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February 17, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting

Regular Board
Attendance Taken on 2/17/2025 at 6:01 PM
Blaine Bolton Absent
Chance Bowers Present
Jennifer Freeman Present
Robert Germany Present
Shane Grange Absent
Brad Haiduk Present
Ashley Kelp Absent
Present: 4, Absent: 3
Regular Board
Attendance Taken on 2/17/2025 at 6:06 PM
Blaine Bolton Absent
Chance Bowers Present
Jennifer Freeman Present
Robert Germany Present
Shane Grange Present
Brad Haiduk Present
Ashley Kelp Absent
Present: 5, Absent: 2
Regular Board
Attendance Taken on 2/17/2025 at 6:47 PM
Blaine Bolton Absent
Chance Bowers Present
Jennifer Freeman Present
Robert Germany Present
Shane Grange Present
Brad Haiduk Present
Ashley Kelp Present
Present: 6, Absent: 1

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