July 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
Call to Order
Announcement by the Chairman that a quorum is present, and that the Notice of Meeting had been posted in the time and manner required
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome Visitors
Hearing of students, employees, and visitors
Initial FIRST financial rating
2014-2015 TRS Insurance comparisons
Business Manager
Finance report May 2014
Accounts payable report June 2014
Cafeteria report
Consider Superintendent goals for 2014-2015
Consider amending the Superintendent's contract for a pay raise
Consider proposed 2014-2015 tax rates to be published in the paper
Consider approving the LISD Gifted and Talented program policies and procedures
Consider stipends for 2014-2015
Discuss the 2014-2015 budget
Consider approving textbooks for use in AP Biology, Chemistry, and Anatomy & Physiology
Consent Agenda
Consider resolution suspending portions of EIE(LOCAL) for 2014-2015
Consider renewal of the TASB Unemployment Compensation/Worker's Compensation Insurance
Consider the minutes of June 16th regular Board meeting and June 30th workshop
Consider budget amendments
Consider Region 3 cafeteria co-op agreement
Consider renewing the PCAT insurance agreement (property, liability, vehicle)
Consider a resolution calling for the 4 November 2014 LISD Board election
Consider the 2014-2015 LISD PDAS appraiser list
Consider a $3500 donation from Patriot Oilfield
Consider 2014-2015 cafeteria prices
Consider applying for two early release dates for 2015, 2016, and 2017