February 17, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call the Meeting to Order
Board President or Designee
LEADERSHIP • SERVICE • SUPPORT Notice of this meeting was given in advance according to State Law 84-1411, by giving notice of the meeting to the public on ESU 7 website www.esu7.org and posted at location of meeting. Notice of this meeting was also given in advance to all members of the Board of Education of Educational Service Unit 7. Availability of the agenda and purpose of the hearing was communicated in the advance notice of the meeting and in the notice to the members of this hearing. All proceedings of the Board of Education of Educational Service Unit 7 were taken while the convened hearing was open to the attendance of the public.
Board President Doug Pauley called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
1.1. Notification of Open Meetings Law
Board President or Designee
This meeting has been preceded by reasonable advance notice and is hereby declared to be in open session. A copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted in the meeting room.
1.2. Roll Call
Board President or Designee
1.3. Absent Board Members
Board President or Designee
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve Board member absences.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve Board member absences as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Board Members, Karen Gomez, Amy Blaser and Beth Kabes are absent. They notified Board President Doug Pauley and Administrator Elmshaeuser prior to the meeting. Board Member Beth Kabes notified the morning of the meeting, she is not listed on the agenda.
Administrator Elmshaeuser referred to policies attached which are also in the ESU 7 Policy Manual. Prior to the meeting, Board President Doug Pauley and Administrator Elmshaeuser discussed the Code of Ethics, which the Board signs annually in January, specifically section 5, which refers to board member attendance. Board President Doug Pauley also stated that members were elected to attend the meetings, so it is with high hopes that most members can attend the meetings most of the time. As stated in Article I, Section 3, B, "The Board member must notify the Administrator or Board President, prior to the Board Meeting, with the reason for absence in order to be considered for an excused absence." Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley asked if everyone had notified ahead of time that they would be absent. Administrator Elmshaeuser confirmed. |
1.4. Pledge of Allegiance
Board President or Designee
2. Board Code of Ethics and Oath of Office
Board President or Designee
Annually, Board Members participate in the Oath of Office and sign their Code of Ethics. Board members Don Graff and Richard Stephens were not present at the January meeting, thus still need to participate in the Oath of Office and sign the Code of Ethics.
I, _____________________, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely and without mental reservations, or for purpose or evasions; and that I will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of the office of member of the Board of Educational Service Unit No. 7, according to law, to the best of my ability. And I do further swear that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or this State by force or violence; and that during such time that I am in this position I will not advocate nor become a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or this State by force or violence. So help me God.
Board Members Dick Stephens and Don Graff recited the Oath of Office.
3. Approval of Agenda
Board President or Designee
The sequence of agenda topics is subject to change at the discretion of the Board.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
No discussion.
4. Virtual Conferencing Option
Board President or designee
Nebraska Revised Statute § 84-1411 authorizes virtual meetings for educational service units if the requirements of subdivision (2)(b) are met. Section (3)(b)(iv) states "No more than one-half of the meetings of the state entities, advisory committees, boards, councils, organization or governing bodies are held by virtual conferencing in a calendar year."
The board has used 2 (January, February) of 5 zoom options this calendar year (January-December). Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the virtual conferencing option for the _______ board meeting.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the virtual conferencing option for the _______ board meeting Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
Administrator Elmshaeuser reported there does not have to be a vote every month for a virtual option for the next meeting. Board President Doug Pauley stated the decision should be made 1 week prior to the Public Notice being published. Administrator Elmshaeuser also clarified that meetings are counted throughout the calendar year, January through December, and must be less than one half the number of meetings in the year. A total of 5 virtual meetings are allowed.
Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley asked for more conversation and clarity on the policy. Line one of Article II, Section 8, A in the policy manual states, "Board members must be personally present at the Board meeting in order to vote" but historically, board members have been allowed to vote if they are attending virtually. Board Member Bob Arp believes the second sentence clarifies this by "Attendance via virtual conferencing means is permitted if the procedures for a virtual conference meeting are followed." It was noted the policy has not been updated since 2022 so Administrator Elmshaeuser will send the policy over to Justin Knight with Perry Law Firm for clarity. Board Member Bob Arp stated he would like to wait until closer to the next meeting to make the decision on having a virtual option. Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley agreed, stating she believes Board President Doug Pauley, Board Vice-President Jack Young and Administrator Elmshaeuser can make that decision for the entire Board. The rest of the board agreed. |
5. Welcome Visitors
Board President or Designee
Visitors included Beth Ericson, ESU 7's new Professional Development Director starting July 1, 2025 and East Butler Superintendent Mike Eldridge who is speaking on agenda item number seven.
6. Public Comment
Board President or Designee
The Board has the discretion to limit the amount of time set aside for public participation.
Citizens wishing to address the Board on a certain agenda item must complete the Request to be Heard Document prior to the start of the board meeting. Citizens wishing to present petitions to the Board may do so at this time. However, the Board will only receive the petitions and not act upon them or their contents.
No public comment.
7. Approval of the 2025-2026 Services Plan
Board President or designee
The ESU 7 Executive Committee Chair attending will make a summary report to the Board on the plan for ESU 7 Services for 2025-2026.
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the 2025-2026 Services Plan as presented.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the 2025-2026 Services Plan as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
East Butler Superintendent and Executive Committee Chair Mike Eldridge presented the service plan process. The process starts in September with the Superintendents reviewing the current services being offered and the potential for services being offered for the next year. The principals go through the same process. This year, three main ideas came forward; Professional Development for Paraprofessionals, Strategic Planning, and ELL (English Language Learners) Support. Those services were brought to the Executive Committee, who recommended moving forward with Professional Development for Paraprofessionals and Strategic Planning as a paid service. There were two services eliminated; Principal & Teacher Evaluation and Board Member Development. School districts expressed little interest in these services and were not taking part in them. Once the 2025-2026 service plan was created, it was sent out to all the districts for approval prior to this meeting.
Board President Doug Pauley asked Superintendent Eldridge if board members were receiving professional development in other places, and he confirmed they were, naming NASB and NRCSA Conferences. Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley asked why ELL Support was not added as a service this year. Administrator Elmshaeuser stated there needs to be more research regarding ELL support due to the difference in needs across the districts. Some districts need support for their teachers, others need interpreting support. All of our districts are seeing the need for ELL support, there just needs to be a better idea of how to provide this service. Director Ostmeyer noted we already offer interpreting services which schools may be unaware we provide. Professional Development Coordinator Mark Brady provides ELL support in school districts already, but Superintendents are saying they need more. Board President Doug Pauley asked who is doing this research. Administrator Elmshaeuser said this topic will come up during her Superintendent's visits in the next several months. Director Ostmeyer also added that annual consultations are beginning next week and during their planning process, ELL Support will be investigated. Director Ostmeyer also noted this same process brought Professional Development Coordinator Kendra Gustafson to our team as the MTSS Specialist. Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley asked if there were any staff with ELL certification or training and Director Ostmeyer stated that none of our staff currently hold this certification. |
8. Level III Bridges Program Construction Tour
The board will tour the Level III Bridges Program ongoing construction in the South Building.
The tour will be rescheduled to the March Board Meeting.
9. February 2025 Board Spotlight - Print Shop
Professional Development Director Marci Ostmeyer, will present the February Board Spotlight by giving a tour of the Print Shop.
Director Ostmeyer will give a tour at a future meeting.
