March 4, 2024 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting of Trustees
Minutes |
I. Opening
I.A. Call to order - Board President
I.B. Establishment of quorum
I.C. Open forum
II. Closed Session
III. Action Items
III.A. Approve minutes of the February 12, 2024 regular meeting
III.B. Adopt the Order of Cancellation to cancel the May 4, 2024, General Trustee Election to declare unopposed candidates Lance Kane, Cody Phillips and Alison Strickland elected for three-year terms beginning May 2024
III.C. Teacher Term Contracts: Consideration and appropriate action on renewal/nonrenewal teacher term contracts
III.D. Teacher Probationary Contracts: Consideration and appropriate action on renewal/nonrenewal of teacher probationary contracts
III.E. Approve budget amendments
IV. Review Items
V. Discussion Items
VI. Informational Items
VI.A. Superintendent's Report
VI.B. Principal's Report
VI.B.1. Rocket Regiment band clinic to prepare for contest - 2/22
VI.B.2. Students complete RLA and Math interims - 2/26 & 2/27
VI.B.3. No school - 2/29 & 3/1 for the girls state basketball tournament
VI.B.4. Spring break - 3/11-15
VI.B.5. Ashley Smith from Region 16 will be here to visit about interim test scores - 3/18
VI.B.6. Social Studies and Science interim assessments - 3/19 & 3/20
VI.B.7. End of 5th six weeks - 3/28
VI.B.8. Bad weather day - 3/29
VI.B.9. No school - 4/1
VI.B.10. 3rd grade TELPAS Listening/Speaking - 3/5
VI.B.11. 4th grade TELPAS Listening/Speaking - 3/6
VI.B.12. Kinder/5th grade TELPAS Listening/Speaking - 3/7
VI.B.13. Noon release and end of three weeks - 3/8
VI.B.14. 3-week progress reports - 3/18
VI.B.15. EOY T-TAAP Science assessment and spring class pictures - 3/19
VI.B.16. Pre-K/Head Start Donuts with Dads - 3/22
VI.B.17. Kindergarten Transportation Parade - 3/28
VI.B.18. April - STAAR testing season
VI.B.19. Cheerleading tryouts for the 24-25 school year will be rescheduled
VI.B.20. ACT to be administered on campus - 3/4
VI.B.21. ACT to be administered on campus - 3/5
VI.B.22. Rocket Regiment to compete in the UIL Concert/Sight Reading contest in Panhandle @ 11:35 a.m. - 3/5
VI.B.23. Algebra I/US History interim assessments will be given - 3/6
VI.B.24. Houston stock show - 3/11-15
VI.B.25. District One Act Play contest in Wellington - 3/20
VI.B.26. Bi-District OAP in Wellington - 3/27
VI.B.27. HS UIL Academic Meet @ Clarendon College - 4/3
VI.B.28. District track meet in Wellington - 4/4
VI.B.29. English I EOC - 4/11
VI.B.30. Area OAP in Lubbock - 4/12
VI.C. Athletic Directors Report
VII. Adjourn