January 13, 2025 at 4:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Milford Public Schools Board of Education Information
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Mission Statement - Milford Public Schools will prepare all students to be successful citizens: Our Mission is fulfilled when all students read with comprehension, speak and write clearly, compute accurately, reason logically, understand and appreciate the fine arts, apply suitable strategies and habits of mind to solve problems, utilize technology to communicate and to understand information and behave morally.
This agenda contains a list of subjects known at the time of its distribution. A copy of the agenda reflecting any changes will be available for public inspection during normal business hours in the District Office. Except for items of an emergency nature, the agenda shall not be altered later than twenty-four hours before the meeting. The Board reserves the right to alter the order of items, as it deems necessary. |
1.1. Meeting Was Advertised in the January 9th Milford Times
2. Opening Procedures
2.1. Call to Order, Roll Call
2.2. Excuse Absent Board Member(s)
2.3. Open Meeting Law - Information concerning the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 84, Article 14 of Nebraska State Statutes, is posted on the bulletin board in the back of the meeting room
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Information concerning the Open Meeting Law, Chapter 84, Article 14 of Nebraska State Statutes, is posted on the bulletin board in the back of the meeting room. |
2.4. Additions to Agenda
2.5. Administer Board Member Oath of Office for Sydnie Carraher
Sydnie Carraher took the board member oath of office.
2.6. Review, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action to Elect the Board of Education Officers
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Current Officers:
Option #2
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
2.7. Appointment of Board of Education Committee Members by the Board President
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Per policy, the current board president will assign board members to committee positions.
President Welsch retained the current members of each committee. He appointed Sydnie Carraher to the policy committee.
2.8. Welcome and Introduction of Visitors
Sheila Miller - 6th Grade Teacher
2.9. Community Input
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This is the public’s opportunity to speak to items on the agenda. This is also the public’s opportunity to speak to other non-agenda topics concerning the school district - since it is not an agenda item the board cannot discuss or take action on the matter at this time. To be recognized, all participants must complete the Request to Address the Milford Board of Education Form. The District has established separate complaint procedures for any complaints, including complaints and concerns against individual employees. As such, the Board requests that this complaint process be followed before discussion with the Board takes place. Thank you for your participation. |
3. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3.1. Review, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action on the Minutes of Previous Meeting
3.2. Review, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action to Approve Payment of Claims
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General Fund for $182,192 |
3.3. Appoint Business Manager Tammy Salyer as Assistant Board of Education Secretary and Assistant District Treasurer
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Annual item
3.4. Designate KSB School Law as the School District’s Legal Counsel
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Annual Item
4. Reports
4.1. Review/Discuss Administrative Reports
Elementary Principal: Mrs. Hartman discussed the Book Worm program and that students received free books for completing the program. She thanked Mindy Miller for putting together Miller's Market.
Secondary Principal: Dr. Mowinkel congratulated students on their awards and accomplishments. He pointed out upcoming junior/senior high activities. Student Services Coordinator: Mr. Carlson discussed the January 6 staff in-service; district assessments; AQuESTT classifications; and ELA curriculum materials. Superintendent: Dr. Kubicek discussed online payments for gates and concessions; the WORDS project for K-3 literacy with UNL; and building and grounds update. He pointed out upcoming NASB and NRCSA training and future meetings. |
4.2. Review/Discuss Student Enrollment Report
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K-6 386 Students 7-8 133 Students 9-12 248 Students TOTAL K-12 767 Students An increase of 1 student since last month.
K-6 386 Students
7-8 133 Students 9-12 248 Students TOTAL K-12 767 Students An increase of 1 student since last month. |
4.3. Review/Discuss the Strategic Planning Process and Timeline
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Attached is the information for the upcoming strategic planning sessions. We have approximately 42 members on the committee. We have been working on a data book for members to review. If we have this completed by the board meeting, I will plan to provide a copy to you so you can preview the information.
Dr. Kubicek provided data for a strategic planning draft.
4.4. Review/Discuss Legislative Update
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I have provided a few documents for your review.
President Dave Welsch discussed tax relief plans.
4.5. Review/Discuss State Funding for Public Education
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Open discussion as needed. |
5. Board Commentary
President Welsch discussed the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.
6. Unfinished Business
7. New Business
7.1. Review the Following Policies and Procedures: 2001 Role of the Board of Education; Board Member Election Terms; Policy 2002 - Organization of the Board, Board Officers, Check Signing, and Committees; 2005 Conflict of Interest; 2007 Reimbursement and Miscellaneous Expenditures; 2008 Meetings; 2009 Public Participation in Board Meetings; AR: 2009.01 Request to Address the Board Form; 2012 Board Member Code of Ethics; 2014 Relationship with School Attorney; Annual Calendar of Meeting Topics, Annual Notices, and Annual Training Requirements.
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KSB Law recommends that we review these policies annually in January. If any updates/changes are discussed and recommended, we would have those recommendations as an agenda item at the February meeting.
The following policies were reviewed: 2001 Role of the Board of Education; Board Member Election Terms; Policy 2002 - Organization of the Board, Board Officers, Check Signing, and Committees; 2005 Conflict of Interest; 2007 Reimbursement and Miscellaneous Expenditures; 2008 Meetings; 2009 Public Participation in Board Meetings; AR: 2009.01 Request to Address the Board Form; 2012 Board Member Code of Ethics; 2014 Relationship with School Attorney; Annual Calendar of Meeting Topics, Annual Notices, and Annual Training Requirements.
7.2. Appoint Dr. Mitch Kubicek as District Representative for State and Federal Programs
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This is an annual item.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.3. Review, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action on Changes to Policy 2008 (Meetings) and Policy 3004.1 (Use of Federal Funds for Purchasing and Procurement)
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Both policy updates are required. I attached the memo from KSB explaining the policy changes. Below is a general summary.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8. Executive Session
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The Board of Education reserves the right to enter into Closed/Executive Session for 1) the protection of the public interest, or 2) the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and/or the individual has not requested a public meeting. When making a motion to enter into Closed/Executive Session, the member making the motion should be as specific as possible as to the reason(s) for executive session. |
8.1. Executive Session (if requested)
9. Adjourn
President Welsch adjourned the meeting at 5:21 p.m.