June 17, 2021 at 8:30 AM - Public Notice
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
Regent Albert H. Myres, Board Chair
II. Roll Call
III. Conflict of Interest Statement
IV. Board Business
IV.A. Discuss, Select and Approve the Contract of the Sole Finalist, Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young, as President of Texas Southern University
Action Requested: Approval |
V. Executive Session
Regent Albert H. Myres, Board Chair
V.A. Texas Government Code - Section 551.071 - Consultation with University Attorney(s).
V.B. Texas Government Code - Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters, including Appointment, Evaluation or Dismissal of Personnel.
VI. Reconvene in Open Session to Consider Action on Executive Session Items as Necessary
VII. Adjourn