January 22, 2008 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags
5. Recognition of School Officials and Visitors Present
5.A. School Board Recognition Month
5.B. RLB Contracting, Inc.
6. Audience With Individuals Making a Report or Request
6.A. Public Hearing on Accountability
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Minutes of December 19, 2007 Board Meeting
7.B. November 2007 Financial Statements
7.C. Amendments to 2007-2008 Budget
7.D. Student Transfers
8. Regular Agenda
8.A. Innovative Course Application; Petro-Chemical Safety, Health and Environment I
8.B. Consider Authorizing the Superintendent to Seek Advice of Attorney Concerning Establishment of Calhoun County Public School Foundation
8.C. Policy Update 81, Affecting Local Policies - First Reading
8.C.1. BDAE, Officers and Officials-Duties and Requirements of Depository
8.C.2. DC, Employment Practices
8.C.3. DGBA, Personnel-Management Relations-Employee Complaints/Grievances
8.C.4. FD, Admissions
8.C.5. FEA, Attendance-Compulsory Attendance
8.C.6. FEC, Attendance-Attendance for Credit
8.C.7. FFH, Student Welfare-Freedom from Harassment
8.C.8. GKC, Community Relations-Visitors to the Schools
9. Information Items
10. Closed Meeting
10.A. 551.074 - To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, dismissal, or duties of a public officer or employee.
10.A.1. Consider Employment and Resignations
10.A.2. To discuss and reach consensus regarding the Superintendent's Evaluation and Consider Superintendent's Contract
10.A.3. Consider Board Self-Evaluation
11. Reconvene From Closed Meeting
12. Adjournment