October 8, 2013 at 5:30 PM - Finance Committee
Minutes |
1. Monthly Financial Reports
Beth will be presenting the monthly reports for your review.
2. Uniform Purchases
Share current cycle and financial obligation for making uniform purchases.
3. MN Insurance Scholastic Trust
This is an opportunity to explore property, liability and casualty insurance as part of a cooperative group. If there is interest from the finance committee, I will ask them to present to us at an upcoming meeting.
4. 1 to 1 Technology Device Initiative
I'm interested in the thoughts from the finance committee in regard to a 1 to 1 initiative. I'd like to begin a study with the following components:
1. Purpose 2. Type of devices 3. Who would receive the devices 4. How does it fit into the curriculum cycle and long term plan 5. Financial commitment and tech support needed The purpose of this agenda item will be to discuss the need, purpose and components of the study. We need the committee's input. |
5. Track Pit
Track coach Ben Nylander is proposing an additional track pit.
6. Wolf Ridge Funding Discussion
Wolf Ridge Teachers presented expense information and I'm bringing it to the attention of the Finance Committee.
7. Mini-Met Improvements
The district has been approached by the association that governs the mini-met in regard to assisting with field improvement projects.
8. Food Service Director Position
Discussion of position and potential adjustment in duties.
9. Other