience With Individuals Making a Report or Request
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Minutes of April 28, 2008 Board Meeting
7.B. March 2008 Financial Statements
7.C. Amendments to 2007-2008 Budget
7.D. Student Transfers
8. Regular Agenda
8.A. Administer Oath of Office to Elected Board Members
8.B. Elect Board Officers
8.C. Property Insurance Update
8.D. Adopt Resolution to Fund Mid-Size Adjustment for Chapter 41 Districts
8.E. CHS Weightroom Equipment Proposal
8.F. CCISD Electronic Marquee
8.G. Summer School Program
8.H. Board Policy Update 82, Affecting Local Policies-Second Reading
8.H.1. BJCF - Superintendent Nonrenewal
8.H.2. DBD - Employment Requirements and Restrictions, Conflict of Interest
8.H.3. FN - Student Rights and Responsibilities
8.H.4. FNAA - Student Expression, Distribution of Nonschool Literature
8.H.5. GKDA - Nonschool Use of School Facilities, Distribution of Nonschool Literature
9. Information Items
9.A. Calendar of Events
9.B. Schedule of Board Meetings for 2008-2009
10. Closed Meeting
10.A. 551.074 - To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, dismissal, or duties of a public officer or employee.
10.A.1. To consider employment and resignations.
11. Reconvene From Closed Meeting
12. Adjournment