July 17, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Establish Quorum
3. Pledges
4. Comments from Public in Open Forum
5. Approve Consent Agenda
5.a. Approves minutes from regular meeting on June 19, 2013
5.b. Budget amendments
5.c. Financial reports
5.d. Quarterly legal fees
5.e. Approve TASB policy updates
6. Discussion, Reports, Action Items
6.a. Stipend List
6.b. Employee Compensation
6.c. District contribution for health insurance
6.d. Set date for proposed tax rate for 2013-2014
6.e. Designate TASB delegate
6.f. Administer oath of office for new trustee
6.g. Superintendent's Evaluation
6.h. Closed session
6.h.1) Consider and discuss resignations, reassignments, and employment of personal for term and probationary contracts
6.h.2) Superintendent's evaluation