10. Consent Agenda
Board President or Designee
Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time. If any Board member wishes to discuss an item, it must be removed from the consent agenda at which time the remaining items will be acted upon. Consent Agenda Includes:
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the consent agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.1. Minutes
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.2. Presentation of Bills #79255 through #79402 totaling $1,013,068.06
Board President or Designee
The summary of bills for the current month total: $1,013,068.06 - Bills #79255 through #79402 General Activity Fund total: no activity
10.3. Reading of Article I, Section 2, B Duties and Functions of the Board
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.4. Reading of Article I, Section 3, C Role of Individual Board Members
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.5. Reading of Article I, Section 3, D Orientation of New Board Members
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.6. Reading of Article I, Section 3, G Compensation of Board Members
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.7. Reading of Article I, Section 4, G Removal from Officer Position
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.8. Reading of Article I, Section 4, H Filling a Vacancy in an Officer Position
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.9. Reading of Article I, Section 5, B Appointments
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.10. 2025-2026 NASB Dues
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
11. Treasurer's Report
Board President or Designee
Review the breakdown of the Treasurer's Report.
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
No discussion.
12. 2023-2024 Audit Report
Board President or designee
The 2023-2024 Romans Wiemer and Associates Audit Report is attached for the Board's review.
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to accept the 2023-2024 Audit Report as presented.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to accept the 2023-2024 Audit Report as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Administrator Elmshaeuser shared that she visited with Gale Steiger, our CPA, who reported no findings, deficiencies or non-compliance.
13. Administrator's Report General
Administrator or Designee
The ESUCC Board met the first week of February. AESA presented a strategic planning process that ESUCC may look at contracting for this service. PowerSchool presented and reported seven staff members at ESUCC provide support to 103 districts throughout the state of Nebraska. Dr. Polk provided legislative updates. These are attached in agenda item 13.4. Dr. Polk shared that ESUCC asked Senator DeBoer to sponsor LB 599 regarding Cybersecurity, but cautioned that anything with a price tag may not move forward. The ESUCC Board also approved the ESUCC Master Service Agreement. ESU 7 will be receiving money for the literacy position to begin training in coaching. Administrator Elmshaeuser will be attending the Legislative day hosted by ESUCC on February 25, 2025. ESU 7 will be hosting student leaders to ask a question of the Governor on March 27, 2025. This event is being coordinated by ESUCC and will have students at each ESU across the state.
All of ESU 7's grants are housed in the GMS system. ESU 7 will be a pilot for this new system in GMS. Grants Bookkeeper Carolyn Koch has a heavy hand to play in this. ESU 7 will also have a Monitoring Desk Audit for both programmatic and financial. The programs will be monitored on March 5, 2025 while the financial monitor has not been scheduled yet. Director Ostmeyer provided an update for Professional Development: Annual Consultations will be February 24-28, 2025. Part of ESU 7's philosophy is to provide customized and innovative services, so Director Ostmeyer, Director Ellsworth, Director Clay and the respective service providers, meet via Zoom for an hour with the district's Superintendent, Principals and anyone else they invite. During this meeting, districts work through their customized service plan. Print Shop is updating their online ordering system and is in the process of testing and modifications. The launch date is tentatively between the first and middle of March 2025. Director Ellsworth provided an update for Network Operations: This is their planning time of year, and helped schools apply for e-rate category 2. This helps save schools around $100,000 a year. However, this is the last of five years for this program unless the government continues for another five years. Also spending time renewing group purchases and renewing the web filter that all our schools use. We are able to get the best price in the state because we brought the program to Nebraska. Cybersecurity is struggling, teachers are continuing to use the same password for everything. There's an initiative to put a device in schools to act as a hacker to find and fix problems in the process. Network Computer System Engineer Travis Kassing is working on network monitoring and load balancing. We have almost 100 virtual servers in the data center. We are planning on deploying this to schools in the summer months. Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley asked how the technology sessions during the Professional Development day went and if districts are still on board and moving forward with changes. Director Ellsworth said the main focus was launching the Lastpass, which is now starting to get national attention. There are 56 schools in Nebraska using it. However, this first year of LastPass is free, and we are approaching the second year, which means schools will have to pay for it. Board Member Dawn Lindsley asked to know what schools are utilizing LastPass that the Board Members represent. Director Clay is absent, no report. |
13.1. Goal Update
Administrator or Designee
Goal 1: By July 2025, the ESU 7 board will have advertised for a Chief Administrator, completed the initial process, sent a contract, hired and Chief Administrator, made the announcement, and begun the onboarding process.
