March 10, 2016 at 5:30 PM - Special Agenda Review meeting
Minutes |
1. Opening, Presentations, Recognitions & Open ForuM
1.A. Meeting Called to Order
1.B. Student Speaker on Character Education Trait for March - Self-Reliance
1.C. Introduction of Superintendent's Student Advisory Council Representatives
Steve Murray
1.D. Special Recognitions
1.D.1. Recognition of Elementary, Intermediate & Middle School UIL Winners
Campus Principals
1.D.2. Recognition of Science Fair Winners
Campus Principals
1.D.3. Recognition of Cedar Creek High School & Bastrop High School Girls Varsity Basketball Teams
Bob Jones
1.D.4. Recognition of BISD Office of Communications / Community Services for Receiving Communications Awards
Steve Murray
1.E. Open Forum
2. Superintendent's Report and Board Discussion
2.A. Curriculum Report
2.A.1. 2015-2016 Bilingual / ESL Education Annual Program Report
Patricia Melgar-Cook
2.B. Financial Report
2.B.1. Budget Information
Sandra Callahan
2.C. Personnel Report
Barry Edwards
2.D. Communications / Community Services
2.D.1. Communications Audit
Emily Parks
3. Consent Agenda
3.A. Consider Approval of Minutes of February 16, 2016
3.B. Consider Approval of Bids
3.B.1. Bandwidth and Wireless Upgrades RFP #2016-02
3.C. Consider Approval of District Investment Report
3.D. Consider Approval of Qualified PDAS Appraisers
3.E. Consider Approval of IMA Expense Report
3.F. Consider Approval of Tax Refunds
3.G. Consider Approval of Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification Form
3.H. Consider Approval of Interlocal Transfer Agreement with McDade ISD
Sandra Callahan
4. Action Items
4.A. Consider Approval of Certification of Unopposed Candidates for Board of Trustees Election Scheduled to be held on May 7, 2016
Emily Parks
4.B. Consider Approval of Order of Cancellation of Board of Trustees Election on May 7, 2016
Emily Parks
4.C. Consider Cancelling Regular Board Meeting Scheduled for July 19, 2016
Steve Murray
4.D. Consider Approval of General Fund and Debt Service Budget Amendments
Sandra Callahan
5. Information Items
5.A. District Wide Calendar
5.B. Enrollment
5.C. TASB Policy Update 104
6. Closed Session (WILL BE HELD AT THE MARCH 22, 2016 MEETING)
6.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including the termination of the identified term contract teacher(s) at the end of the 2015-2016 school year and the renewal of identified term contract teachers
6.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, to consult with the District's attorney, in person or by phone, on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the District under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, including the nonrenewal of the identified term contract teacher(s) at the end of the 2015-2016 school year
6.C. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including the termination of the identified probationary contract teacher(s) at the end of the 2015-2016 school year and the offering of probationary contracts to certain identified teachers
6.D. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, to consult with the District's attorney, in person or by phone, on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the District under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, including the termination of the identified probationary contract teacher(s) at the end of the 2015-2016 school year
7. Action Resulting from Closed Session
7.A. Consideration and possible action regarding recommendation(s) of the Superintendent, as presented, to send notice of the proposed termination of the identified term contract teacher(s).
7.B. Consideration and possible action regarding recommendation(s) of the Superintendent to terminate the identified probationary contract teacher(s)/employee(s) at the end of the 2015-2016 school year.
7.C. Consideration and possible action regarding recommendation of the Superintendent on renewal of identified term contract teachers
7.D. Consideration and possible action regarding recommendation of the Superintendent on the offering of probationary contracts to identified teachers
8. Adjournment