August 5, 2010 at 5:30 PM - Special
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Certification of Posting the Notice of the Meeting
IV. Items of Information
IV.A. Report on 4th and 1 Camp - Dr. Traylor and Mr. Willis
IV.B. Personnel Action Under President's Authority
V. Subjects to be Discussed or Considered or Upon Which Any Formal Action May be Taken
V.A. Discussion of Proposed 2010-2011 Tax Rate - Dr. Johnson and Ms. Thompson
V.B. Take Record Vote on Tax Rate for 2010-2011
V.C. Set Time, Date and Place for Public Hearings and Vote on Proposed 2010-2011 Tax Rate
V.D. Discussion of Student Housing Project - Dr. Johnson
V.E. Consider Employment of Faculty Member in Chemistry - Dr. Johnson
V.F. Consider Employment of Associate Director of Admissions - Dr. Johnson
VI. Executive Session
VI.A. Personnel - Texas Govt. Code Sections 551.074 and 551.082
VII. Adjournment