October 9, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Opening
1.a. Establishment of Quorum; Call to Order
1.b. Invocation
1.c. Pledge of Allegiance
1.d. Open Forum
2. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting on September 11, 2019
3. Approve Payment of Current Bills
4. Approve Policy EIC (LOCAL) on Academic Achievement and Class Ranking
5. Approve changes to the Student Handbook to allow for Semester Exams
6. Consider/Approve Quarterly Investment Report
7. Personnel - The School Board may enter "Closed Session" under Texas Govt. Code 551.074
7.a. Consider employment of a Special Education teacher
7.b. Deliberation and possible action to adopt a Board resolution finding that Gena Mcllwain Rogers did not have good cause to resign her Texas Education Code Chapter 21 employment contract with the District for the 2019-2020 school year before the end of the contract period and authorizing the District to seek sanctions against her teaching credential with the State Board for Educator Certification for the abandonment of her employment contract without good cause in accordance with Texas Education Code 21.105(c)
8. Principal's Reports
8.a. Calendar
8.b. Enrollment
8.c. Report on First Six Weeks
9. Superintendent Reports
9.a. Transfers
9.b. Report on building and repair projects
10. Adjourn