April 15, 2019 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
Call to Order
1. Roll Call:
Mike Holden___ Michelle Hebner___ Toni Korpi___ Jennifer Windels___ Ted Saxton___ Terry Murray____ Roxanne Skogstad-Ditsch___ Kevin Grover___ Ella Bahr-Jefferis___ |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
1. Approve agenda as presented. Motion by __, second by __. Motion carried / failed.
Open Forum
1. Presentation of the Elk's March student of the month: Joe Glowack
2. Presentation of Elk's April student of the month: Georgie Slatinski and Garret Koenig
3. Presentation by MHS of teachers of the month.
4. Public Open Forum
Consent Agenda
Approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion by _____; second by _____. Motion carried / failed.
1. Approve past meeting minutes for the Regular School Board Meeting on March 18, 2019.
2. Approve current accounts payable due in amount of $701,889.67
3. Approve payroll in amount of $393,578.01 for pay periods March 29, 2019 and April 12, 2019.
4. Second Reading of School Board Policy 601 - School Dist. Curriculum and Inst. Goals
5. Second Reading of School Board Policy 603 - Curriculum Development
6. Second Reading of School Board Policy 604 - Instructional Curriculum
7. Second Reading of School Board Policy 613 - Graduation Requirements
8. Second Reading of School Board Policy 614 - School District Testing Plan and Procedure
9. Second Reading of School Board Policy Form 614 - Assurance of Test Security and Non-Disclosure
10. Second Reading of School Board Policy 615 - Testing Accommodations, Modifications
11. Second Reading of School Board Policy 616 - School District System Accountability
12. Second Reading of School Board Policy 618 - Assessment of Student Achievement
13. Second Reading of School Board Policy 619 - Staff Development for Standards
14. Second Reading of School Board Policy 802 - Disposition of Obsolete Equip. and Material
15. Adopt revised FY2019-2020 Calendar with additional in service day and corrections to exchange day in November and Thanksgiving Holiday for 2019.
16. Acknowledge Jennifer Erickson as volunteer Girls and Boys Track and Field Coach for the 2018-2019 season.
17. Acknowledge Ashley Goff as volunteer Softball coach for the 2018-2019 season.
18. Approve hire of Shelby Nosan as Head Volleyball coach for the 2019-2020 season.
19. Approve hire of Ashley Goff as Head Girls Swimming Coach for the 2019-2020 season.
20. Approve hire of Ariana Cipriano as Assistant Girls Swimming Coach for the 2019-2020 season.
21. Approve hire of Paul Hjelle as Head Cross Country Coach for the 2019-2020 season.
22. Approve hire of Sheryl Hendrickson as Assistant Cross Country Coach for the 2019-2020 season.
23. Approve termination of Courtney Olson, paraprofessional, effective April 10, 2019.
24. Approve a request for three days of unpaid leave by Justin Carney, paraprofessional, for May 28th - May 30th, 2019.
Action Items
1. Approve the following fiscal year 2019-2020 capital and long term facilities plan projects. Motion by ___, second by ___. Motion carried / failed.
1.a. Award roofing bid to Range Cornice & Roofing for Arena at cost NTE $59,699 and Pool at cost NTE $122,062.
1.b. Award library and elevator flooring bid to Studio B Flooring, previously known as Ballan Furniture, in amount of $9,690.
1.c. Approve the refurbishing of 255 lockers at FES with electrostatic painting and installation of plastic bottom inserts at cost of $32,546.
1.d. Approve purchase of 39 columns of athletic lockers for FHS girls locker room at a cost of $9,050.
1.e. Award phase II corridor ceiling project for FES to K&K Meyers at bid of $43,511.
1.f. Award phase II corridor ceiling project for FHS to K&K Meyers at bid of $63,289.
1.g. Award phase II corridor lighting project for FES to Kantor Electric at bid of $40,847.
1.h. Award phase II corridor lighting project for FHS to Kantor Electric at bid of $67,765.
1.i. Approve replacement of outside lighting posts in the student and faculty parking lots at both FHS and FES by Kantor Electric for cost of $16,000.
2. Resolution Acceptance of Gifts and Donations. Motion by __, second by __. Motion carried / failed.
3. Resolution Adopting Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy for Tax-exempt and Tax-advantaged Governmental Bonds. Motion by ___, second by ___. Motion carried / failed.
4. Award the RFP for Student School Picture Package to Lifetouch for the 2019-2020 school year with potential to renew contract up to four additional years. Motion by ___, second by ___. Motion carried / failed.
5. Approve Memorandum of Understanding with regards to Seniority with L331. Motion by ___, second by ___. Motion carried / failed.
Administrative Reports
1. Melissa Tate, Elementary Principal
2. Tim Everson, Secondary Principal
3. Kevin Grover, Superintendent
4. Ella Bahr-Jefferis, Student Representative
5. Committee Reports:
5.a. Community Ed Advisory Board
5.b. Recreation Commission
Motion by ___, second by ___ to adjourn meeting at ___ pm. Motion carried / failed.