Goal 3: By July 2025, the ESU 7 board will attend the corresponding school district board meetings at least once every two years to report the tailored services provided by ESU 7 and the outcomes measured.
Goal 4: By July 2025, the ESU 7 board will continue to use operationalized communication materials detailing tailored services and outcomes at scheduled visits to each district.
Board members Richard Stephens, Richard Luebbe, and Amy Blaser have not attended any professional development opportunities.
Administrator Elmshaeuser and Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley attended the East Butler board meeting last week. High Plains is being rescheduled. |
13.3. Personnel
Administrator or designee
All Classified/Non Certificated Hires and Resignations under this item. Not an action item.
New Hire:
The new Receptionist/Administrative Secretary provides a plethora of expertise & knowledge in graphic design.
13.4. Legislative Update
Administrator or Designee
During this item, the Administrator will provide a Legislative Update to members of the Board.
Administrator Elmshaeuser attended the hearing for LB 389 introduced by Senator Murman, on February 7, 2025. There was 1 proponent and many opponents. This bill eliminates the tax authority of ESUs. Dr. Polk was the first to testify and showed how the state has not fulfilled their promise to the ESUs in the last 11 years. It is unsure if the bill is still in committee or if it has moved to general file; there may be an amendment added before it moves.
Board Member Bob Arp asked about the national 504 program issue and where it's going. Administrator Elmshaeuser mentioned Title IX has reverted to 2020, what was proposed under the Biden Administration is out. The vouchers are being pushed again so the dollars going to public education can go to families to attend home school or private school. Adrian Smith is backing the bill. Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley asked if ESU 7 had lost any grants because of the recent federal changes. Administrator Elmshaeuser stated we have not. Director Ostmeyer clarified that Migrant is a program, not a grant. |
14. Committee Reports
Committee Chair
14.1. Buildings and Grounds Committee Report
Buildings and Grounds Committee Chair
The Buildings and Grounds Committee Chairperson Robert Arp will provide an update.
Committee Recommendation:
Board Member Bob Arp provided an update on the 3 big projects. The HVAC in the North Building is functioning but not completed yet. Contractors are still completing the punch lists. The Bridges construction is on schedule with a tentative completion date of April 1, 2025. For the playground, there is still discussion regarding surfacing. There has to be a certain amount of drainage per square footage of ground. All of this falls under city codes which we have to abide by. Board Member Bob Arp noted the price when receiving bids may be higher than expected due to new tariffs on steel and other building materials.
Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley asked why the pourable rubbery surface was not an option. Administrator Elmshaeuser stated it did not provide enough drainage. Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley asked if there was an option to petition the city. Administrator Elmshaeuser and Board President Doug Pauley reported the city has already allowed changes to the playground, and it was advised against petitioning for this change. Since the surface has to be permeable, turf or tiles were the option given, we have chosen tiles. |
14.2. Negotiations Committee Report
Negotiations Committee Chair
Reports of activities and discussions from the Negotiations Committee will take place during this item by Chairperson Richard Stephens.
Committee Recommendation:
Negotiation meeting is being rescheduled, no report.
15. Conference Report
Conference Attendees
Conference Attendees will report on their learnings.
Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley reported that she attended the NASB Legislative Conference with Administrator Elmshaeuser and Director Ostmeyer. Over 700 bills were proposed, and every bill proposed gets a hearing. The bill that affects ESU's the most is LB 389 regarding levy authority. Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley brought back NASB Membership Guides for the Board members.
Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley stated now is the time to reach out to senators regarding these bills that have been proposed. If you cannot testify in person, email is the quickest and allows the most information to be shared. Phone calls are still effective but may not present the information well enough depending on how well the individual taking notes captures the discussion. |
16. Adjournment
Board President or Designee
Board President Doug Pauley adjourned the meeting at 6:39 pm.