April 17, 2023 at 5:15 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
This School Board Meeting is available to watch via Live Stream by selecting the following link or by going to the "Falls High Journalism" youtube page.
Call to Order
1. Roll Call:
___ Jessica Crosby, Director ___ Toni Korpi, Clerk ___ Emily McGonigle, Director ___ Bruce Raboin, Treasurer ___ Tina Sather, Director ___ Roxanne Skogstad-Ditsch, Board Chair ___ JoAnn Smith, Vice Board Chair Non-Voting Members: ___ Kevin Grover, Superintendent ___ Mitch Erickson, Student Representative |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
1. Approve agenda as presented. Motion by __, second by __. Motion carried / failed.
Open Forum
1. Elk's Student's of the Month for April: Hailey Horne and Ezra McGonigle
2. Elk's Students of the Month for May: Autumn Davenport and Seth Lynch
3. Recognize Elen Windels for being a finalist in the 2023 competition for National Merit Scholarship awards.
4. Public Open Forum
Consent Agenda
Approve Consent Agenda as presented. Motion by __, second by __. Motion carried / failed. |
1. Approve past meeting minutes for the regular school board meeting on March 20, 2023 and special meeting on April 3, 2023.
2. Approve current accounts payable due in the amount of $595,318.97 .
3. Approve wire transfer for payment on March 14, 2023 to CFC UK in the amount of $8,012.95.
4. Approve payroll in the amount of $430,413.84 for pay periods March 24th and April 7th.
5. Accept resignation from Jarred Huffaker, Paraprofessional, effective March 10, 2023.
6. Approve hire of Brenda Crowe as Cafe Helper effective March 28, 2023.
7. Accept resignation of John MacLean, Fireman Custodian, effective March 10, 2023.
8. Approve the resignation of Tom Fuller as regular route bus driver effective March 10, 2023.
9. Approved the hire of Jenesa Balaski as Student Council Advisor for the 2023-2024 school year.
10. Approve the hire of Scott Klosner as Fireman effective May 3, 2023 with step placement at Year 6.
11. Approve the hire of Anthony Scholler as Summer Student Custodian with start date of May 15th.
12. Approve the hire of Adrion Mannausau as Summer Student Custodian with a start date of May 15, 2023.
13. Approve the hire of Brendyn Scholler as Summer Student Custodian with a start date of June 5, 2023.
14. Recognize Collin Hebner as a work experience participant (ie: volunteer employee) whom is paid through federal and state subsidized employment and training funds by JET (formerly Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training) gaining experience with our maintenance crew effective 4/10/23.
15. Acknowledge Jennifer Thompson moving to a Fireman custodian position effective March 13, 2023.
16. Accept resignation of Laurie Humbert, Secretary, effective April 28, 2023.
17. Accept the resignation of Sarah Peterson as Head Volleyball Coach effective immediately.
18. Accept the resignation of Andrea Kappelman as Assistant Volleyball Coach effective immediately.
19. Acknowledge resignation of Bill Mason effective June 30, 2023.
20. Approve hire of Jennifer McBride as Head Girls Swimming Coach for the 2023-2024 season.
21. Approve the hire of Ashley Mitchell as Assistant Girls Swimming Coach for the 2023-2024 season.
22. Approve the hire of Sheryl Hendrickson as Head Cross Country Coach for the 2023-2024 season.
23. Approve the hire of Jennifer Erickson as Assistant Cross Country Coach for the 2023-2024 season.
24. Approve the hire of Seth Ettestad as Head Football Coach for the 2023-2024 season.
25. Approve the hire of Jared Kostiuk as Assistant Football Coach for the 2023-2024 season.
26. Approve the hire of Jake Ettestad as Assistant Football Coach for the 2023-2024 season.
27. Approve the hire of Ariana Zahradka as Knowledge Bowl Advisor for the 2023-2024 season.
28. First reading of School Board Policy 529 - Staff Notification of Violent Behavior by Students
29. First reading of School Board Policy 532 - Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams
30. First reading of School Board Policy 601 - School District Curriculum and Instructional Goals
31. First reading of School Board Policy 602 - Organization of School Calendar and School Day
32. First reading of School Board Policy 608 - Instructional Services - Special Education
33. First reading of School Board Policy 613 - Graduation Requirements
34. First reading of School Board Policy 617 - School District Ensurance of Preparatory and High School Standards
35. First reading of School Board Policy 618 - Assessment of Student Achievement
36. First reading of School Board Policy 619 - Staff Development for Standards
37. First reading of School Board Policy 620 - Credit for Learning
38. First reading of School Board Policy 624 - Online Learning Options
39. First reading of School Board Policy 701 - Establishment and Adoption of School District Budget
40. Second reading of School Board Policy 416 - Drug and Alcohol Testing
41. Second reading of School Board Policy 417 - Chemical Use and Abuse
42. Second reading of School Board Policy 420 - Students and Employees with Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases and Certain Other Diseases
43. Second reading of School Board Policy 423 - Employee-Student Relationships
44. Second reading of School Board Policy 506 - Student Discipline
45. Second reading of School Board Policy 508 - Extended School Year for Certain Students with IEPs
46. Second reading of School Board Policy 515 - Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
47. Second reading of School Board Policy 525 - Violence Prevention
48. Second reading of School Board Policy 527 - Student Use and Parking of Motor Vehicles; Parols, Inspections, and Searches
49. Second reading of School Board Policy 528 - Student Parental, Family, and Marital Status Nondiscrimination
Action Items
1. Improving systems and structures to create a culture where all are welcome and supported.
1.a. Resolution Acceptance of Gifts and Donations. Motion by __, second by __. Motion carried / failed.
1.b. Resolution relating to the nonrenewal of the teaching contract of Kyle Schmidt, a probationary teacher. Motion by __, second by __. Motion carried / failed.
1.c. Resolution proposing to place Alex Mannausau on unrequested leave of absence at a .8180 FTE. Motion by __, second by __. Motion carried / failed.
2. Implementing data-driven teaching practices and staff collaboration to increase student academic success.
2.a. Develop a Policy Committee of three (3) board members to make recommendations for policy revisions to be brought to the board as a whole. Motion by __, second by __. Motion carried / failed.
Committee and Administrative Reports
1. Mitch Erickson, Student Representative
2. Melissa Tate, Elementary Principal
3. Tim Everson, Secondary Principal
4. Kevin Grover, Superintendent
5. Beth Slatinski, Community Education Director
6. Committee Reports:
6.a. Community Education Advisory Board
6.b. Recreation Commission
Closed Session
1. Closed meeting to review litigation strategy pertaining to a pending employee grievance, BMS Case No. 23-PA-1274, with School District legal counsel in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 13D.05, subdivision 3(b). Motion by ___, second by ___. Motion carried / failed.
2. Potential board action with respect to BMS Case No. 23-PA-1274. Motion by ___, second by ___. Motion carried / failed.
Reopen and Adjournment
Motion by ___, second by ___ to adjourn meeting at ___ pm. Motion carried / failed.
1. Motion by __, second by __ to reopen meeting at ___ p.m. Motion carried / failed.
2. Motion by __, second by __ to close meeting at ___ p.m. Motion carried / failed.