August 21, 2012 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Pledge, Presentations and Open Forum
2.A. Pledge of Allegiance
2.B. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
2.B.1. "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
2.C. Opening Prayer
2.D. Student Speaker on the Character Education Trait for August - Respect
2.E. Open Forum
3. Public Hearing on Proposed Application for an Optional Flexible School Day Program for 2012-2013
Nancy Roll
3.A. Optional Flexible School Day Program Report 2011-2012
Nancy Roll
3.B. Proposed Application for an Optional Flexible School Day Program for 2012-2013
3.C. Consider Approval to Submit Application for an Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) for Eligible Students for 2012-2013
Nancy Roll
4. Superintendent's Report and Board Discussion
4.A. Discussion Regarding Implementation of Agenda Review Pre-Board Meeting and other RGA Initiatives
James Allen
4.B. Discussion Regarding Positive Communications from District
James Allen
4.C. Curriculum Report
4.C.1. Presentation by "The Meadows Center"
Jane Pollard
4.C.2. Preliminary AYP Data
Janie Pollard
4.D. Financial Report - Attachment A
Sandra Callahan
4.E. Personnel Report
Barry Edwards
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Consider Approval of Minutes of July 17, 2012
5.B. Consider Awarding Bids
5.B.1. Property & Casualty Insurance CSP #2011-05 Renewal
5.B.2. Painting and Drywall Services #2012-11
5.B.3. Waste Resource Management Services #2013-01
5.B.4. Printing Services #2013-02
5.C. Consider Approval of Advanced Course Exemptions for No Pass, No Play
5.D. Consider Approval of Revisions to TASB Policy EIF (LOCAL)
5.E. Consider Approval of Revisions to TASB Policy EI (LOCAL), EIA (LOCAL), EIC (LOCAL), DIA (LOCAL), FFH (LOCAL), and FFG (EXHIBIT)
5.F. Consider Approval of TASB Risk Management Fund Interlocal Participation Agreement
Barry Edwards & Sandra Callahan
5.G. Consider Awarding the Contract for Cognitive Coaching Foundation Seminar Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 from Sole Source Vendor
5.H. Consider Approval of District Investment Report
6. Action Items
6.A. Consider Approval of Proposed Tax Rate to be Published in the Notice of Public Meeting to be held in September
Sandra Callahan
6.B. Consider Approval of the District Improvement Plan for 2012-2013
Janie Pollard
6.C. Consider Selecting a Delegate and Alternate Delegate to the TASB Assembly in September
James Allen
6.D. Consider Approval of Revisions to Student Code of Conduct
Camille Smith
6.E. Consider Authorizing Administration to Issue Contracts for 4 Additional Teaching Positions and Amend the Budget for the Additional Positions for 2012-2013
Barry Edwards
6.F. Consider Approval of Superintendent's Recommendation for Cedar Creek Elementary Principal
Steve Murray
7. Information Items
7.A. District Wide Calendar
7.B. TASB Board of Directors Endorsement
7.C. Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) Members
Camille Smith
7.D. Contracts for Classworks® and Texas Educational Solutions
Jane Pollard & Sandra Callahan
8. Adjournment