June 5, 2013 at 12:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
II.A. May 13, 2013 -- Mr. Hitchcock
IV.A. Consent Agenda
IV.A.1. Donations
IV.A.2. Financial Reports
IV.A.3. Approve Placing The Practice of Statistics, Fourth Edition Textbook for Payson High School on Public Display
IV.A.4. First Reading of Revised Optional Student Travel Policy IJOA
IV.A.5. Personnel Actions
IV.A.5.a. Resignations
IV.A.5.a.1. Jeff Cochran, RCMS Teacher
IV.A.5.a.2. Kathleen Crane, Speech Therapist
IV.A.5.a.3. Carolyn Crisp, JRE Teacher
IV.A.5.a.4. Marisa Murray, RCMS Teacher
IV.A.5.a.5. Karen Ormand, PES Teacher
IV.A.5.a.6. Karen Phylow, RCMS Teacher
IV.A.5.b. Certified Staff Offered Employment
IV.A.5.b.1. Jeff Simon, PHS Assistant Principal
IV.A.5.c. Hourly Staff Not Offered Employment for 2013-2014
IV.A.5.c.1. Cheryl Andes
IV.A.5.c.2. Bonnie Bahn
IV.A.5.c.3. Joyce Cambier
IV.A.5.c.4. William Camp
IV.A.5.c.5. Rachelle Christian
IV.A.5.c.6. Sharon Finnie
IV.A.5.c.7. Leslie Herdeman
IV.A.5.c.8. Shelley Hopson
IV.A.5.c.9. Tracy Hunsinger
IV.A.5.c.10. Katherine LaSpisa
IV.A.5.c.11. Jackie Laursen
IV.A.5.c.12. Jacqueline Lee
IV.A.5.c.13. Gordon Rand
IV.A.5.c.14. Nickolas Randall
IV.A.5.c.15. Erika Reyes
IV.A.5.c.16. Mikki Van Buren
IV.A.5.c.17. Margaret Welch
IV.A.5.c.18. Paula White
IV.A.5.d. Extra Curricular Contracts Recommended for Approval
IV.B. Consider Approval to Release a Request for Proposals for Speech Therapy Services for 2013-2014 -- Dr. Fitzgerald
IV.C. Consider Approval of Educational Services, Inc. (ESI) Client Services Agreement for 2013-2014 -- Ms. Manning
IV.D. Consider Approval of Addendum to Extend Food Services Contract with Sodexo through Fiscal Year 2013-2014 -- Ms. Manning
IV.E. Consider Approval to Issue Performance Pay Contracts -- Mr. Hitchcock
IV.F. Consider Approval of Payson Unified School District Educational Technology Plan and Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Certification -- Mr. Hitchcock
IV.G. Consider Approval of 2013-2014 Fee Schedule -- Mr. Hitchcock
IV.H. First Reading of School Board Meetings Policy (Discussion only) -- Mr. Hitchcock
IV.I. Review Frontier Elementary School Appraisal and Reaffirm Acceptance of Offer to Purchase -- Mr. Hitchcock
IV.J. Consider Approval of College and Career Readiness Coordinator Job Description -- Mr. Hitchcock