April 20, 2020 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
ZOOM Meeting Information:
1. Topic: School Board Meeting
Time: Apr 20, 2020 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://isd361.zoom.us/j/92509439355?pwd=SFVWWHZLa0lhUzV5VGhUV09kbWZiZz09 Meeting ID: 925 0943 9355 Password: 2ngvj5 Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 301 715 8592 US +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US Meeting ID: 925 0943 9355 Password: 830430 |
Call to Order
1. Roll Call:
Mike Holden___ Michelle Hebner___ Toni Korpi___ Jennifer Windels___ Ted Saxton___ Terry Murray____ Roxanne Skogstad-Ditsch___ Kevin Grover___ Ella Bahr-Jeffries, Student Rep_____ |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
1. Approve agenda as presented. Motion by __, second by __. Motion carried / failed.
Open Forum
1. Presentation of Elk's April Students of the Month: Keisha Kittelson and Cole Anderson
2. Presentation of Elk's May Students of the Month: Cassandra Mindl and Wyatt Leseman
3. Public Open Forum
Consent Agenda
Approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion by _____; second by _____. Motion carried / failed.
1. Approve past meeting minutes for the regular School Board meeting on Monday, March 16, 2020.
2. Approve current accounts payable due in amount of $943,268.49.
3. Approve payroll in the amount of $410,291.88 for pay periods March 27th and April10th.
4. Second reading of School Board Policy 601 - School Dist. Curriculum and Instructional Goals
5. Second reading of School Board Policy 613 - Graduation Requirements
6. Second reading of School Board Policy 615 - Testing Accomodations, Modifications, and Exemptions
7. Second reading of School Board Policy 620 - Credit for Learning
8. Second reading of School Board Policy 623 - Mandatory Summer School Instruction
9. Second reading of School Board Policy 703 - Annual Audit
10. Second reading of School Board Policy 720 - Vending Machines
11. Second reading of School Board Policy 721 - Uniform Grant Guidance Policy
12. Second reading of School Board Policy 802 - Disposition of Obsolete Equip. and Material
13. First reading of School Board Policy 103 - Complaints - Students, Parents, Other Persons
14. First reading of School Board Policy 104 - School District Mission Statement
15. First reading of School Board Policy 201 - Legal Status of the School Board
16. First reading of School Board Policy 202 - School Board Officers
17. First reading of School Board Policy 203 - Operation of the School Board - Governing Rules
18. First reading of School Board Policy 203.1 - School Board Procedures; Rules of Order
19. First reading of School Board Policy 203.2 - Order of the Regular School Board Meeting
20. First reading of School Board Policy 400 - Substitute Pay Policy
21. First reading of School Board Policy 806 - Crisis Management Policy
22. Approve Interquest Detection Canines Contract
23. Approve hire of Seth Bjornrud for asst. football coach for the school year 2020-21. This hire and payment for duties is contingent upon having a season. Payment will be prorated in the event that there is a shortened season due to COVID-19.
24. Approve the hire of Jennifer (JJ) McBride for head girls' swim coach for the 2020-21 school year. This hire and payment for duties is contingent upon having a season. Payment will be prorated in the event that there is a shortened season due to COVID-19.
25. Approve the hire of Ariana Cipriano for the asst girls' swim coach for the school year 2020-21. This hire and payment for duties is contingent upon having a season. Payment will be prorated in the event that there is a shortened season due to COVID-19.
26. Approve the hire of Michele McDonald for the head girls' hockey coach for the school year 2020-21. This hire and payment for duties is contingent upon having a season. Payment will be prorated in the event that there is a shortened season due to COVID-19.
27. Approve the hire of Kevin Erickson for the asst girls' hockey coach for the school year 2020-21. This hire and payment for duties is contingent upon having a season. Payment will be prorated in the event that there is a shortened season due to COVID-19.
28. Approve the hire of Jay Boyle for the head girls' basketball coach for the school year 2020-21. This hire and payment for duties is contingent upon having a season. Payment will be prorated in the event that there is a shortened season due to COVID-19.
29. Approve the hire of Steve Windels for the asst girls' basketball coach for the school year 2020-21. This hire and payment for duties is contingent upon having a season. Payment will be prorated in the event that there is a shortened season due to COVID-19.
30. Grant Administration the authority to alter Semester 2, 2020 grading system based on MDE guidance.
31. Approve elementary and high school sections as presented.
32. Approve Chromebook cart purchases.
33. Amend joint powers agreement between City of Int'l Falls and ISD 361 through June, 2021.
34. Approve the purchase of new lockers.
35. Approve the ordering of a school bus not to exceed $105,000.
36. Approve agreement with Northeast Service Cooperative for FES HVAC upgrade project at cost of $7,500. Project includes asbestos inspection, project design and management.
Action Items
1. Resolution Acceptance of Gifts and Donations. Motion by __, second by __. Motion carried / failed.
2. Adopt resolution for refunding of current bond and sale of new bond for FES boiler/HVAC project.
Administrative Reports
1. Melissa Tate, Elementary Principal
2. Tim Everson, Secondary Principal
3. Kevin Grover, Superintendent:
3.a. COVID-19 update and discussion.
3.b. Graduation.
3.c. School Pictures.
3.d. Qcomp - Star results.
3.e. New version of Boardbook.
4. Committee Reports:
4.a. Community Ed Advisory Board
4.b. Recreation Commission
4.c. Student Council
Motion by ___, second by ___ to adjourn meeting at ___ pm. Motion carried / failed.