January 7, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Organizational Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order:
2. Election of 2013 School Board Officials:
2.1. Chair
2.2. Vice-Chair
2.3. Clerk
2.4. Treasurer
3. Acknowledgment of Visitors:
4. Other Items as Brought Before the Board & Consideration of Agenda:
5. Consensus Items:
5.1. 2013
Official Depository
5.2. Official Newspaper
5.3. ISD #716 Authorization Resolution
5.4. Establish Mileage Reimbursement
5.5. Personnel
5.6. Student Enrollment
5.7. Donations
6. Discussion Items:
6.1. Superintendent Update
7. Action Items:
7.1. 2013 Regular Board Meeting Dates
7.2. Organizational Structure
7.3. Board Member Compensation
8. Upcoming Meetings:
9. Adjourn: