November 30, 2006 at 7:00 PM - Workshop
Minutes |
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Consider and take action as necessary on the purchase of real estate consisting of 27.803 acres located at 143 S. Pope Bend Road, Cedar Creek, Bastrop County, Texas 78612, from the South Litton Pope John Teague 143 Trust, Trust Number 143, for $1,088,367.50
3. Consider and take action as necessary on the purchase of real estate consisting of 3.466 acres located at 767 Union Chapel Road, Cedar Creek, Bastrop County, Texas 78612, from Gregory Paul Wilber, for $285,000.00
4. Consider and take action as necessary on the purchase of real estate consisting of 33.826 acres located at 767 Union Chapel Road, Cedar Creek, Bastrop County, Texas 78612, from the AE Allen Family Trust 767 Union Chapel (338380) for $803,367.50
5. Adjournment