September 9, 2019 at 7:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order: Also present-Superintendent Shalikow, Principal Erin Forre, Christie Wallin, Brett Miller, Kylie Sweeter, Theresa Schmedding, Tami Kaufman, Katie Stone, Lorie Hodges, Abigail Pohlen and Tim Rossow.
1.1. President McCloud called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All members were present except for John Krueger.
1.2. President McCloud announced that a copy of the Open Meetings Act was posted in the room in accordance with the law.
1.3. President McCloud declared the agenda for the meeting approved as published.
1.4. Approve Last Meeting's Minutes:
1.5. Future Meeting Date/Time: The next regular meeting of the board of education is scheduled for October 14, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. A foundation meeting will proceed this meeting at 7:00 p.m.
1.6. Public Comments: Tami Kaufman addressed the board with questions about coop survey results and future decisions involving the coop.
2. Reports
2.1. New Staff Introduction: Lorie Hodges (head cook), Brett Miller (7-12 science), and Katie Stone (grade 3) introduced themselves to the board.
2.2. Curriculum Reports: A report was presented by Kylie Sweeter on the classes she is teaching this year and the number of students (both Newman Grove and Lindsay Holy Family) she has in each class, together with information on up-coming FFA participation numbers and activities.
2.3. Counselor's Report: Ms. Schmedding presented her report to the board.
2.4. Activities Director Report: Mr. Rossow reported to the board participation numbers and records to-date of athletic events.
2.5. Principal's Report: Mrs. Forre presented information to the board on LB399 Americanism Bill, parental contact, acadience reading and math benchmarks, MAPs testing, parent/teacher conferences and hosting a community literacy night.
2.6. Superintendent's Report: Mr. Shalikow reported on Nebraska Liquid Asset Fund balance, emails to the board from NASB and enrollment figures up-dated with the Albion News.
2.6.1. NLAF
2.6.2. NASB Monthly Update for September 2019
2.6.3. Enrollment Figures Update
3. Action Items
3.1. American Legion Memorial: Discussion only.
3.2. Newman Grove North & South N-45 Easement
3.3. 2019-2020 Amendment Coop Agreement
3.4. 2020-2022 Boone Central Coop Agreement
3.5. Approve 2019-2020 Budget
3.6. Closed Session - Strategy Session
3.7. Accept Treasurer's Report:
3.8. Payment of Claims
4. Adjournment