July 15, 2019 at 8:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Excuse Absent Board Members
2. Approval of Consent Agenda
2.1. Agenda
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2.2. Minutes of previous meeting
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3. Guests
4. Financial Reports
4.1. Treasurer
Superintendent goes over general fund receipts showing total funds receipts at $68, 444.32
President motioned to approve treasurers report. |
4.2. Claims
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4.3. Activity
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FBLA receipts in from last month, Superintendent remarked that the program did a good job fundraiser so amount is low.
Book keeper pushed that dispursement of athletics funds is camp moneys, to be aware that they will be placed in the bank |
5. Action Items
5.1. Discuss, consider, and make a motion to approve changes in the K-12 student handbook for the 2019-20 school year as presented.
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Superintendent discussed new additions to handbook in regards to excessive tardies, which was created by junior/senior council.
Discussed revocation of credit, Superintendent stated problem with unclear issues regarding the ten day limit and not knowing what may have caused absenteeism. Mr Hoesing discussed having them go before review board, and then decide of whether to revoke or to create a plan as discussed in junior/senior council meeting. Superintedent remarked that these changed mainly regarded the upper grades, board member Woockman asked about what would be done with a serious health issue, Mr. Hoesing states that this where the teacher and support team would create a plan and work with parents and other people involved with student, which gives the staff a middle ground. |
5.2. Discuss, consider, and make a motion to approve Milk Bid for 2019-20 school year.
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5.3. Discuss, consider, and make a motion to approve the contract for the ITE/Ag building from BC Builders.
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Superintendent reminds board that there will be a slight ding in audit, as it didn't go through a process.
5.4. Consideration and approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance by the District of its Limited Tax Obligation School Bonds, Series 2019, in a principal amount not to exceed $830,000 to finance the costs of abating actual or potential environmental hazards, accessibility barriers, life safety code violations, life safety hazards, or mold within and/or on existing school buildings and real property, and related matters.
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Superintendent recommended the $700,000 bond loan amount.
Superintendent discussed lowering building and ground amount after you receive state aid, which may make the general fund seem high but will equal out. Mr. Hoesing recommended approving budget. Mr. Hoesing stated he is working on line items and is happy where the budget is sitting in regards to general but to be aware that the budget will be tight for the following year. Mr. Hoesing stated that the board will need to think ahead on teacher and staff utilization to run as responsible in regards to teacher retirement and new teachers. Mr. Hoesing looking into high deductible insurance options for the next year (HSA savings account) for teachers or staff who may be interested. Board member Nelson stated that when asked by community this action does state that there was more money needed to be borrowed as initial bond did not cover everything, but when state aid comes in, it should even things out, but more was needed to cover building commitment. Board president discussed the time limit on repayment of loan, which can not be paid back before 5 years. Board member Woockman discussed the need for the additional monies do to unknown circumstances such as tariffs and other issues, but this would still keep the promise of staying under the two cent levy. Board member Dawson asked where the fire suppression monies will come out of, Superintendent Hoesing stated that it will be taken out of multiple areas of the budget, such as maintenance. Board discussed that any monies left over would go directly into the fire suppression systems. Board member Nelson asked if Mr. Hoesing would be applying for expansion allowance that would be additional funds to put toward building.
6. Reports
6.1. Superintendent
Superintendent Hoesing discussed wanting to meet with finance committee before the August board meeting.
Mr. Hoesing stated that he had a bit less budget going into depreciation, he stated that he wishes to put a bit into unemployment as the fund is empty. Mr. Hoesing stated the projects are going well, they are on target in the new structure and the excellence of the site superintendent and keeping things on target, and as of now the schedule for the beginning of school to stay on the set date, but if things change they are still stating that they would start no later than the following Monday. Board member Nelson asked about the ITE building schedule, Mr. Hoesing states that the schedule will be tight as it stands, but did say they are set to pour cement. Board member Wakeley asked how the ground work test results came out, Mr Hoesing stated that it was not bad or good, as some parts were good, with some parts that were soft, so some additional dirt is being brought in. Mr. Hoesing asked the Board about sealing the concrete floor or whether they wanted to leave it as concrete, board members discussed the amount and how much longer the floor would last. Board member Woockman discussed with driving and equipment use it would help the floor last longer, but discussed the need to get a better idea on cost. Board discussed finding out more information on sealing the concrete at this time.
6.2. Principal
7. Discussion Items
7.1. Groundbreaking Ceremony
Superintendent Hoesing discussed signage that will be hung on fence outside by highway to promote ground breaking ceremony.
Senator Gragert agreed to come and say some words. Mr. Hoesing discussed having the speaking in the gym due to heat and then going outside for the ceremony. Mr. Hoesing asked the Board President to speak at the ceremony, President Kumm agreed. Board President asked how close patrons could come to view building, Mr. Hoesing states that the site superintendent will have site cleaned and prepped for community members to be able to view the building without hard hats. Mr. Hoesing asked if Boyd Jones would allow the girl athletics be able to clean and gain funds for their programs. President discussed the annual board retreat and Mr. Hoesing asked due to scheduling if it can be moved to August, possibly into the beginning of school. Mr. Hoesing discussed meeting with students about who might be interested in FFA and the coop with Osmond's program, to be able to set up the agreement with Mr. Hamm. Board member Nelson discussed closing off the alley between building and talking with city, perhaps with simple bar or gate, due to safety of students going between buildings. Mr. Hoesing stated he would go and talk to town board president Bill Schumacher. |
7.2. Semi-Annual Retreat
7.3. Ag/FFA Coop w/Osmond Community Schools
8. Executive (Closed) Session (If needed)
9. Dates of Future Board Meetings
10. Adjourn
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