August 11, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Budget Workshop
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order: 6:03pm
Maria Saenz Garza, Board President
2. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum
Roll Call: Marcos Garcia, Jessica Molina, Esteban Perez, Julie Reyes and Maria Garza are present Arnold and Zelda absent at the time of roll call. Technical difficulties with zoom. 6:24 pm Arnold contacted the group by text to state he would not be attending as he was still at work. 6:38pm Zelda was linked in the meeting via zoom. 7:40pm called a 5-minute recess 7:46pm back from recess |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Forum
The Board provides a limited forum for public comment at all regular Board meetings. Speaking during this open forum does not require placement on the Board agenda. Public participation in Board meetings is governed by policy BED (LOCAL). The board will not comment or engage in discussion during this agenda item. All comments are to be informative only and no action can be taken. The board requests that comments and presentations not include statements that are inflammatory or slanderous.
Public comments may not exceed five minutes, and issues for which the Board has established resolution channels, such as complaints against district employees, may not be brought before the Board in open forum. Refer to local policy BED or contact the superintendent’s office for more information on policies regarding employee, student, or parent complaints. |
5. Budget Workshop
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
6. Board Action Items
The following items are presented for discussion and possible Board action. The Board may take action on any item listed as an "ACTION ITEM." The Board may also choose not to take action on any item.
6.A. ACTION ITEM: Consideration approval for budget amendments for the purchase of a new bus and the repairs of an existing bus
No action taken on item 6A after the recommendation of Dr. Gutierrez and Dr. Baez. (ESSER funds will be used to purchase a new bus)
Dr. Marcy Baez
6.B. ACTION ITEM: Discussion and Possible action for legal services retainer agreement
Julie noted the proposed firm are running $100 more of our already contract with O’haneln Dr. Baez recommended Leon Alcala Attorneys at law to represent us. Esteban: motioned to accept Dr. Baez’s recommendation of choosing Leon Alcala. Jessica: Seconds motion Vote: yea 3-Jessica, Esteban and Maria Nay: Julie, Zelda, Marcos President discussed team of 8 training-noting that is a mandatory training. Benefiting our students.
Dr. Marcy Baez
7. Adjournment
Adjourn: Esteban made motion Jessica seconds 6-0 Meeting adjourned: 8:45pm
If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in closed meeting, the Board will conduct a Closed Meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D.