April 10, 2023 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order: This meeting is open to the public. An agenda for the meeting, kept continuously current, is available for public inspection in the office of the Superintendent of Schools.
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance:
1.2. Roll Call:
1.3. Announce Open Meetings Act Posting and Location: The Open Meetings Act is posted in the room in accordance with the law.
1.4. Approve the Agenda: The President approves the agenda as published or amended.
1.5. Approve Last Meeting's Minutes: Minutes of the March 13, 2023 regular board meeting, March 22, 2023 special board meeting and April 3, 2023 community meeting are attached.
1.6. Future Meeting Date/Time: The next regular meeting is scheduled for May 8, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
1.7. Public Comments:
2. Tobin Buchanan: Refinancing of Bonds:
3. Reports:
3.1. Curriculum Reports:
3.2. Counselor's Report:
3.3. Activities Director Report:
3.4. Principal's Report:
3.5. Superintendent's Report:
3.5.1. Discuss Football Field:
4. Action Items:
4.1. Approve contract for Audrey Wondercheck: Science/Art:
4.2. Approve Contract for Mikayla Martensen: Ag/FFA:
4.3. Approve wage increases for classified staff members:
4.4. Discuss and take necessary action: Math Curriculum:
4.5. Vote to amend the wrestling coop with Boone Central for the 2023-2024 school year:
4.6. Discussion with action to enter into a cooperative agreement with St. Edward Public Schools for NSAA Sanctioned sports activities beginning with the 2024-2025 school year:
4.7. Approve Rutt's Service Agreement:
4.8. Approve Superintendent Evaluation for Spring of 2023:
4.9. Accept Resignation:
4.10. Accept Treasurer's Report:
4.11. Payment of Claims:
5. Adjournment: